Maven定義了不少archetype,能夠用命令mvn archtype:generate 得到列表,而後更具體提示選擇比較適合你的項目骨架。html
Maven Archetypes 的功能如同Velocity模板中替換變量,並根據package名等設置擴展java文件的目錄結構。apache
1、用 mvn archetype:create-from-project 從已有的項目生成Archetype模板到 target/generated-sources/archetype。app
處理過程當中,archetype plugin 要找到package name和變量,將變量轉爲符號,將目錄結構和一些文件作拷貝操做。maven
2、cd target/generated-sources/archetype,而後用mvn install 將Archetype模板安裝到本地maven倉庫裏。ide
三、再你要建立新工程的目錄裏用mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local命令 ,按照提示輸入項目名,package名等變量,即生成項目工具
Maven provides several Archetype artifacts:
Archetype ArtifactIds | Description |
maven-archetype-archetype | An archetype which contains a sample archetype. |
maven-archetype-j2ee-simple | An archetype which contains a simplifed sample J2EE application. |
maven-archetype-mojo | An archetype which contains a sample a sample Maven plugin. |
maven-archetype-plugin | An archetype which contains a sample Maven plugin. |
maven-archetype-plugin-site | An archetype which contains a sample Maven plugin site. |
maven-archetype-portlet | An archetype which contains a sample JSR-268 Portlet. |
maven-archetype-quickstart | An archetype which contains a sample Maven project. |
maven-archetype-simple | An archetype which contains a simple Maven project. |
maven-archetype-site | An archetype which contains a sample Maven site which demonstrates some of the supported document types like APT, XDoc, and FML and demonstrates how to i18n your site. |
maven-archetype-site-simple | An archetype which contains a sample Maven site. |
mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=[your project's group id] -DartifactId=[your project's artifact id] -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-j2ee-simple