如下載簡體中文的Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1(64-bit)的IE10爲例,下載後直接進行安裝IE10(注意Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1是沒法上網的,便是離線狀態),等安裝即將完成的時候會提示須要聯機到互聯網上進行IE10的WINDOWS補丁更新,沒法上網固然是安裝失敗,所以如何解決這個問題呢?能夠經過事先安裝相應的補丁,以後再安裝IE10後重啓計算機,便可成功離線安裝VS 2013了,具體有4個更新補丁,下載地址以下:app
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Step 1: Make sure that Service Pack 1 or later is installed
Step 2: Make sure that your system meets the minimum operating system requirements
Step 3: Make sure that you have prerequisite updates installed
Install prerequisite updates from Windows Update
To do this, follow these steps:
- Open Windows Update by clicking the Start button. In the search box, type Update, and then, in the list of results, clickWindows Update.
- In the navigation pane (on the left), click Check for updates.
- Click <Number> important updates are available in the Windows Update window to check whether Internet Explorer 10 or 11 is included in the list of available updates. If Internet Explorer 10 or 11 is in the list, clear the check box to exclude it before you install the other updates.
Note If you receive an error message during the Windows Update process, see Fix the problem when Windows Update is not working.
- Restart the computer.
If you can’t install the updates through Windows Update, install them manually
Step 4: Make sure that you use the correct installer version
Suggestion We suggest that you disable antispyware and antivirus software before you install Internet Explorer 10. This action may lower security settings on your computer. If you do this, take any appropriate additional steps to help protect the computer, and then re-enable the antispyware or antivirus software after you install Internet Explorer.
To install Internet Explorer 10, use one of the following links to download the correct Internet Explorer 10 installer for your version of Windows. Don't know which version of Windows your system is running?
Note Also make sure that you select the appropriate installer for the language version of Windows that you're running. If you use the English version of the installer with a non-English version of Windows, the installation process will proceed in English. However, the installed program will match the language version of Windows that you're running.
軟件人生: http://www.cnblogs.com/nbpowerboy/p/3383992.html
官方文章: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2820688