左邊代碼段爲低特權級代碼段,利用調用門以及call指令(遠調用)能夠進入右邊高特權級代碼段,最後利用return (跳轉指令)far返回低代碼段。
調用門的特權級跳轉-經過遠調用(call far):低特權級到高特權級;經過遠返回(retf):高特權級到低特權級。
左邊代碼將ax bx寄存器值壓入棧,經過call指令直接調用段中func函數,call以後程序轉入func入口處執行,在此過程當中,eip寄存器會被壓入棧中,當ret指令執行時,從棧頂將eip寄存器以前的值拿出,恢復到eip寄存器中,執行完畢,程序執行流成功執行。
%include "inc.asm" org 0x9000 jmp ENTRY_SEGMENT [section .gdt] ; GDT definition ; 段基址, 段界限, 段屬性 GDT_ENTRY : Descriptor 0, 0, 0 CODE32_DESC : Descriptor 0, Code32SegLen - 1, DA_C + DA_32 + DA_DPL3 VIDEO_DESC : Descriptor 0xB8000, 0x07FFF, DA_DRWA + DA_32 + DA_DPL3 DATA32_DESC : Descriptor 0, Data32SegLen - 1, DA_DR + DA_32 + DA_DPL3 STACK32_DESC : Descriptor 0, TopOfStack32, DA_DRW + DA_32 + DA_DPL3 ; GDT end GdtLen equ $ - GDT_ENTRY GdtPtr: dw GdtLen - 1 dd 0 ; GDT Selector Code32Selector equ (0x0001 << 3) + SA_TIG + SA_RPL3 VideoSelector equ (0x0002 << 3) + SA_TIG + SA_RPL3 Data32Selector equ (0x0003 << 3) + SA_TIG + SA_RPL3 Stack32Selector equ (0x0004 << 3) + SA_TIG + SA_RPL3 ; end of [section .gdt] TopOfStack16 equ 0x7c00 [section .s16] [bits 16] ENTRY_SEGMENT: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ss, ax mov sp, TopOfStack16 ; initialize GDT for 32 bits code segment mov esi, CODE32_SEGMENT mov edi, CODE32_DESC call InitDescItem mov esi, DATA32_SEGMENT mov edi, DATA32_DESC call InitDescItem mov esi, STACK32_SEGMENT mov edi, STACK32_DESC call InitDescItem ; initialize GDT pointer struct mov eax, 0 mov ax, ds shl eax, 4 add eax, GDT_ENTRY mov dword [GdtPtr + 2], eax ; 1. load GDT lgdt [GdtPtr] ; 2. close interrupt cli ; 3. open A20 in al, 0x92 or al, 00000010b out 0x92, al ; 4. enter protect mode mov eax, cr0 or eax, 0x01 mov cr0, eax ; 5. jump to 32 bits code ; jmp dword Code32Selector : 0 push Stack32Selector ; 目標棧段選擇子 push TopOfStack32 ; 棧頂指針位置 push Code32Selector ; 目標代碼段選擇子 push 0 ; 目標代碼段偏移 retf ; esi --> code segment label ; edi --> descriptor label InitDescItem: push eax mov eax, 0 mov ax, cs shl eax, 4 add eax, esi mov word [edi + 2], ax shr eax, 16 mov byte [edi + 4], al mov byte [edi + 7], ah pop eax ret [section .dat] [bits 32] DATA32_SEGMENT: DTOS db "D.T.OS!", 0 DTOS_OFFSET equ DTOS - $$ Data32SegLen equ $ - DATA32_SEGMENT [section .s32] [bits 32] CODE32_SEGMENT: mov ax, VideoSelector mov gs, ax mov ax, Data32Selector mov ds, ax mov ax, Stack32Selector mov ss, ax mov eax, TopOfStack32 mov esp, eax mov ebp, DTOS_OFFSET mov bx, 0x0C mov dh, 12 mov dl, 33 call PrintString;打印 jmp $ ; ds:ebp --> string address ; bx --> attribute ; dx --> dh : row, dl : col PrintString: push ebp push eax push edi push cx push dx print: mov cl, [ds:ebp] cmp cl, 0 je end mov eax, 80 mul dh add al, dl shl eax, 1 mov edi, eax mov ah, bl mov al, cl mov [gs:edi], ax inc ebp inc dl jmp print end: pop dx pop cx pop edi pop eax pop ebp ret Code32SegLen equ $ - CODE32_SEGMENT [section .gs] [bits 32] STACK32_SEGMENT: times 1024 * 4 db 0 Stack32SegLen equ $ - STACK32_SEGMENT TopOfStack32 equ Stack32SegLen - 1
爲了更好了解從高特權級到低特權級的轉換,首先經過反編譯找到關鍵的跳轉指令,並設置斷點進行單步調試,如圖所示,在跳轉以前查看寄存器cx值,發現最後2爲0,繼續單步調試,在程序跳轉到[section .s32][bits 32]部分時,再對寄存器進行查看,發現此時cx寄存器的值的二級制最後兩位11,爲3。此時能夠得知從高特權級到低特權級進行了轉移。