百度地圖 百度座標 (BD-09)
騰訊地圖 火星座標(GCJ-02)
高德地圖 火星座標(GCJ-02)php
一、在作小程序 ---- 路線規劃以前,須要準備小程序APPID 以及相應使用地圖的KEY值。android
二、微信小程序API 之 位置 API wx.getLocation(OBJECT)、wx.chooseLocation(OBJECT)、wx.openLocation(OBJECT)的相應用法: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_37968920/article/details/82315755ios
一、高德地圖: 微信小程序-路線規劃,地圖導航功能基於高德地圖API官方文檔 https://lbs.amap.com/api/wx/guide/route/routeweb
二、百度地圖: 微信小程序JavaScript API -----http://lbsyun.baidu.com/index.php?title=wxjsapi (百度地圖路線規劃適用於:android / ios / web,故不適用,排除百度地圖)小程序
三、騰訊地圖: 微信小程序JavaScript SDK 路線規劃 --------- https://lbs.qq.com/qqmap_wx_jssdk/method-direction.html微信小程序
高德地圖-路線規劃開發:根據官方文檔demo進行開發 :https://lbs.amap.com/api/wx/guide/route/route
var markesName = "markers[" + 0 + "].name"; that.setData({ [markesName]: name, })
var amapFile = require('../../libs/amap-wx.js'); var config = require('../../libs/config.js');
var config = { key: '1***********************' } module.exports.Config = config;
var amapFile = require('../../libs/amap-wx.js'); var config = require('../../libs/config.js'); const app = getApp() Page({ /** * 頁面的初始數據 */ data: { markers: [{ iconPath: "../../img/mapicon_navi_s.png", id: 0, latitude: 39.989643, longitude: 116.481028, width: 23, height: 33 }, { iconPath: "../../img/mapicon_navi_e.png", id: 0, latitude: 39.90816, longitude: 116.434446, width: 24, height: 34 }], distance: '', cost: '', state: 0, polyline: [] }, /** * 生命週期函數--監聽頁面加載 */ onLoad: function(options) { console.log(11); var that = this wx.showLoading({ title: "定位中", mask: true }) wx.getLocation({ type: 'gcj02', altitude: true, //高精度定位 success: function(res) { console.info(res); var latitude = res.latitude var longitude = res.longitude var speed = res.speed var accuracy = res.accuracy that.setData({ markers: [{ name: '當前位置', latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude }, { name: '您要去哪兒?', latitude: '', longitude: '' }] }) }, fail: function() { wx.showToast({ title: "定位失敗", icon: "none" }) }, complete: function() { wx.hideLoading() } }) }, getFormAddress: function() { var that = this; wx.chooseLocation({ success: function(res) { console.log(res); var name = res.name var address = res.address var latitude = res.latitude var longitude = res.longitude var markesName = "markers[" + 0 + "].name"; var markesLatitude = "markers[" + 0 + "].latitude"; var markeslongitude = "markers[" + 0 + "].longitude"; var markesiconPath = "markers[" + 0 + "].iconPath"; that.setData({ [markesName]: name, [markesLatitude]: latitude, [markeslongitude]: longitude, [markesiconPath]: "../../img/mapicon_navi_s.png" }) console.log('address1', that.data); }, fail: function() { wx.showToast({ title: '定位失敗', icon: "none" }) }, complete: function() { //隱藏定位中信息進度 wx.hideLoading() } }) }, getToAddress: function() { var that = this; wx.chooseLocation({ success: function(res) { console.log(res); var name = res.name var address = res.address var latitude = res.latitude var longitude = res.longitude var markesName = "markers[" + 1 + "].name"; var markesLatitude = "markers[" + 1 + "].latitude"; var markeslongitude = "markers[" + 1 + "].longitude"; var markesiconPath = "markers[" + 1 + "].iconPath"; that.setData({ [markesName]: name, [markesLatitude]: latitude, [markeslongitude]: longitude, [markesiconPath]: "../../img/mapicon_navi_e.png" }) console.log('address1', that.data); }, fail: function() { wx.showToast({ title: '定位失敗', icon: "none" }) }, complete: function() { //隱藏定位中信息進度 wx.hideLoading() } }) }, /** * 肯定 */ getSure: function() { var that = this; var origin = that.data.markers[0].longitude + ',' + that.data.markers[0].latitude; var destination = that.data.markers[1].longitude + ',' + that.data.markers[1].latitude; app.origin = origin; app.destination = destination; console.log('origin', origin); console.log('destination', destination); var key = config.Config.key; var myAmapFun = new amapFile.AMapWX({ key: key }); myAmapFun.getDrivingRoute({ origin: origin, destination: destination, // origin: '116.481028,39.989643', // destination: '116.434446,39.90816', success: function(data) { var points = []; if (data.paths && data.paths[0] && data.paths[0].steps) { var steps = data.paths[0].steps; for (var i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) { var poLen = steps[i].polyline.split(';'); for (var j = 0; j < poLen.length; j++) { points.push({ longitude: parseFloat(poLen[j].split(',')[0]), latitude: parseFloat(poLen[j].split(',')[1]) }) } } } that.setData({ state: 1, polyline: [{ points: points, color: "#0091ff", width: 6 }] }); if (data.paths[0] && data.paths[0].distance) { that.setData({ distance: data.paths[0].distance + '米' }); } if (data.taxi_cost) { that.setData({ cost: '打車約' + parseInt(data.taxi_cost) + '元' }); } console.log('that', that); } }) }, /** * 詳情頁 */ goDetail: function() { var that = this; wx.navigateTo({ url: '../detail/detail' }) } })
<view class="map_title"> <view bindtap='getFormAddress'> 出發地:<input placeholder="出發地" type="text" name="" bindinput="" value='{{markers[0].name}}' /> </view> <view bindtap='getToAddress'> 目的地:<input placeholder="目的地" type="text" name="" bindinput="" value='{{markers[1].name}}' /> </view> <button bindtap = 'getSure'>肯定</button> </view> <view wx:if="{{state==1}}"> <view class="map_box"> <map id="navi_map" longitude="{{markers[0].longitude}}" latitude="{{markers[0].latitude}}" scale="12" markers="{{markers}}" polyline="{{polyline}}"></map> </view> <view class="text_box"> <view class="text">{{distance}}</view> <view class="text">{{cost}}</view> <view class="detail_button" bindtouchstart="goDetail">詳情</view> </view> </view>
.flex-style{ display: -webkit-box; display: -webkit-flex; display: flex; } .flex-item{ height: 35px; line-height: 35px; text-align: center; -webkit-box-flex: 1; -webkit-flex: 1; flex: 1 } .flex-item.active{ color:#0091ff; } .map_title{ position:absolute; top: 10px; bottom: 110px; left: 0px; right: 0px; } .map_btn{ position:absolute; top: 120px; bottom: 220px; left: 0px; right: 0px; } .map_box{ position:absolute; top: 160px; bottom: 90px; left: 0px; right: 0px; } #navi_map{ width: 100%; height: 100%; } .text_box{ position:absolute; height: 90px; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; } .text_box .text{ margin: 15px; } .detail_button{ position:absolute; bottom: 30px; right: 10px; padding: 3px 5px; color: #fff; background: #0091ff; width:50px; text-align:center; border-radius:5px; }
var amapFile = require('../../libs/amap-wx.js'); var config = require('../../libs/config.js'); const app = getApp() Page({ data: { steps: {} }, onLoad: function () { var that = this; var key = config.Config.key; var myAmapFun = new amapFile.AMapWX({ key: key }); myAmapFun.getDrivingRoute({ origin: app.origin, destination: app.destination, success: function (data) { if (data.paths && data.paths[0] && data.paths[0].steps) { that.setData({ steps: data.paths[0].steps }); } }, fail: function (info) { } }) } })
<view class="text_box" wx:for="{{steps}}" wx:for-item="i" wx:key="j"> {{i.instruction}} </view>