goopen: function (e) { //獲取當前內容的標識id,保存,方便進入查詢 var id = e.currentTarget.id wx.setStorageSync('id', id) wx.navigateTo({ url: '../detail/detail', }); },
//取出標識id,查詢 var id = wx.getStorageSync('id') // 查詢數據,初始化數據和判斷值wy db.collection('bao').where({ _id: id }).get()
//分享 onShareAppMessage: function () { var detailId = this.data.detail._id var id = wx.getStorageSync('id') return { title: '我要點爆', desc: '幫我點爆', path: '/pages/detail/detail?id=' + id + "1", } }
<!--pages/detail/detail.wxml--> <block wx:if="{{detail.text}}"> <view class="the_top"> <view class="top_left"> <text space="ensp">性 別:</text> <text>情緒顏色:</text> <text>點爆類型:</text> <text>點爆方式:</text> <text>點爆時間:</text> </view> <view class="top_right"> <text>{{detail.gender}}</text> <text>{{detail.wmood}}</text> <text>文爆</text> <text>{{detail.wway}}</text> <text>{{detail.time}}</text> </view> </view> <view class="the_mid"> <scroll-view scroll-y="true" scroll-x="false" scroll-with-animation="true"> <view> <text>{{detail.text}}</text> </view> <block wx:if="{{detail.baofilename}}"> <view class="yuimage"> <image src="/images/yuyin4.png" bindtap="playtwo"></image> </view> </block> </scroll-view> </view> <view class="the_button"> <button bindtap="boost">{{boostText}}</button> </view> <view class="the_bottom"> <view class="bottom_one"> <image src="/images/re.png"></image> <text>{{temperature}}</text> </view> <view class="bottom_two" bindtap="collect"> <image src="{{collectimage}}"></image> <text>{{collectText}}</text> </view> </view> </block> <block wx:if="{{detail.filename}}"> <view class="the_top"> <view class="top_left"> <text space="ensp">性 別:</text> <text>情緒顏色:</text> <text>點爆類型:</text> <text>點爆方式:</text> <text>點爆時間:</text> </view> <view class="top_right"> <text>{{detail.gender}}</text> <text>{{detail.ymood}}</text> <text>音爆</text> <text>{{detail.yway}}</text> <text>{{detail.time}}</text> </view> </view> <view class="the_mid"> <view class="yuyin"> <image src="/images/yuyin3.png" class="image1 {{im1?'bb':''}}" bindtap="playone"></image> <block wx:if="{{detail.baofilename}}"> <image src="/images/yuyin4.png" class="image2 {{im2?'bb':''}}" bindtap="playtwo"></image> </block> </view> </view> <view class="the_button"> <button bindtap="boost">{{boostText}}</button> </view> <view class="the_bottom"> <view class="bottom_one"> <image src="/images/re.png"></image> <text>{{temperature}}</text> </view> <view class="bottom_two" bindtap="collect"> <image src="{{collectimage}}"></image> <text>{{collectText}}</text> </view> </view> </block>
const db = wx.cloud.database(); var _innerAudioContext; Page({ data: { detail: {},//存儲數據 userInfo: {}, temperature: 0,//熱度 boost: true,//判斷是助爆仍是取消助爆 boostText: '助爆',//控制助爆按鈕 wy: 1,//判斷是文爆仍是音爆,爲相應數據庫更新 collectimage: '/images/shoucang.png',//收藏圖標 collectText: '收藏',//判斷收藏文字變化 fileIDd: '',//爆炸之音 fileIDy: '',//語音 theplay: true,//判斷是否在播放聲音, im1: false,//控制顯示語音播放樣式 im2: false, boostNumber: 0, }, //助爆 boost: function () { //向助爆表中增長,傳入這兩個值方便保存,和查找刪除 var detailId = this.data.detail._id var openId = wx.getStorageSync('openId') if (this.data.boost) { //調用雲函數,修改熱度數量,向雲函數傳值,對bao數據庫更新 wx.cloud.callFunction({ name: 'updateBoost', data: { id: this.data.detail._id, temperature: this.data.temperature, boost: this.data.boost, detailId: detailId, openId: openId }, success: res => { var detailId = this.data.detail._id db.collection('boost').add({ data: { detailId: detailId }, success: function () { console.log('增長成功') }, fail: function (e) { console.error(e) } }) this.setData({ boost: false, boostText: '已助爆', temperature: this.data.temperature + 10 }) wx.showToast({ title: '助爆成功', }) } }) } else { //調用雲函數,修改熱度數量,向雲函數傳值 wx.cloud.callFunction({ name: 'updateBoost', data: { id: this.data.detail._id, temperature: this.data.temperature, boost: this.data.boost, detailId: detailId, openId: openId }, success: res => { this.setData({ boost: true, boostText: '助爆', temperature: this.data.temperature - 10 }) wx.showToast({ title: '已取消助爆', }) } }) } }, //收藏按鈕 collect: function () { //在異步success中不能用this要用var that var that = this var detailId = this.data.detail._id //變換收藏 if (this.data.collectText == '收藏') { var img = '/images/usercang.png' var detailId = this.data.detail._id db.collection('collect').add({ data: { detailId: detailId }, success: function () { that.setData({ collectimage: img, collectText: '已收藏' }) console.log('收藏成功') }, fail: function (e) { console.log(e) } }) } else { var img = '/images/shoucang.png' wx.cloud.callFunction({ name: 'removeCollect', data: { id: this.data.detail._id, openId: wx.getStorageSync('openId') }, success: res => { that.setData({ collectimage: img, collectText: '收藏' }) console.log('取消收藏') } }) } }, //第一個語音按鈕播放 playone: function () { if (this.data.theplay) { this.setData({ theplay: false, im1: true, }) const innerAudioContext = wx.createInnerAudioContext() _innerAudioContext = innerAudioContext innerAudioContext.autoplay = true innerAudioContext.src = this.data.detail.fileIDy innerAudioContext.onPlay(() => { console.log('開始播放') }), innerAudioContext.onEnded(() => { this.setData({ theplay: true, im1: false, }) }) innerAudioContext.onError((res) => { console.log(res.errMsg) }) } }, //第二個語音按鈕播放 playtwo: function () { if (this.data.theplay) { this.setData({ theplay: false, im2: true, }) const innerAudioContext = wx.createInnerAudioContext() _innerAudioContext = innerAudioContext innerAudioContext.autoplay = true innerAudioContext.src = this.data.detail.fileIDd innerAudioContext.onPlay(() => { console.log('開始播放') }), innerAudioContext.onEnded(() => { this.setData({ theplay: true, im2: false, }) }) innerAudioContext.onError((res) => { console.log(res.errMsg) console.log(res.errCode) }) } }, //若是頁面被卸載時被執行,關掉全部正在播放的語音 onUnload: function () { if (_innerAudioContext){ _innerAudioContext.stop(); } }, //查詢出點爆數據,並初始化各個須要用的參數 onLoad: function () { wx.showLoading({ title: '加載中', mask: true }) var that = this //取出標識id,查詢 var id = wx.getStorageSync('id') // 查詢數據,初始化數據和判斷值wy db.collection('bao').where({ _id: id }).get({ success: res => { var wy = 1 if (res.data[0].text) { wy = 1 } else { wy = 2 } that.setData({ detail: res.data[0], temperature: res.data[0].temperature, wy: wy }) //查詢當前文章是否是當前用戶已經收藏的,若是是變換收藏圖標 db.collection('collect').where({ _openid: wx.getStorageSync('openId'), detailId: this.data.detail._id }).get({ success(res) { //若是返回值存在且有數據 if (res.data && res.data.length > 0) { var img = '/images/usercang.png' that.setData({ collectimage: img, collectText: '已收藏' }) } } }) //查詢當前文章是否是當前用戶已經助爆 db.collection('boost').where({ _openid: wx.getStorageSync('openId'), detailId: this.data.detail._id }).get({ success(res) { //結束加載按鈕 wx.hideLoading() //若是返回值存在且有數據 if (res.data && res.data.length > 0) { that.setData({ boost: false, boostText: '已助爆' }) } } }) } }); }, //分享 onShareAppMessage: function () { var detailId = this.data.detail._id var id = wx.getStorageSync('id') return { title: '我要點爆', desc: '幫我點爆', path: '/pages/detail/detail?id=' + id + "1", } } })
字段名 | 數據類型 | 主鍵 | 非空 | 描述 |
_id | String | 是 | 是 | ID |
_openid | String | 是 | 用戶惟一標識 | |
time | String | 用戶簽到時間 |
// 雲函數入口文件 const cloud = require('wx-server-sdk') cloud.init() //聲明數據庫 const db = cloud.database() // 雲函數入口函數 exports.main = async (event, context) => { //取得傳過來的參數 var temperature = event.temperature, id = event.id, boost = event.boost, detailId = event.detailId, openId = openId; if (boost) { temperature = temperature + 10 } else { temperature = temperature - 10 try { db.collection('boost').where({ openId: openId, detailId: detailId, }).remove() } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } try { return await db.collection('bao').where({ _id: id }).update({ data: { temperature: temperature }, success: res => { console.log('雲函數成功') }, fail: e => { console.error(e) } }) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } }
// 雲函數入口文件 const cloud = require('wx-server-sdk') cloud.init() //聲明數據庫 const db = cloud.database() // 雲函數入口函數 exports.main = async (event, context) => { //取得傳過來的參數 var openId = event.openId, id = event.id; try { return await db.collection('collect').where({ _openid: openId, detailId: id }).remove() } catch (e) { console.error(e) } }