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- 支持多平臺(unity editor, exe, Android, iOS, WP...).
- 一鍵開關日誌(開發模式時開啓日誌,發佈模式時一鍵關閉).
- 是否將日誌打印到屏幕(即使不鏈接Android studio,xcode也能夠查看日誌)
- 是否記錄日誌到text(默認路徑是persistentdatapath,能夠在程序崩潰時查看日誌)
- 自動將時間戳添加到日誌.
- 屏幕顯示堆棧信息或記錄堆棧信息到text.
- 全部功能都在一個dll中,能夠直接複製到工程使用.
若是使用Debuger.Log or Debuger.LogWarnning or Debuger.LogError打印日誌, 你能夠一鍵關閉這些日誌Debuger.EnableHiDebugLogs(false).git
- 點擊每一條日誌能夠顯示其堆棧信息.
- 勾選 log 或 warnning 或 error 只顯示此類型的日誌.
- 清空屏幕上的全部日誌.
- 關閉日誌展現面板
- 設置屏幕上字體大小.
void Start() { Use_Debug(); Use_Debuger(); } /// <summary> /// use debuger, you can enable or disable logs just one switch /// and also it automatically add time to your logs /// </summary> void Use_Debuger() { //you can set all debuger's out put logs disable just set this value false(pc,android,ios...etc) //it's convenient in release mode, just set this false, and in debug mode set this true. Debuger.EnableHiDebugLogs(true); //Debuger.EnableHiDebugLogs(false); Debuger.EnableOnText(true); Debuger.EnableOnScreen(true); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Debuger.Log(i); Debuger.LogWarning(i); Debuger.LogError(i); } } /// <summary> /// if you donnt want use Debuger.Log()/Debuger.LogWarnning()/Debuger.LogError() /// you can still let UnityEngine's Debug on your screen or write them into text /// </summary> void Use_Debug() { Debuger.EnableOnText(true); Debuger.EnableOnScreen(true); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Debug.Log(i); Debug.LogWarning(i); Debug.LogError(i); } }
[SerializeField] private bool _isLogOn;//set this value from inspector [SerializeField] private bool _isLogOnText; [SerializeField] private bool _isLogOnScreen; // Use this for initialization void Start() { Debuger.EnableHiDebugLogs(_isLogOn); Debuger.EnableOnText(_isLogOnText); Debuger.EnableOnScreen(_isLogOnScreen); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Debuger.Log(i); Debuger.LogWarning(i); Debuger.LogError(i); } Debuger.FontSize = 20;//set size of font }
使用unity引擎的Debug.Log, 仍然能夠打印日誌到屏幕,或者記錄到text.3d
[SerializeField] private bool _isLogOnText; [SerializeField] private bool _isLogOnScreen; // Use this for initialization void Start() { Debuger.EnableOnText(_isLogOnText); Debuger.EnableOnScreen(_isLogOnScreen); //unity engine's debug.log for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Debug.Log(i); Debug.LogWarning(i); Debug.LogError(i); } }
support: hiramtan@live.com日誌