root@fe2e836e4470:/data# redis-cli -a pwd1 -n 11 keys \* |while read key > do > echo "Copying $key" > redis-cli -a pwd1 -n 11 --raw dump $key |head -c -1 \ > |redis-cli -h <dst_ip> -p 6379 -a pwd2 -n 30 -x restore $key 0 > done ## 寫成一行,以下: root@fe2e836e4470:/data# redis-cli -a pwd1 -n 11 keys \* |while read key; do echo "Copying $key"; redis-cli -a pwd1 -n 11 --raw dump $key |head -c -1 |redis-cli -h <dst_ip> -p 6379 -a pwd2 -n 30 -x restore $key 0; done
a. 點擊參考文檔中的 redis-shake ,下載 redis-shake.tar.gz 至本地github
b. 將下載好的 redis-shake.tar.gz 上傳至 redis所在的ECS,並拷貝至redis容器中redis
docker cp /tmp/redis-shake.tar.gz docker_redis_1:/data/docker
c. 解壓redis-shake.tar.gzjson
leyao-slb02 docker # docker-compose exec redis bash root@fe2e836e4470:/data# tar -xvf redis-shake.tar.gz root@fe2e836e4470:/data# ls -ahl drwxr-xr-x 3 redis root 4.0K Jun 21 07:37 . drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4.0K Jun 10 07:45 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 redis users 2.4K Jun 13 15:48 ChangeLog -rw-r--r-- 1 redis root 8.6K Jun 21 06:44 redis-shake.conf -rwxr-xr-x 1 redis users 11M Jun 13 15:48 redis-shake.linux64 -rw-r--r-- 1 redis root 3.7M Jun 21 06:01 redis-shake.tar.gz
d. 修改redis-shake配置文件vim
leyao-slb02 docker # docker-compose exec redis bash root@fe2e836e4470:/data# vim redis-shake.conf ... source.address = localhost:6379 source.password_raw = localRedisPwd target.address = r-uf65427cede42c14.redis.rds.aliyuncs.com:6379 target.password_raw = yourALIredisPwd ... # 其他參數保持默認
e. 使用以下命令進行遷移bash
leyao-slb02 docker # docker-compose exec redis bash root@fe2e836e4470:/data# ./redis-shake.linux64 -type=sync -conf=redis-shake.conf
f. 查看同步日誌確認同步狀態,當出現sync rdb done
root@fe2e836e4470:/data# ./redis-shake.linux64 -type=sync -conf=redis-shake.conf 2019/06/27 06:53:56 [WARN] ______________________________ \ \ _ ______ | \ \ / \___-=O'/|O'/__| \ redis-shake, here we go !! \_______\ / | / ) / / '/-==__ _/__|/__=-| -GM / / * \ | | / / (o) ------------------------------ if you have any problem, please visit https://github.com/alibaba/RedisShake/wiki/FAQ 2019/06/27 06:53:56 [INFO] redis-shake configuration: {"Id":"redis-shake","LogFile":"","LogLevel":"info","SystemProfile":9310,"HttpProfile":9320,"NCpu":0,"Parallel":32,"SourceType":"standalone","SourceAddress":"localhost:6379","SourcePasswordRaw":"bckBuqb5hDhCQfSr9eTVEYufn7gBxJ5k","SourcePasswordEncoding":"","SourceVersion":0,"SourceAuthType":"auth","SourceParallel":1,"SourceTLSEnable":false,"TargetAddress":"r-uf65427cede42c14.redis.rds.aliyuncs.com:6379","TargetPasswordRaw":"Karl@612500","TargetPasswordEncoding":"","TargetVersion":0,"TargetDBString":"-1","TargetAuthType":"auth","TargetType":"standalone","TargetTLSEnable":false,"RdbInput":["local"],"RdbOutput":"local_dump","RdbParallel":1,"RdbSpecialCloud":"","FakeTime":"","Rewrite":true,"FilterDB":"","FilterKey":[],"FilterSlot":[],"BigKeyThreshold":524288000,"Psync":false,"Metric":true,"MetricPrintLog":false,"HeartbeatUrl":"","HeartbeatInterval":3,"HeartbeatExternal":"test external","HeartbeatNetworkInterface":"","SenderSize":104857600,"SenderCount":5000,"SenderDelayChannelSize":65535,"KeepAlive":0,"PidPath":"","ScanKeyNumber":50,"ScanSpecialCloud":"","ScanKeyFile":"","Qps":200000,"ReplaceHashTag":false,"ExtraInfo":false,"SockFileName":"","SockFileSize":0,"SourceAddressList":["localhost:6379"],"TargetAddressList":["r-uf65427cede42c14.redis.rds.aliyuncs.com:6379"],"HeartbeatIp":"","ShiftTime":0,"TargetRedisVersion":"4.0.11","TargetReplace":true,"TargetDB":-1,"Version":"improve-1.6.7,678f43481a4826764ed71fedd744a7ee23736536,go1.10.3,2019-06-13_23:48:39"} 2019/06/27 06:53:56 [INFO] routine[0] starts syncing data from localhost:6379 to [r-uf65427cede42c14.redis.rds.aliyuncs.com:6379] with http[9321] 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] dbSyncer[0] rdb file size = 3429472 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] Aux information key:redis-ver value:5.0.5 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] Aux information key:redis-bits value:64 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] Aux information key:ctime value:1561618436 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] Aux information key:used-mem value:27379792 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] Aux information key:repl-stream-db value:0 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] Aux information key:repl-id value:6641200d52e448927a79ce3e0a3cec641302da7f 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] Aux information key:repl-offset value:0 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] Aux information key:aof-preamble value:0 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] db_size:1 expire_size:1 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] db_size:3 expire_size:1 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] db_size:9 expire_size:9 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] db_size:7 expire_size:4 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] db_size:6 expire_size:0 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] db_size:6 expire_size:0 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] Aux information key:lua value:-- Pop the first job off of the queue... local job = redis.call('lpop', KEYS[1]) local reserved = false if(job ~= false) then -- Increment the attempt count and place job on the reserved queue... reserved = cjson.decode(job) reserved['attempts'] = reserved['attempts'] + 1 reserved = cjson.encode(reserved) redis.call('zadd', KEYS[2], ARGV[1], reserved) end return {job, reserved} 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] Aux information key:lua value:-- Get all of the jobs with an expired "score"... local val = redis.call('zrangebyscore', KEYS[1], '-inf', ARGV[1]) -- If we have values in the array, we will remove them from the first queue -- and add them onto the destination queue in chunks of 100, which moves -- all of the appropriate jobs onto the destination queue very safely. if(next(val) ~= nil) then redis.call('zremrangebyrank', KEYS[1], 0, #val - 1) for i = 1, #val, 100 do redis.call('rpush', KEYS[2], unpack(val, i, math.min(i+99, #val))) end end return val 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] Aux information key:lua value:return redis.call('exists',KEYS[1])<1 and redis.call('setex',KEYS[1],ARGV[2],ARGV[1]) 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] dbSyncer[0] total=3429472 - 3429472 [100%] entry=35 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] dbSyncer[0] sync rdb done 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [WARN] dbSyncer[0] GetFakeSlaveOffset not enable when psync == false 2019/06/27 06:53:57 [INFO] dbSyncer[0] Event:IncrSyncStart Id:redis-shake 2019/06/27 06:53:58 [INFO] dbSyncer[0] sync: +forwardCommands=0 +filterCommands=0 +writeBytes=0 2019/06/27 06:53:59 [INFO] dbSyncer[0] sync: +forwardCommands=7 +filterCommands=0 +writeBytes=34 2019/06/27 06:54:00 [INFO] dbSyncer[0] sync: +forwardCommands=6 +filterCommands=0 +writeBytes=27
g. 登陸阿里雲Redis查看數據同步狀況