/* * this c file is a implementation of linear list * author: John Woods * date: 2015/5/3 * exclaim: anyone can use the file to any purpose */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <malloc.h> #define INIT_LEN 20 #define INCREMENT_SIZE 10 #define BOOL int /* define boolean type */ #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 /* linear list structure */ typedef struct LinearList { int * LL; int Length; int MaxLength; } * LinearList; /* menu */ void menu(); void insert(LinearList myLL); void delete(LinearList myLL); void prior(LinearList myLL); void next(LinearList myLL); void current(LinearList myLL); /* operations */ LinearList initList(); /* initial the linear list */ void destroyList(LinearList * p_myLL); /* destroy the linear list, the linear list must be exist */ void clearList(LinearList myLL); /* clear the linear list, the linear list must be exist */ BOOL listEmpty(LinearList myLL); /* if linear list is empty, return TRUE, else return FALSE, and the linear list must be exist */ BOOL getElem(LinearList myLL, int index, int * cur_e); /* return the value of list[i] in e, the linear list must be exist and i must between 0 and list.length-1 */ BOOL priorElem(LinearList myLLL, int index, int * pre_e); /* return the prior element of the list[i], the linear list must be exist */ BOOL nextElem(LinearList myLL, int index, int * next_e); /* return the next element of the list[i], the linear list must be exist */ void listInsert(LinearList myLL, int index, int e); /* insert a element of e int position of i, the linear list must be exist and the i must between 0 and list.length */ BOOL listDelete(LinearList myLL, int index, int * e); /* delete the element in position i, and return its value in e, the linear list must be exist */ void listTraverse(LinearList myLL); /* traverse the list with the function visit() */ BOOL listExist(LinearList myLL); void myflush(); int main(void) { int instruct = 0; LinearList myLL = NULL; while(TRUE) { menu(); while(!scanf("%d", &instruct)); switch(instruct) { case 1: myLL = initList(); myLL->Length = 0; myLL->MaxLength = INIT_LEN; break; case 2: listTraverse(myLL); break; case 3: insert(myLL); break; case 4: delete(myLL); break; case 5: prior(myLL); break; case 6: next(myLL); break; case 7: current(myLL); break; case 8: clearList(myLL); break; case 9: destroyList(&myLL); break; default: exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; } } return 0; } void menu() { printf("Please choose your operation:\n"); printf("\t| 1.initial a linear list 2.traverse the list\n"); printf("\t| 3.insert an element 4.delete an element\n"); printf("\t| 5.get the prior element 6.get the next element\n"); printf("\t| 7.get an element 8.clear the linear list\n"); printf("\t| 9.destroy the linear list 0.exit\n"); printf("Give me your choice:"); } void insert(LinearList myLL) { int index, e; char c,GoOn; if(FALSE == listExist(myLL)) { printf("Please initial the linear list first!\n"); return; } while(TRUE) { //while('\n'!=(c=getchar()) && EOF!=c); //clear the stdin stream printf("Input the insert position:"); while(!scanf("%d", &index)); while('\n'!=(c=getchar()) && EOF!=c); //clear the stdin stream printf("Input the insert value:"); while(!scanf("%d", &e)); listInsert(myLL, index, e); while('\n'!=(c=getchar()) && EOF!=c); //clear the stdin stream printf("Go on?(y/n) "); GoOn = getchar(); if(GoOn != 'y' && GoOn != 'Y' && GoOn != '\n') break; } } void delete(LinearList myLL) { int index, e; char c, GoOn; if(FALSE == listExist(myLL)) { printf("Please initial the linear list first!\n"); return; } while(TRUE) { while('\n'!=(c=getchar()) && EOF!=c); //clear the stdin stream printf("Please input the index for delete: "); scanf("%d", &index); if(listDelete(myLL, index, &e)) { printf("The deleted value is %d\n", e); } while('\n'!=(c=getchar()) && EOF!=c); //clear the stdin stream printf("Go on?(y/n) "); GoOn = getchar(); if(GoOn != 'y' && GoOn != 'Y' && GoOn != '\n') break; } } void prior(LinearList myLL) { int index, pre_e; char c; if(FALSE == listExist(myLL)) { printf("Please initial the linear list first!\n"); return; } while('\n'!=(c=getchar()) && EOF!=c); //clear the stdin stream printf("Please input the index: "); scanf("%d", &index); if(priorElem(myLL, index, &pre_e)) { printf("The value before position %d is %d\n", index, pre_e); } } void next(LinearList myLL) { int index, next_e; char c; if(FALSE == listExist(myLL)) { printf("Please initial the linear list first!\n"); return; } while('\n'!=(c=getchar()) && EOF!=c); //clear the stdin stream printf("Please input the index: "); scanf("%d", &index); if(nextElem(myLL, index, &next_e)) { printf("The value after position %d is %d\n", index, next_e); } } void current(LinearList myLL) { int index, cur_e; char c; if(FALSE == listExist(myLL)) { printf("Please initial the linear list first!\n"); return; } while('\n'!=(c=getchar()) && EOF!=c); //clear the stdin stream printf("Please input the index: "); scanf("%d", &index); if(getElem(myLL, index, &cur_e)) { printf("The value in position %d is %d", index, cur_e); } } LinearList initList() { LinearList myLL = (LinearList)malloc(sizeof(struct LinearList)); if(NULL == myLL) { printf("ERROR:Out of memeory\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } myLL->LL = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * INIT_LEN); if(NULL == myLL->LL) { printf("ERROR:Out of memory\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("The linear list has been initialized\n"); return myLL; } void destroyList(LinearList * p_myLL) { if(FALSE == listExist(*p_myLL)) { printf("Please initial the linear list first!\n"); return; } free((*p_myLL)->LL); (*p_myLL)->LL = NULL; free(*p_myLL); *p_myLL = NULL; printf("The list has been destroyed!\n"); } void clearList(LinearList myLL) { if(FALSE == listExist(myLL)) { printf("Please initial the linear list first!\n"); return; } if(FALSE == listEmpty(myLL)) { myLL->Length = 0; printf("Clear operation is successful!\n"); } } BOOL listEmpty(LinearList myLL) { if(0 == myLL->Length) { return TRUE; }else { return FALSE; } } BOOL getElem(LinearList myLL, int index, int * cur_e) { if(index <= myLL->Length && index >= 1) { *cur_e = *(myLL->LL + index - 1); return TRUE; }else { printf("You got wrong index!\n"); return FALSE; } } BOOL priorElem(LinearList myLL, int index, int * pre_e) { if(index > myLL->Length || index <= 1) { printf("You got wrong index!\n"); return FALSE; }else { *pre_e = *(myLL->LL + index - 2); return TRUE; } } BOOL nextElem(LinearList myLL, int index, int * next_e) { if(index >= myLL->Length || index <1) { printf("You got wrong index!\n"); return FALSE; }else { *next_e = *(myLL->LL + index); return TRUE; } } void listInsert(LinearList myLL, int index, int e) { int i; if((myLL->Length+1)>myLL->MaxLength) { myLL->LL = (int *)realloc(myLL->LL,sizeof(int) * (myLL->MaxLength + INCREMENT_SIZE)); myLL->MaxLength += INCREMENT_SIZE; } if(index > myLL->Length+1 || index<1) { printf("You got wrong position!\n"); return; }else { for(i=myLL->Length-1; i>=index-1; i--) { *(myLL->LL + i + 1) = *(myLL->LL + i); } *(myLL->LL + index - 1) = e; myLL->Length++; printf("Insert operation is successful!\n"); } } BOOL listDelete(LinearList myLL, int index, int * e) { int i; if(index > myLL->Length || index < 1) { printf("You got wrong index!\n"); return FALSE; }else { *e = *(myLL->LL + i - 1); for(i = index-1; i < myLL->Length-1; i++) { *(myLL->LL + i) = *(myLL->LL + i + 1); } myLL->Length--; printf("Delete operation is successful!\n"); return TRUE; } } void listTraverse(LinearList myLL) { int i; if(FALSE == listExist(myLL)) { printf("Please initial the linear list first!\n"); return; } printf("Length of the linear list is %d\n", myLL->Length); printf("Its elements are following:\n\t"); printf("HEAD->"); for(i=0; i<myLL->Length; i++) { printf("%d->", *(myLL->LL + i)); } printf("END\n"); } BOOL listExist(LinearList myLL) { if(NULL == myLL) return FALSE; else return TRUE; }
fflush(stdin); /* 該函數非標準庫函數,行爲未定義,使用此函數會犧牲代碼的可移植性 */ while('\n'!=(c=getchar()) && EOF!=c); /* 清空輸入緩衝區的替代語句 */