local oss = require "resty.oss" local oss_config = { accessKey = "your accessKey"; secretKey = "your secretKey"; bucket = "your bucket", endpoint = "your oss endpoint" -- 例如:oss-cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com } local client = oss.new(oss_config) local url = client:put_object("123", "text/html", "123.json") ngx.say(url) client:delete_object('123.json') client:put_bucket('test-bucket123') client:put_bucket_acl('test-bucket123', 'private') client:put_bucket_acl('test-bucket123', 'public-read') client:delete_bucket('test-bucket123')
local upload = require "resty.upload" local oss = require "resty.oss" -- 獲取上傳的文件 function readFile() local chunk_size = 4096 local form, err = upload:new(chunk_size) form:set_timeout(20000) local file = {} if not err then while true do local typ, res, err2 = form:read() if not typ then err = err2 print("failed to read: ", err2) break end if typ == 'header' and res[1] == 'Content-Disposition' then local filename = string.match(res[2], 'filename="(.*)"') file.name = filename end if typ == 'header' and res[1] == 'Content-Type' then file['type'] = res[2] end if typ == 'body' and file then file[typ] = (file[typ] or '') .. res end if typ == "eof" then break end end end return file, err end local file, err = readFile() local oss_config = { accessKey = "your accessKey"; secretKey = "your secretKey"; bucket = "your bucket", endpoint = "your oss endpoint" -- 例如:oss-cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com } local client = oss.new(oss_config) local url = client:put_object(file.body, file.type, file.name) ngx.say(url)
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Upload</title> </head> <body> <input id="fileupload" type="file"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://blueimp.github.io/jQuery-File-Upload/js/vendor/jquery.ui.widget.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://blueimp.github.io/jQuery-File-Upload/js/jquery.fileupload.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var url = '/hello'; $('#fileupload').fileupload({ url: url, dataType: 'text', done: function (e, data) { console.log('succcess', data); }, progressall: function (e, data) { console.log(data); } }) </script> </body> </html>
put_object 上傳文件github
delete_object 刪除文件web
put_bucket 建立bucketjson
put_bucket_acl 修改bucket權限
delete_bucket 刪除bucket
更多openresty lua相關內容能夠點擊這裏獲取