If you’re used to using terms like the stack and the heap, a local variable is allocated on the stack, while objects are allocated on the heap.ide
- (void)f { int a = 2; //Stack NSString *s = @"Hello"; //Heap }
Todo 等查找資料後再補上spa
id someObject = @"Hello, World!"; [someObject removeAllObjects];
運行時,編譯器會出現Runtime Error由於NSString對象不能響應removeAllObjects.code
NSString *someObject = @"Hello, World!"; [someObject removeAllObjects];
//基本類型 if (someInteger == 42) { // someInteger has the value 42 } //比較是不是同一個對象 if (firstPerson == secondPerson) { // firstPerson is the same object as secondPerson } //比較2個對象的內容是否相等 if ([firstPerson isEqual:secondPerson]) { // firstPerson is identical to secondPerson } //NSNumber, NSString and NSDate等類型比較大小不能用>、<,應該用compare:方法 if ([someDate compare:anotherDate] == NSOrderedAscending) { // someDate is earlier than anotherDate }