Based on debian 9, postgresql 9.6 and Java 8, at Dec-24-2018
1. Debain Install
* Install DB and JDBC
sudo aptitude install postgresql libpostgresql-jdbc-java
--below will be installed
default-jdk-doc{a} libpostgresql-jdbc-java libpostgresql-jdbc-java-doc openjdk-8-doc{a} postgresql-9.6
* Configure
1. re-configure listner
sudo vim /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/postgresql.conf
listen_addresses = '*' # what IP address(es) to listen on;
2. stop / start / status
The service: /lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service
sudo systemctl stop/start postgresql.service
* Reference
[PostgreSQL Java tutorial](
2. create user / db /table /data
* create db user / database / table and grant privi
sudo passwd postgresql
create user dbuser with password 'dbuser';
create database exampledb with owner dbuser;
grant all privileges on database exampledb to dbuser;
* Login and manage data
psql -U dbuser -d exampledb -h -p 5432
CREATE TABLE emp(name VARCHAR(20), id integer, signup_date DATE);
INSERT INTO emp(name, id, signup_date) VALUES('cliff',1,'2011-12-22');
INSERT INTO emp(name, id, signup_date) VALUES('jim',2,'2012-12-22');
INSERT INTO emp(name, id, signup_date) VALUES('andy',3,'2013-12-22');
INSERT INTO emp(name, id, signup_date) VALUES('wind',4,'2014-12-22');
alter table emp add column resume bytea;
2. A Query to get column name automatically AND multiple parameters in IN cluase
* Demo connection build / close
* Demo SQL query - ResultSetMetaData usage and pass multiple values to IN (?)
* Demo byteA/blob update
* Demo byteA/blob read
import*; import java.sql.*; public class FirstDemo { private Connection conn=null; /* * get connection */ public void getConn(){ String url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost/exampledb", user="dbuser", password="dbuser"; try { conn=DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password); System.out.println("The connection build as "+conn.getSchema()); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println(e.getErrorCode() + e.getSQLState() + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } /* * get connection */ public void CloseConn(){ try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println(e.getErrorCode() + e.getSQLState() + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } /* * Run a query and return the result * 1. get the column name from ResultSetMetaData * 2. use "nest" to pass multiple parameters to in ( ? ) */ public void query(){ System.out.println("Query starting :"); Integer[] ids={1,2,3}; try { PreparedStatement pst=conn.prepareStatement("select * from emp where id in (SELECT * FROM unnest(?))"); //pst.setInt(1, 1); //pst.setInt(2, 2); //pst.setInt(3, 3); Array a = conn.createArrayOf("integer", ids); pst.setArray(1, a); ResultSet rs=pst.executeQuery(); ResultSetMetaData rsmd=rs.getMetaData(); System.out.printf("%-20s%-20s\n", rsmd.getColumnName(1), rsmd.getColumnName(2)); while( { System.out.printf("%-20s%-20d\n", rs.getString(1), rs.getInt(2)); } pst.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally{ } } /* * Run a query and return the result * byteA / blob read */ public void byteARead(){ System.out.println("byteA reading :"); File f; FileOutputStream fos; byte[] b = null; PreparedStatement pst; try { f = new File("/home/ftian/postgresqlCliffReadme.txt"); fos = new FileOutputStream (f); pst=conn.prepareStatement("select resume from emp where id =1"); ResultSet rs=pst.executeQuery(); while( { b = rs.getBytes(1); } fos.write(b); fos.close(); pst.close(); System.out.println("byteA reading done"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /* * Run a query and return the result * byteA / blob insert */ public void byteAInsert(){ System.out.println("byteA inserting :"); File f; FileInputStream fis; PreparedStatement pst; try { f = new File("/home/ftian/workspace/postgres/postgresqlCliffReadme.txt"); fis = new FileInputStream (f); pst=conn.prepareStatement("update emp set resume=? where id =?"); pst.setBinaryStream(1, fis, (int)f.length()); pst.setInt(2, 1); pst.executeUpdate(); System.out.println("byteA inserting done "+pst.getUpdateCount()); fis.close(); pst.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { FirstDemo fd = new FirstDemo(); fd.getConn(); fd.query(); fd.byteAInsert(); fd.byteARead(); fd.CloseConn(); } }