摘自《C++ Primer Plus》第6版 12.1.2和12.1.3ios
c++ primer plus裏深淺拷貝的圖示:數據結構
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class StringBad { private: char * str; int len; static int num_strings; public: StringBad(const char * s); StringBad(); ~StringBad(); friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const StringBad &st); }; int StringBad::num_strings = 0; StringBad::StringBad(const char * s) { len=strlen(s); str=new char(len+1); strcpy(str,s); num_strings++; cout << num_strings << ": /"" << str << "/" object created/n"; } StringBad::StringBad() { len=4; str=new char[4]; strcpy(str,"C++"); num_strings++; cout << num_strings << "; /"" << str << "/" object created/n"; } StringBad::~StringBad() { cout << "/"" << str << "/" object deleted, "; --num_strings; cout << num_strings << " left/n"; delete [] str; } ostream & operator << (ostream &os, const StringBad &st) { os << st.str; return os; } void callme1(StringBad &); void callme2(StringBad); int main() { StringBad headline1("headline1"); StringBad headline2("headline2"); StringBad sports("sports"); cout << "headline1: " << headline1 << endl; cout << "headline2: " << headline2 << endl; cout << "sports: " << sports << endl; callme1(headline1); cout << "headline1: " << headline1 << endl; callme2(headline2); cout << "headline2: " << headline2 << endl; cout << "Initialize one object to another: /n"; StringBad sailor = sports; cout << "sailor: " << sailor; cout << "Assign one object to another: /n"; StringBad knot; knot=headline1; cout << "knot: " << knot << endl; cout << "End of main" << endl; return 0; } void callme1(StringBad & rsb) { cout << "String passed by reference: /n"; cout << " /" " << rsb << " /"" << endl; } void callme2(StringBad sb) { cout << "String passed by value: /n"; cout << " /" " << sb << " /"" << endl; }
StringBad::StringBad(const StringBad &)
** 新建一個對象並將其初使化爲同類對象,如
StringBad aa(headline1);
StringBad bb=headline1;
StringBad cc=StringBad(headline1);
StringBad * pdd=new StringBad(headline1);
其中,StringBad bb=headline1;
StringBad cc=StringBad(headline1);
StringBad * pdd=new StringBad(headline1);會初使化一個匿名對象,並將新對象的地址賦給pdd指針內存
ANSI C 容許結構體賦值,C++容許對象賦值,經過自動重載賦值操做符實現的。
StringBad & StringBad::operator =(const StringBad &)
StringBad kk("just a test"); StringBad aa; aa=kk;
StringBad & StringBad::operator=(const StringBad &st) { if(this==&st) return *this; delete [] str; len=st.len; str=new char[len+1]; strcpy(str,st.str); retern *this; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class StringGood { private: char * str; int len; static int num_strings; public: StringGood(const char * s); StringGood(const StringGood & st); StringGood(); ~StringGood(); friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const StringGood &st); StringGood & operator = (const StringGood &); }; int StringGood::num_strings = 0; StringGood::StringGood(const char * s) { len=strlen(s); str=new char(len+1); strcpy(str,s); num_strings++; cout << num_strings << ": /"" << str << "/" object created/n"; } StringGood::StringGood(const StringGood & st) { len=st.len; str=new char[len+1]; strcpy(str,st.str); num_strings++; cout << num_strings << ": /"" << str << "/" object created/n"; } StringGood::StringGood() { len=4; str=new char[4]; strcpy(str,"C++"); num_strings++; cout << num_strings << "; /"" << str << "/" object created/n"; } StringGood::~StringGood() { cout << "/"" << str << "/" object deleted, "; --num_strings; cout << num_strings << " left/n"; delete [] str; } ostream & operator << (ostream &os, const StringGood &st) { os << st.str; return os; } StringGood & StringGood::operator = (const StringGood &st) { if(this==&st) return *this; delete[] str; len=st.len; str=new char[len+1]; strcpy(str,st.str); return *this; } void callme1(StringGood &); void callme2(StringGood); int main() { StringGood headline1("headline1"); StringGood headline2("headline2"); StringGood sports("sports"); cout << "headline1: " << headline1 << endl; cout << "headline2: " << headline2 << endl; cout << "sports: " << sports << endl; callme1(headline1); cout << "headline1: " << headline1 << endl; callme2(headline2); cout << "headline2: " << headline2 << endl; cout << "Initialize one object to another: /n"; StringGood sailor = sports; cout << "sailor: " << sailor << endl; cout << "Assign one object to another: /n"; StringGood knot; knot=headline1; cout << "knot: " << knot << endl; cout << "End of main" << endl; return 0; } void callme1(StringGood & rsb) { cout << "String passed by reference: /n"; cout << " /" " << rsb << " /"" << endl; } void callme2(StringGood sb) { cout << "String passed by value: /n"; cout << " /" " << sb << " /"" << endl; }
1. 只要類裏有指針時,就要寫本身版本的拷貝構造函數和賦值操做符函數。這兩個函數中能夠拷貝那些被指向的數據結構,從而使每一個對象都有本身的拷貝;或者能夠採用某種引用計數機制,去跟蹤當前有多少個對象指向某個數據結構。(也能夠靜態計數對象的個數,好比c++ primer plus第六版的例子,static int num_strings)
2. 某些類在實現拷貝構造函數和賦值操做符時,能夠確信程序中不會作拷貝和賦值操做的時候,去實現它們會得不償失,所以能夠:只聲明這些函數(聲明爲private成員)而不去定義實現它們。這就防止了會有人去調用它們,也防止了編譯器去生成它們。
3. 淺拷貝在構造和析構對象時容易產生問題,如無必要儘可能不用淺拷貝。當咱們要傳遞複雜結構的信息,而又不想產生另外一份數據時,可使用淺拷貝,好比引用傳參。
4. 智能指針是淺拷貝概念的加強。好比智能指針能夠維護一個引用計數來代表指向某塊內存的指針數量,只有當引用計數減至0時,才真正釋放內存。