SymmetricDS is open source software for both file and database synchronization with support for multi-master replication, filtered synchronization, and transformation across the network in a heterogeneous environment. It supports multiple subscribers with one direction or bi-directional, asynchronous data replication. It uses web and database technologies to replicate data as a scheduled or near real-time operation. The software was designed to scale for a large number of nodes, work across low-bandwidth connections, and withstand periods of network outage. It works with most operating systems, file systems, and databases, including Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server (including Azure), IBM DB2, H2, HSQLDB, Derby, Firebird, Interbase, Informix, Greenplum, SQLite (including Android), Sybase ASE, and Sybase ASA (SQL Anywhere) databases.node
SymmetricDS 是一款用做文件和數據庫同步的開源軟件,支持多主機複製、同步過濾及支持多種網絡環境的傳輸。它支持多個訂閱者從一個方向或雙向異步數據複製。使用了網站和數據庫技術來制定複製計劃和近實時的操做。該軟件設計上考慮了大量節點、低網絡帶寬的狀況,可承受網絡中斷的異常狀況。能夠工做在大部分操做系統、文件系統及數據庫上,包括Oracle,MySQL,MariaDB,PostgreSQL,MSSQL(包括Azure),IBM DB2,H2,HSQLDB,Derby,Firebird,Interbase,Infomix,Greenplum,SQLite(包括Android),Sybase ASE及Sybase ASA(SQL Anywhere)。web