File -> Settings -> Editor -> File and Code Templates -> Includes -> FileHeaderjava
/** * @describe: TODO * @author: zhuCw * @date: ${DATE} ${TIME} */
採用4個空格縮進,或者設置tab鍵爲4個空格, 不能勾選Use tab character,參考下圖shell
File -> Setting -> Editor -> Code Style -> java -> Tabs and Indentside
File -> Setting -> Marketplace -> 搜索google-java-format -> install -> Disableui
安裝 :File -> Setting -> Marketplace -> 搜索 save actions -> install -> Disablegoogle
設置 File -> Setting -> Other Setting -> Save Actions插件
安裝:File -> Setting -> Marketplace -> 搜索 Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines plugin -> install -> Disable代碼規範
選中掃描的項目 -> 右鍵orm
連接: 提取碼:dg48
File -> Settings -> Code Style -> 設置圖標 -> import Scheme