// no class declareation -> subclass of Script package com.innohub.syntax // 輸出太多,這個做爲一塊開始的標示 String hr = (1..10).collect{'***'}.join(' ') def pp = {String str, obj -> println str.padRight(40, ' ') + obj } pp 'My Class', this.class.name pp 'I am a Script object', this in Script // *** 多變量賦值 def (aa, bb) = [1, 2] pp 'aa is ', aa pp 'bb is ', bb // swap (aa, bb) = [bb, aa] pp 'aa is ', aa pp 'bb is ', bb // *** curry def cl1 = {int a, b, c -> a + b + c } def cl1Curry1 = cl1.curry(1) pp 'curry sum', cl1Curry1(2, 3) // closure call itself def sumRecurse = {int n -> n == 1 ? 1 : n + call(n - 1) } pp 'sum 10', sumRecurse(10) // 參考:Groovy基礎——Closure(閉包)詳解 http://attis-wong-163-com.iteye.com/blog/1239819 // *** Object with class Test { def fun1() { println 'a' } def fun2() { println 'b' } def fun3() { println 'c' } } def test = new Test() test.with { fun1() fun2() fun3() } // *** string/gstring println hr // 調用命令行 def process = "cmd /c dir".execute() pp 'dir output', process.text pp '1+1 = ?', '${1+1}' pp '1+1 = ?', "${1+1}" // 這裏寫sql之類的完爆StringBuffer吧,groovy編譯後用StringBuilder優化 pp '1+1 = ?', ''' ${1+1} ''' pp '1+1 = ?', """ ${1+1} """ // *** pattern println hr // 難道全部的語言不都應該這麼寫正則自變量麼? def pat = /^(\d+)$/ pp 'I am', pat.class.name def patCompiled = ~/\d/ pp 'And you are', patCompiled.class.name pp 'is 1234 match ? ', '1234' ==~ pat // 須要中間變量 def mat = '1234' =~ pat pp 'how 1234 match', mat[0][1] // *** list/map/set println hr // 運算符重載 def ll = [] pp 'I am', ll.class.name ll << 1 ll << 2 ll << 3 pp 'My length is', ll.size() def set = [] as HashSet pp 'I am', set.class.name set << 1 set << 2 set << 2 pp 'My length is', set.size() def map = [:] // as HashMap or HashMap map = [:] map.key1 = 'val1' pp 'R u a LinkedHashMap?', map instanceof LinkedHashMap // 一堆語法糖 // 不完整的切片 pp 'Some of me', ll[1..-2] pp 'I have 2', 2 in set // 和instanceof同樣 class Parent implements Comparable{ int money // 重載 def Parent plus(Parent another){ new Parent(money: this.money + another.money) } def int compareTo(obj){ if(obj in Parent) this.money - obj.money 0 } } class Child extends Parent { } def p1 = new Parent(money: 100) def p2 = new Parent(money: 200) pp 'My parent is richer', p1 < p2 def p3 = p1 + p2 pp 'Let us marry, our money will be', p3.money def child = new Child() pp 'My son', child in Child pp 'My son like me', child in Parent // each every any collect grep findAll find eg. def listOfStudent = [[name: 'kerry'], [name: 'tom']] pp 'your names?', listOfStudent*.name.join(',') def calSum = {int i, int j, int k -> i + j + k } pp 'let us do math', calSum(*ll) // 哎,費腦筋啊 def listFromRange = [*(1..20)] pp 'another', listFromRange.size() // *** io println hr // 又一堆語法糖 // eg. new File('蒼井空.av').newOutputStream() << new Url(url).bytes def f = new File('MakeYouPleasure.groovy.output') f.text = 'xxx' f.newOutputStream() << 'yyy' pp 'file content', f.text.size() f.withPrintWriter{w -> w.println 'zzz' } pp 'file line number', f.readLines().size() // *** == println hr pp 'oh aa == aa of cause', 'aa' == "aa" String num = 'aa' pp 'again?', 'aa' == "${num}" pp 'number is number, string is string', 0 == '0' // 這裏須要(),或要有中間變量 pp 'list match!', [1, 1] == [1, 1] pp 'map match!', ['a':'1'] == ['a':'1'] // 這裏用is進行引用比較 pp 'two lists', [1, 1].is([1, 1]) // *** if println hr pp "'' is", !'' pp "'1' is", !'1' pp "[] is", ![] pp "[1] is", ![1] pp "[:] is", ![:] pp "[1:1] is", ![1:1] pp "0 is", !0 pp "1 is", !1 // *** null if println hr def one = null pp 'null name is null', one?.name one = [name: 'kerry'] pp 'my name is', one?.name // *** as/closure println hr pp '1 is a integer, yes', '1' as int // refer asType def list4as = [2, 3] def strs = list4as as String[] // or String[] strs = list4as pp 'list can be array', strs class User { int age boolean isOld(){ age > 50 } } interface Operator { def doSth() } // get/set方法省略不用寫,造數據也簡單 def user = [age: 51] as User pp 'map can be object, is it old?', user.isOld() // 接口也同樣,可是都是不要類型和參數 def myOperator = [doSth: { 10 }] as Operator pp 'closure can be a method, do sth!', myOperator.doSth() // Closure是一個類實例,當時一等公民 def doSth = myOperator.&doSth pp 'do again', doSth() // 因此能夠付給其餘對象,這裏很像js裏的prototype吧 Parent.metaClass.hello = doSth pp 'do again, but why u?', child.hello() Parent.metaClass.hi = {String name, int age -> // 變老了 name + ((age ?: 0) + delegate.hello()) } pp 'how old?', child.hi('son', 5) // *** assert println hr assert 1 == 1 // *** ant builder println hr def ant = new AntBuilder() // 這就是語法變種,省略了括號,閉包通常都是最後一個參數 // 看gradle的文件時候,別覺得那是配置文件,那個也是groovy。。。 ant.echo message: 'hi' ant.copy todir: '/', { fileset dir: './', { include name: 'Make*.groovy' } } // 固然ant全部的功能這裏都有,refer gygy.groovy // SwingBuider/MarkupBuilder略 // *** xml println hr def parser = new XmlParser() def root = parser.parseText(''' <dept name="one"> <student name="1" /> <student name="2" /> </dept> ''' ) root.student.each{ pp 'student name', it.@name } // 還有grape,不過如今都是gradle了 // 還有Sql組件 // 其實上面都是語法糖,面向metaClass的都尚未,這個纔是這個語言最核心的設計了,你們多看些例子