1. 實現JSONString接口是侵入性最強的方法spa
public class Person implements JSONString { 代理
private String name; code
private String lastname; 對象
private Address address;
// getters & setters
public String toJSONString() {
return "{name:'"+name+"',lastname:'"+lastname+"'}";
public class Person {
private String name;
private String lastname;
private Address address;
// getters & setters
JsonConfig jsonConfig = new JsonConfig();
jsonConfig.setExclusions( new String[]{ "address" } );
Person bean = /* initialize */;
JSON json = JSONSerializer.toJSON( bean, jsonConfig );
3. 使用propertyFilter能夠容許同時對須要排除的屬性和類進行控制,這種控制還能夠是雙向的,也能夠應用到json字符串到java對象
public class Person {
private String name;
private String lastname;
private Address address;
// getters & setters
JsonConfig jsonConfig = new JsonConfig();
jsonConfig.setJsonPropertyFilter( new PropertyFilter(){
public boolean apply( Object source, String name, Object value ){
// return true to skip name
return source instanceof Person && name.equals("address");
Person bean = /* initialize */;
JSON json = JSONSerializer.toJSON( bean, jsonConfig )
4. 最後來看JsonBeanProcessor,這種方式和實現JsonString很相似,返回一個表明原來的domain類的合法JSONOBJECT
public class Person {
private String name;
private String lastname;
private Address address;
// getters & setters
JsonConfig jsonConfig = new JsonConfig();
jsonConfig.registerJsonBeanProcessor( Person.class,
new JsonBeanProcessor(){
public JSONObject processBean( Object bean, JsonConfig jsonConfig ){
if( !(bean instanceof Person) ){
return new JSONObject(true);
Person person = (Person) bean;
return new JSONObject()
.element( "name", person.getName() )
.element( "lastname", person.getLastname() );
Person bean = /* initialize */;
JSON json = JSONSerializer.toJSON( bean, jsonConfig );
And it is here with JsonBeanProcessors where we encounter the second gotcha related to CGlib. As you noticed we registered the processor using Person as target class, but Hibernate returns a Proxy that is not exactly a Person but a subclass (if possible) of Person. The default matching algorithm used by Json-lib will try to match the exact class (using equals), meaning that your processor will not be called when you expect it to be,this is why JsonBeanProcessorMatcher was introduced, now you are be able to write the following code
<textarea class="java:nocontrols:nogutter" cols="80" rows="34" name="srccode">public class Person { private String name; private String lastname; private Address address; // getters & setters } JsonConfig jsonConfig = new JsonConfig(); jsonConfig.registerJsonBeanProcessor( Person.class, new JsonBeanProcessor(){ public JSONObject processBean( Object bean, JsonConfig jsonConfig ){ if( !(bean instanceof Person) ){ return new JSONObject(true); } Person person = (Person) bean; return new JSONObject() .element( "name", person.getName() ) .element( "lastname", person.getLastname() ); } }); jsonConfig.registerJsonBeanProcessorMatcher( new JsonBeanProcessorMatcher(){ public Object getMatch( Class target, Set/*<Class>*/ matches ){ for( Object match : matches ){ if( ((Class)match).isAssignableFrom(target) ){ return match; } } return null; } }); Person bean = /* initialize */; JSON json = JSONSerializer.toJSON( bean, jsonConfig );</textarea>
I hope these examples help dispel some doubts, in any case please feel free to drop by Json-lib's forum and mailing lists.