發送RCS 消息摘錄相關成功log

//11-25 16:48:09.612102  2175  2726 I BugleDataModel: PendingMessagesProcessor: process from InsertNewMessageAction due to message inserted with queues: rcsMessagesToSend{size:1}服務器

//11-25 16:48:09.732220  2175  2726 I BugleDataModel: PendingMessagesProcessor: started message{id:15} rcsMessage{id:MscqhvEZ1zR6uxJIR9cKS5WA}tcp


//11-25 16:48:09.775593  2175  2726 I BugleDataModel: SendMessageAction: Sending RCS message{id:15} in conversation{id:2} rcsMessage{id:MscqhvEZ1zR6uxJIR9cKS5WA}spa

//11-25 16:48:09.930772  1791 27906 I CarrierServices: [9873] cjb.v: Send INVITEip

//11-25 16:48:10.047872  1791 27906 I CarrierServices: [9873] bvc.a: (RCS): : Adding transaction context and starting timer with: 30000 for transaction [u93_voPnh0DY8-8QYEw6LpuGLy8], method: INVITEqt

//11-25 16:48:10.052130  2175  2175 I Bugle   : DraftMessageTypeConverter: draft switching to RCS.it

//11-25 16:48:10.084334  1190 24710 D Mms/Provider/Mms: insert succeed, uri = content://mms/14io

//11-25 16:48:10.473726  1791 27530 I CarrierServices: [9852] bvh.run: (RCS): : Adding transaction context and starting timer with: 30000 for transaction [-fpXzHcLVbqtNjvGhipYGEwyiKE], method INVITEdate

//11-25 16:48:10.490207  1791 27530 I CarrierServices: [9852] dre.a: First response receivedfile

//11-25 16:48:10.490529  1791 27906 I CarrierServices: [9873] cjb.c: 200 OK response received

//11-25 16:48:10.492748  1791 27906 I CarrierServices: [9873] cjb.c: Send ACK


//11-25 16:48:10.641743  2175  2726 I BugleDataModel: SentMessageProcessor: Done sending RCS message{id:15} conversation{id:2}, status: SUCCEEDED

//11-25 16:48:10.684356  2175  2726 I BugleDataModel: PendingMessagesProcessor: process from ProcessSentMessageAction due to rcs_send success with queues:



 //11-25 16:48:10.963799  1791 27906 I CarrierServices:  To: msrps://

===>>https 服務器和https的固定端口


//11-25 16:48:10.963799  1791 27906 I CarrierServices:  From: msrps://;tcp


//11-25 16:48:24.316460  2175  2726 I BugleDataModel: PendingMessagesProcessor: process from InsertNewMessageAction due to message inserted with queues: rcsFTMessagesToSend{size:1}

//11-25 16:48:25.822181  2175  2726 I BugleDataModel: PendingMessagesProcessor: process from ProcessFileTransferAction due to rcs_ft_upload failure with queues: rcsFTMessagesToSend{size:1}

//11-25 16:48:25.822498  2175  2726 I BugleDataModel: ProcessPendingMessagesTimers: set next retry time for channel rcs_ft_upload (time: 1574718510803 count: 1 )

//11-25 16:48:25.822921  2175  2726 I BugleDataModel: PendingMessagesProcessor: message{id:16} rcsMessage{id:MsFHCe1OC=RViV8IWGlc-SMA} in conversation{id:2} is still pending, status: MESSAGE_STATUS_OUTGOING_SENDING

//11-25 16:48:28.501301  2175  2726 I BugleDataModel: ProcessRcsDeliveryReportAction: Received RCS Delivery Report message{id:15} in conversation{id:2} rcsMessage{id:MscqhvEZ1zR6uxJIR9cKS5WA}

//11-25 16:48:28.579881  2175  2370 I BugleAction: IncomingRcsEventReceiver: doInBackground, action: rcs.intent.action.fileTransferMetadataUpdate

//11-25 16:48:28.625405  2175  2726 I BugleDataModel: PendingMessagesProcessor: process from ProcessFileTransferAction due to rcs_ft_upload success with queues:
