[北京望京] [15K-35K] 無花果尋找合適的隊友一塊兒大冒險

咱們是無花果大冒險(北京)科技有限公司,是一家成立 2 年,在國內不太有存在感的初創企業。android

咱們開發並運營着歐美地區用戶最多的手遊直播社區 Shou,今年初開始同時開發一款面向國內市場的視頻羣聊社交 App 碰碰,抄襲的美國比較火的產品 Housepartyios

咱們團隊如今有不到 15 我的,出生中位年大概是 1990,大部分人是技術開發。因爲今年手遊直播、短視頻和視頻社交相關的市場增加速度不斷加快,咱們的產品可能會真正的造成爆炸式增加,因此但願在這裏找到願與咱們一同探險的隊友。golang


辦公地點:望京 SOHO T1 A1807
聯繫方式:cedric@shou.tv 用 Gmail 作公司郵箱,因此是真的不怕垃圾郵件編程



咱們須要後端開發Android 開發iOS 開發,還有設計師。固然爲了表示咱們並非鬧着玩的,也會有一些正經的招聘要求供你們參考。服務器

1. Senior Golang Engineer

We are looking for a senior backend engineer to join our growing team. Experience with Golang is not required, but an interest in working with Golang is. This person must be a self-starter who is comfortable with the demands of building, evolving and maintaining a stable high-availability infrastructure.app


  • Strong Golang skills (or other substantial OO experience: Python, Scala, C++, Ruby).
  • Excellent software architecture skills and a passion for maintainable, organized code.
  • Experience with AWS or Google Cloud Platform.
  • Expert with Linux, Ubuntu/Debian (BASH scripting a plus).
  • Experience with REST-based Web Service API implementation.
  • Experience with MySQL/PostgreSQL (or similar) Query Tuning.
  • Strong experience in designing and implementing highly-scalable architecture.
  • Masters/Bachelors in Computer Science or equivalent degree or experience.


  • Experience with C/C++.
  • Experience with ffmpeg and video transcoding formats and systems.
  • Experience with machine learning framework Tensorflow, Caffee.

Challenges we are Tackling

  • Big data storage, search, processing.
  • Services that scale to TBs of data and millions of requests per day.
  • Building for the fragility of cloud and distributed services.
  • Building a socket based architecture for our viewing clients.
  • Automated test systems, at scale, in the cloud.


  • Develop for all aspects of the technology stack.
  • Develop software and technology solutions, solve hard problems and answer to the technical needs of both the product and development teams.
  • Continued evolution of automation systems both in-house and in production.
  • Shared responsibilities for daily production health.


英文讀寫能力足夠好,有豐富的 Web 服務器相關的開發經驗,最好是熟悉 Golang,不熟悉也不要緊,這編程語言特別好學。咱們一開始就是用 Ruby + MongoDB 開發的,後來用戶量達到 300 萬的時候就現學切換成了 Golang + PostgreSQL。機器學習

由於咱們是作視頻相關產品的,因此對 C/C++,FFmpeg 等相關的東西熟悉的會加分。同時咱們也對機器學習頗有興趣,有一樣愛好的也加分。socket


2. Senior iOS Engineer

We are looking for a senior iOS engineer to join our growing team. You will be a core team member that will design, develop, test, deploy, maintain and enhance our mobile software platform with 1.8 existing iOS engineers.


  • Familar with Mac and Git.
  • Shipped applications on the iOS App Store.
  • Expert in writing robust iPhone and iPad applications using Swift and Objective-C.
  • Knowledge of UIKit, AVFoundation, GCD, Core Data, Auto Layout, Interface Builder, iOS memory management.
  • Strong Computer Science fundamentals in object oriented design, data structures, networking, concurrency.
  • Excellent software architecture skills and a passion for maintainable, organized code.
  • Masters/Bachelors in Computer Science or equivalent degree or experience.


  • OpenGL/Metal experience.
  • Cydia Substrate experience.
  • Sockets experience.
  • Experience with automated unit testing.
  • Experience with ffmpeg and video transcoding formats and systems.
  • Experience with maching learning framework Tensorflow, Caffee.


英文讀寫能力足夠好,能找到重點就行。有豐富的 iOS 開發經驗,上線過產品,很是熟悉 Swift 最新版本,瞭解經常使用的概念好比 UIKit, AVFoundation, GCD, Core Data, Auto Layout, Interface Builder, iOS 內存管理。

由於咱們是作視頻相關產品的,因此對 C/C++,FFmpeg 等相關的東西熟悉的會加分。同時咱們也對機器學習頗有興趣,有一樣愛好的也加分。


3. Senior Android Engineer

We are looking for a senior Android engineer to join our growing team. You will be a core team member that will design, develop, test, deploy, maintain and enhance our mobile software platform with 2.8 existing Android engineers.


  • Familar with Linux/Mac and Git.
  • Expert in Java and writing robust Android applications.
  • Ability to create prototypes quickly.
  • Experience with manual memory management.
  • Masters/Bachelors in Computer Science or equivalent degree or experience.


  • Experience with NDK development.
  • Experience with C++.
  • OpenGL and video streaming experience.
  • Experience with ffmpeg and video transcoding formats and systems.
  • Experience with maching learning framework Tensorflow, Caffee.


英文讀寫能力足夠好,能找到重點就行。熟練使用 Mac 或者 Linux,有豐富的 Android 開發經驗,上線過產品,很是熟悉 Java 編程語言。

由於咱們是作視頻相關產品的,因此對 C/C++,FFmpeg 等相關的東西熟悉的會加分。同時咱們也對機器學習頗有興趣,有一樣愛好的也加分。


全部招聘均是長期有效,對咱們公司感興趣的,均可以直接把簡歷發給 cedric@shou.tv。
