You will get a DNA strand sequence and you need to get the pair and return it as a 2D array of the base pairs. Keep in mind that the provided strand should be first always.ide
pairElement("ATCGA") should return [["A","T"],["T","A"],["C","G"],["G","C"],["A","T"]].
pairElement("TTGAG") should return [["T","A"],["T","A"],["G","C"],["A","T"],["G","C"]].
pairElement("CTCTA") should return [["C","G"],["T","A"],["C","G"],["T","A"],["A","T"]].oop
function pairElement(str) { // Return each strand as an array of two elements, the original and the pair. var paired = []; // Function to check with strand to pair. var search = function(char) { switch (char) { case 'A': paired.push(['A', 'T']); break; case 'T': paired.push(['T', 'A']); break; case 'C': paired.push(['C', 'G']); break; case 'G': paired.push(['G', 'C']); break; } }; // Loops through the input and pair. for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { search(str[i]); } return paired; } // test here pairElement("GCG");
function pairElement(str) { //define a map object with all pair possibilities var map = {T:'A', A:'T', G:'C', C:'G'}; //split str into a char Array strArr = str.split(''); //replace each Array item with a 2d Array using map for (var i=0;i<strArr.length;i++){ strArr[i]=[strArr[i], map[strArr[i]]]; } return strArr; }