自定義Windows Vista登錄屏幕

For those of us looking to customize the Windows Vista UI experience, there’s nothing more annoying than seeing the default logon screen every time you start up your computer, or when you lock your workstation. Thankfully the nice folks at Stardock have created a free utility to replace the logon screen with any wallpaper you choose.

對於那些希望自定義Windows Vista UI體驗的人來說,沒有什麼比每次啓動計算機或鎖定工作站時看到默認登錄屏幕更令人討厭的了。 幸運的是,Stardock的好心人創建了一個免費的實用程序,用您選擇的任何牆紙替換登錄屏幕。

All you have to do is download and install the utility, and click the apply button to immediately see the changes. (It will lock your computer to show you, so you’ll have to use your password to unlock it)

您所要做的就是下載並安裝該實用程序,然後單擊「應用」按鈕立即查看更改。 (它將鎖定您的計算機以顯示給您,因此您必須使用密碼來解鎖它)


The utility is remarkably easy to use, just click on an entry in the list, and use the Apply button to select it. The download button will take you to the directory of logon screens on WinCustomize.

該實用程序非常易於使用,只需單擊列表中的一個條目,然後使用「應用」按鈕將其選中。 下載按鈕將帶您到WinCustomize上登錄屏幕的目錄。


You can also click the Create button and choose any image you want. For instance, if you wanted to have the logon screen match your desktop wallpaper, just choose the wallpaper using the browse button.

您也可以單擊創建按鈕,然後選擇所需的任何圖像。 例如,如果您希望登錄屏幕與您的桌面牆紙匹配,只需使用瀏覽按鈕選擇牆紙。


You can then save the wallpaper as a logon screen file and even share it with other people on WinCustomize.


Download LogonStudio from Stardock (Free)


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/customize-your-windows-vista-logon-screen/