class CRTPReceiver : public RTPSession { protected: void OnPollThreadStep(); void ProcessRTPPacket(const RTPSourceData &srcdat,const RTPPacket &rtppack); void OnRTCPCompoundPacket(RTCPCompoundPacket *pack,const RTPTime &receivetime,const RTPAddress *senderaddress); public: CThreadSafeArray m_ReceiveArray; void InitBufferSize(); private: CVideoData* m_pVideoData; unsigned char m_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; int m_current_size; }; void CRTPReceiver::InitBufferSize() { m_ReceiveArray.SetMemberSize(BUFFER_SIZE); m_pVideoData = new CVideoData(); memset(m_buffer,0,BUFFER_SIZE); m_current_size = 0; } void CRTPReceiver::OnRTCPCompoundPacket(RTCPCompoundPacket *pack,const RTPTime &receivetime,const RTPAddress *senderaddress) { //std::cout<<"Got RTCP packet from: "<<senderaddress<<std::endl; } void CRTPReceiver::OnPollThreadStep() { BeginDataAccess(); // check incoming packets if (GotoFirstSourceWithData()) { do { RTPPacket *pack; RTPSourceData *srcdat; srcdat = GetCurrentSourceInfo(); while ((pack = GetNextPacket()) != NULL) { ProcessRTPPacket(*srcdat,*pack); DeletePacket(pack); } } while (GotoNextSourceWithData()); } EndDataAccess(); } void CRTPReceiver::ProcessRTPPacket(const RTPSourceData &srcdat,const RTPPacket &rtppack) { // You can inspect the packet and the source's info here //std::cout<<"Packet type: "<<rtppack.GetPayloadType()<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"Packet says: "<<(char *)rtppack.GetPayloadData()<<std::endl; //test RTCP packet /*int status = this->SendRTCPAPPPacket(0,(uint8_t*)&("123"),(void*)&("hel"),4); checkerror(status);*/ if(rtppack.GetPayloadType() == H264) { //std::cout<<"Got H264 packet:êo " << rtppack.GetExtendedSequenceNumber() << " from SSRC " << srcdat.GetSSRC() <<std::endl; if(rtppack.HasMarker())//若是是最後一包則進行組包 { m_pVideoData->m_lLength = m_current_size + rtppack.GetPayloadLength();//獲得數據包總的長度 memcpy(m_pVideoData->m_pBuffer,m_buffer,m_current_size); memcpy(m_pVideoData->m_pBuffer + m_current_size ,rtppack.GetPayloadData(),rtppack.GetPayloadLength()); m_ReceiveArray.Add(m_pVideoData);//添加到接收隊列 memset(m_buffer,0,m_current_size);//清空緩存,爲下次作準備 m_current_size = 0; } else//放入緩衝區,在此必須確保有序 { unsigned char* p = rtppack.GetPayloadData(); memcpy(m_buffer + m_current_size,rtppack.GetPayloadData(),rtppack.GetPayloadLength()); m_current_size += rtppack.GetPayloadLength(); } } } void StartReceive() { /*CRTPReceiver sess;*/ sess.InitBufferSize(); std::string ipstr; int status; // Now, we'll create a RTP session, set the destination // and poll for incoming data. RTPUDPv4TransmissionParams transparams; RTPSessionParams sessparams; // IMPORTANT: The local timestamp unit MUST be set, otherwise // RTCP Sender Report info will be calculated wrong // In this case, we'll be just use 9000 samples per second. sessparams.SetOwnTimestampUnit(1.0/9000.0); transparams.SetPortbase(PORT_BASE); status = sess.Create(sessparams,&transparams); checkerror(status); uint32_t dst_ip = inet_addr(DST_IP); dst_ip = ntohl(dst_ip); RTPIPv4Address addr(dst_ip,DST_PORT); status = sess.AddDestination(addr); checkerror(status); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { WSADATA dat; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&dat); StartReceive(); RTPTime::Wait(RTPTime(3,0)); return 0; }
class CVideoData{ public: unsigned char * m_pBuffer; long m_lLength; long m_lMaxLength; uint64_t m_pts; CVideoData(){m_pBuffer = new unsigned char[BUFFER_SIZE];m_lLength = 0; m_pts = 0;m_lMaxLength = BUFFER_SIZE;} CVideoData(long lLength){m_lLength = lLength;m_pts = 0;m_pBuffer = new unsigned char[BUFFER_SIZE];m_lMaxLength = BUFFER_SIZE;} ~CVideoData(){ if(m_pBuffer != NULL) { delete []m_pBuffer; m_pBuffer = NULL; } m_lLength = 0; } };