When you migrate list or site, the user alerts in the site will not be migrated together with the content. Below content can help you to do this task. But please take care of it, if you operate it on Prod environment. web
Enable or disable alerts for Web applicationshell
## To enable alerts for Web application $SPwebapp=Get-SPWebApplication "http://SharePointSite.com" $SPwebapp.AlertsEnabled = $true $SPwebapp.Update() # To Disable alerts for a Web application $SPwebapp.AlertsEnabled = $false $SPwebapp.Update()
Create Alert in SharePoint using PowerShellapp
##### Create an New alert for an user ######### $SPsite = Get-SPSite "http://SharePointSite.com" $SPweb=$SPsite.Rootweb $SPlist=$SPweb.lists["Shared documents"] $SPuser = $SPweb.EnsureUser('Domain\Salaudeen') $SPnewAlert = $SPuser.Alerts.Add() $SPnewAlert.Title = "My Custom Alert" $SPnewAlert.AlertType=[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAlertType]::List $SPnewAlert.List = $SPlist $SPnewAlert.DeliveryChannels = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAlertDeliveryChannels]::Email $SPnewAlert.EventType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEventType]::Add $SPnewAlert.AlertFrequency = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAlertFrequency]::Immediate $SPnewAlert.Update() $SPweb.Dispose() $SPSite.Dispose()
Get all Alerts for an user in SharePoint with PowerShellwebapp
##### Display All alerts for a Particular List ######## $SPWeb = Get-SPWeb "http://SharePointSite.com" #Relative URL of list/document library. For lists "Lists/Tasks" $SPListURL = "Shared Documents" foreach($alert in $SPWeb.Alerts) { if($alert.ListUrl -eq $SPListUrl) { "User Name - " + $alert.User.Name "Title - " + $alert.Title "Frequency - " + $alert.AlertFrequency "Delivery Via - " + $alert.DeliveryChannels "Change Type - " + $alert.eventtype Write-Host "==================================" } } $SPweb.Dispose()
Create Alerts for All users in a Groupthis
##### Set alerts for all users in the SharePoint Group ###### $SPweb = Get-SPWeb "http://SharePointSite.com" $SPgroup = $SPweb.Groups["SharePoint Owners"] $SPlist = $SPweb.Lists["Shared Documents"] foreach ($SPuser in $SPgroup.Users){ $alert = $SPuser.Alerts.Add() $alert.Title = "My Alert" $alert.AlertType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAlertType]::List $alert.List = $SPlist $alert.DeliveryChannels = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAlertDeliveryChannels]::Email $alert.EventType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEventType]::Add $alert.AlertFrequency = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAlertFrequency]::Immediate $alert.Update() } $SPweb.Dispose()
Update SharePoint Alerts using PowerShellspa
##### Making Changes in Existing Alerts ######## $SPsite = Get-SPSite "http://SharePointSite.com" $SPweb=$SPsite.RootWeb $SPuser=$SPweb.EnsureUser('Domain\Salaudeen') $SPalertCollection=$SPuser.Alerts foreach($alert in $SPalertCollection) { $alert.AlertFrequency = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAlertFrequency]::Daily $alert.Update() }
Get Alerts for a Particular Usercode
##### Get alerts for a particular user ######### $SPsite = Get-SPSite "http://SharePointSite.com" $SPweb=$SPsite.RootWeb $SPuser=$SPweb.EnsureUser('Domain\Salaudeen') $SPalertCollection=$SPuser.Alerts foreach($alert in $SPalertCollection) { write-host -f Green $alert.Title }
Find All Alerts of an User in Entire Site collectionblog
##### Get the Alerts of Entire Site collection ##### $SPsiteCollection = Get-SPSite "http://SharePointSite.com" # Iterate through all Webs in the Site Collection foreach($SPweb in $SPsiteCollection.AllWebs) { foreach($alert in $SPweb.Alerts) { Write-Host "Alerts List :" $alert.ListUrl Write-Host "Alerts Title :" $alert.title write-host "Subscribed User: " $alert.user } }
Delete All SharePoint alerts from a List using powershellci
##### Delete All alerts for a specific List ##### $SPweb = Get-SPWeb "http://SharePointSite.com" $SPlist = $SPweb.lists["Shared Documents"] $IDS = "" foreach($alert in $spweb.alerts) { if($alert.ListID -eq $SPlist.ID) { $IDS += $alert.ID.tostring() + "|" } write-host -nonewline "*" } write-host "deleting..." foreach($s in $IDS.Split("|")) { write-host -nonewline "*" $spweb.alerts.delete([GUID]$s) }
Delete user alerts in SharePoint 2010 with PowerShellget
##### Remove all alerts for specific user from a Web Application ##### $SPwebApp = Get-SPWebApplication "http://SharePointSite.com" $SpecificUser = "Domain\Salaudeen" foreach ($SPsite in $SPwebApp.Sites) { # get the collection of webs foreach($SPweb in $SPsite.AllWebs) { $alerts = $SPweb.Alerts # if 1 or more alerts for a particular user, Make a note of them by copying their ID to an Array if ($alerts.Count -gt 0) { $myalerts = @() foreach ($alert in $alerts) { if ($alert.User -like $SpecificUser) { $myalerts += $alert } } ### now we have alerts for this site, we can delete them foreach ($alertdel in $myalerts) { $alerts.Delete($alertdel.ID) write-host $alertdel.ID } } } }
To delete all alerts:
$SPweb.Alerts| foreach-object {$web.Alerts.Delete($_.Id)}
Filter the alerts for a single list:
#For for e.g. http://SharePoint.com/site/Assets" $SPweb.Alerts| where-object {$_.ListUrl -like "Assets"}
Find all the Alerts for a specific user across the web:
# ? is the alias for where-object cmdlet $web.Alerts | ? {$_.UserId -like "Domain\Salaudeen"}
Get all the alerts for a user across the entire site collection:
$site.AllWebs | select -expand Alerts | ? {$_.UserId -like "Domain\Salaudeen"
Export User Alerts
$site = Get-SPSite "http://2013portal" $alertResultsCollection = @() foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs) { foreach ($alert in $web.Alerts){ $alertURL = $web.URL + "/" + $alert.ListUrl $alertResult = New-Object PSObject $alertResult |Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "WebUrl" -Value $web.Url $alertResult | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "ListURL" -value $alertURL $alertResult | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "AlertTitle" -value $alert.Title $alertResult | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "ListUrl" -value $alert.ListUrl $alertResult | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "List" -value $alert.List $alertResult | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "DeliveryChannel" -value $alert.DeliveryChannels $alertResult | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "AlertType" -value $alert.AlertType $alertResult | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "EventType" -value $alert.EventType $alertResult | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Frequency" -value $alert.AlertFrequency $alertResult | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "AlertTime" -value $alert.AlertTime $alertResult | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "SubscribedUser" -value $alert.User $alertResultsCollection += $alertResult } } $site.Dispose() $alertResultsCollection #Export to CSV $alertResultsCollection | Export-CSV C:\Users\sp2013_farm_admin\Desktop\Alerts.csv
Import User Alerts
Import-Csv C:\Users\sp2013_farm_admin\Desktop\Alerts.csv |ForEach-Object{ $webUrl=$_.WebUrl $listTitle=$_.List $alertTitle=$_.AlertTitle $subscribedUser=$_.SubscribedUser $alertType=$_.AlertType $deliveryChannel=$_.DeliveryChannel $eventType=$_.EventType $frequency=$_.Frequency $web=Get-SPWeb $webUrl $list=$web.Lists.TryGetList($listTitle) $user = $web.EnsureUser($subscribedUser) $newAlert = $user.Alerts.Add() $newAlert.Title = $alertTitle $newAlert.AlertType=[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAlertType]::$alertType $newAlert.List = $list $newAlert.DeliveryChannels = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAlertDeliveryChannels]::$deliveryChannel $newAlert.EventType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEventType]::$eventType $newAlert.AlertFrequency = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAlertFrequency]::$frequency if($frequency -ne "Immediate"){ $AlertTime=$_.AlertTime $newAlert.AlertTime=$AlertTime } $newAlert.Update() }