【最簡單IOC容器實現】實現一個最簡單的IOC容器 深度理解依賴注入(Dependence Injection) MEF隨筆索引



IoC Container Benchmark - Performance comparison框架


就像Martin Flower所說的:依賴對象的得到過程被反轉了,即由以前是consumer主動去new,變成consumer向IOC容器去要,而後由IOC容器注入依賴對象。ide


而後IoC Container Benchmark - Performance comparison對各類現有的IOC容器的性能作了比較。性能






using System;

namespace Normal
    public interface IReader
        string Read();

    public interface IWriter
        void Write(string data);

    public class ReadKeyboard : IReader
        public string Read()
            return "code to read from keyboard and return as string";

    public class ReadScanner : IReader
        public string Read()
            return "code to read from scanner and return as string";

    public class WritePrinter : IWriter
        public void Write(string data)
            Console.WriteLine("code to write to the printer: "+data);

    public class WriteFlashDisk : IWriter
        public void Write(string data)
            Console.WriteLine("code to write to the flash disk: " + data);           

    public class Copy
        public void DoWork(IReader reader,IWriter writer)
            string data = reader.Read();

    class Test
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Copy copy = new Copy();
            copy.DoWork(new ReadKeyboard(),new WritePrinter());//依賴對象得到時多個依賴,應當用IOCContainer解耦






    /// <summary>
    /// My own IocContainer
    /// http://www.cnblogs.com/DebugLZQ
    /// </summary>
    public class Container
        private Dictionary<Type, Type> iocMap = new Dictionary<Type, Type>();

        public void Register<TypetoResolve, ResolvedType>()
            if (iocMap.ContainsKey(typeof(TypetoResolve)))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Type {0} already registered.", typeof(TypetoResolve).FullName));
            iocMap.Add(typeof(TypetoResolve), typeof(ResolvedType));

        public T Resolve<T>()
            return (T)Resolve(typeof(T));

        public object Resolve(Type typeToResolve)
            //Find the registered type for typeToResolve
            if (!iocMap.ContainsKey(typeToResolve))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't resolve type {0}. Type is not registered.", typeToResolve.FullName));
            Type resolvedType = iocMap[typeToResolve];
            //Try to construct the object
            //step-1: find the constructor. 
            ConstructorInfo ctorInfo = resolvedType.GetConstructors().First();
            //step-2:find the parameters for the constructor and try to resolve those.
            List<ParameterInfo> paramsInfo = ctorInfo.GetParameters().ToList();
            List<object> resolvedParams = new List<object>();
            foreach (ParameterInfo param in paramsInfo)
                Type t = param.ParameterType;
                object res = Resolve(t);
            //step-3:using reflection invoke constructor to create the object
            object retObject = ctorInfo.Invoke(resolvedParams.ToArray());
            return retObject;





using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;

namespace ContainerDI2_Test
    public interface IReader
        string Read();

    public interface IWriter
        void Write(string data);

    public class ReadKeyboard : IReader
        public string Read()
            return "code to read from keyboard and return as string";

    public class ReadScanner : IReader
        public string Read()
            return "code to read from scanner and return as string";

    public class WritePrinter : IWriter
        public void Write(string data)
            Console.WriteLine("code to write to the printer: " + data);

    public class WriteFlashDisk : IWriter
        public void Write(string data)
            Console.WriteLine("code to write to the flash disk: " + data);

    public class Copy
        public void DoWork(IReader reader, IWriter writer)
            string data = reader.Read();

    /// <summary>
    /// My own IocContainer
    /// http://www.cnblogs.com/DebugLZQ
    /// </summary>
    public class Container
        private Dictionary<Type, Type> iocMap = new Dictionary<Type, Type>();

        public void Register<TypetoResolve, ResolvedType>()
            if (iocMap.ContainsKey(typeof(TypetoResolve)))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Type {0} already registered.", typeof(TypetoResolve).FullName));
            iocMap.Add(typeof(TypetoResolve), typeof(ResolvedType));

        public T Resolve<T>()
            return (T)Resolve(typeof(T));

        public object Resolve(Type typeToResolve)
            //Find the registered type for typeToResolve
            if (!iocMap.ContainsKey(typeToResolve))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't resolve type {0}. Type is not registered.", typeToResolve.FullName));
            Type resolvedType = iocMap[typeToResolve];
            //Try to construct the object
            //step-1: find the constructor. 
            ConstructorInfo ctorInfo = resolvedType.GetConstructors().First();
            //step-2:find the parameters for the constructor and try to resolve those.
            List<ParameterInfo> paramsInfo = ctorInfo.GetParameters().ToList();
            List<object> resolvedParams = new List<object>();
            foreach (ParameterInfo param in paramsInfo)
                Type t = param.ParameterType;
                object res = Resolve(t);
            //step-3:using reflection invoke constructor to create the object
            object retObject = ctorInfo.Invoke(resolvedParams.ToArray());
            return retObject;

    class Test
        static void DIRegistration(Container container)
            container.Register<IReader, ReadKeyboard>();
            container.Register<IWriter, WritePrinter>();

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Container container = new Container();

            Copy copy = new Copy();
            copy.DoWork(container.Resolve<IReader>(), container.Resolve<IWriter>());//依賴於IOC容器了








using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;

namespace ContainerDI
    public interface IReader
        string Read();

    public interface IWriter
        void Write(string data);

    public class ReadKeyboard : IReader
        public string Read()
            return "code to read from keyboard and return as string";

    public class ReadScanner : IReader
        public string Read()
            return "code to read from scanner and return as string";

    public class WritePrinter : IWriter
        public void Write(string data)
            Console.WriteLine("code to write to the printer: " + data);

    public class WriteFlashDisk : IWriter
        public void Write(string data)
            Console.WriteLine("code to write to the flash disk: " + data);

    public class Copy
        private Container _container; 
        private IReader _reader;
        private IWriter _writer;//也能夠是具體類型

        public Copy(Container container)
            this._container = container;
            this._reader = _container.Resolve<IReader>();
            this._writer = _container.Resolve<IWriter>();

        public void DoWork()
            string data = _reader.Read();

    /// <summary>
    /// My own IocContainer
    /// </summary>
    public class Container
        private Dictionary<Type, Type> iocMap = new Dictionary<Type, Type>();

        public void Register<TypetoResolve, ResolvedType>()
            if (iocMap.ContainsKey(typeof(TypetoResolve)))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Type {0} already registered.",typeof(TypetoResolve).FullName));
            iocMap.Add(typeof(TypetoResolve), typeof(ResolvedType));

        public T Resolve<T>()
            return (T)Resolve(typeof(T));
        public object Resolve(Type typeToResolve)
            //Find the registered type for typeToResolve
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't resolve type {0}. Type is not registered.",typeToResolve.FullName));
            Type resolvedType = iocMap[typeToResolve];
            //Try to construct the object
            //step-1: find the constructor. 
            ConstructorInfo ctorInfo = resolvedType.GetConstructors().First();
            //step-2:find the parameters for the constructor and try to resolve those.
            List<ParameterInfo> paramsInfo = ctorInfo.GetParameters().ToList();
            List<object> resolvedParams = new List<object>();
            foreach (ParameterInfo param in paramsInfo)
                Type t = param.ParameterType;
                object res = Resolve(t);
            //step-3:using reflection invoke constructor to create the object
            object retObject = ctorInfo.Invoke(resolvedParams.ToArray());
            return retObject;

    class Test
        static void DIRegistration(Container container)
            container.Register<IReader, ReadKeyboard>();
            container.Register<IWriter, WritePrinter>();

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Container container = new Container();

            Copy copy = new Copy(container);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;

namespace ContainerDI2
    public interface IReader
        string Read();

    public interface IWriter
        void Write(string data);

    public class ReadKeyboard : IReader
        public string Read()
            return "code to read from keyboard and return as string";

    public class ReadScanner : IReader
        public string Read()
            return "code to read from scanner and return as string";

    public class WritePrinter : IWriter
        public void Write(string data)
            Console.WriteLine("code to write to the printer: " + data);

    public class WriteFlashDisk : IWriter
        public void Write(string data)
            Console.WriteLine("code to write to the flash disk: " + data);

    public class Copy
        private IReader _reader;
        private IWriter _writer;//也能夠是具體類型

        public Copy(IReader reader,IWriter writer)

            this._reader = reader;
            this._writer = writer;

        public void DoWork()
            string data = _reader.Read();

    /// <summary>
    /// My own IocContainer
    /// http://www.cnblogs.com/DebugLZQ
    /// </summary>
    public class Container
        private Dictionary<Type, Type> iocMap = new Dictionary<Type, Type>();

        public void Register<TypetoResolve, ResolvedType>()
            if (iocMap.ContainsKey(typeof(TypetoResolve)))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Type {0} already registered.", typeof(TypetoResolve).FullName));
            iocMap.Add(typeof(TypetoResolve), typeof(ResolvedType));

        public T Resolve<T>()
            return (T)Resolve(typeof(T));

        public object Resolve(Type typeToResolve)
            //Find the registered type for typeToResolve
            if (!iocMap.ContainsKey(typeToResolve))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't resolve type {0}. Type is not registered.", typeToResolve.FullName));
            Type resolvedType = iocMap[typeToResolve];
            //Try to construct the object
            //step-1: find the constructor. 
            ConstructorInfo ctorInfo = resolvedType.GetConstructors().First();
            //step-2:find the parameters for the constructor and try to resolve those.
            List<ParameterInfo> paramsInfo = ctorInfo.GetParameters().ToList();
            List<object> resolvedParams = new List<object>();
            foreach (ParameterInfo param in paramsInfo)
                Type t = param.ParameterType;
                object res = Resolve(t);
            //step-3:using reflection invoke constructor to create the object
            object retObject = ctorInfo.Invoke(resolvedParams.ToArray());
            return retObject;

    class Test
        static void DIRegistration(Container container)
            container.Register<IReader, ReadKeyboard>();
            container.Register<IWriter, WritePrinter>();

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Container container = new Container();

            Copy copy = new Copy(container.Resolve<IReader>(),container.Resolve<IWriter>());










using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;

namespace ContainerDIWithLifeOption
    public interface IReader
        string Read();

    public interface IWriter
        void Write(string data);

    public class ReadKeyboard : IReader
        public string Read()
            return "code to read from keyboard and return as string";

    public class ReadScanner : IReader
        public string Read()
            return "code to read from scanner and return as string";

    public class WritePrinter : IWriter
        public void Write(string data)
            Console.WriteLine("code to write to the printer: " + data);

    public class WriteFlashDisk : IWriter
        public void Write(string data)
            Console.WriteLine("code to write to the flash disk: " + data);

    public class Copy
        private IReader _reader;
        private IWriter _writer;//也能夠是具體類型

        public Copy(IReader reader, IWriter writer)

            this._reader = reader;
            this._writer = writer;

        public void DoWork()
            string data = _reader.Read();

    public  enum LifeTimeOptions

    public class ResolvedTypeWithLifeTimeOptions
        public Type ResolvedType { get; set; }
        public LifeTimeOptions LifeTimeOption { get; set; }
        public object InstanceValue { get; set; }

        public ResolvedTypeWithLifeTimeOptions(Type resolvedType)
            ResolvedType = resolvedType;
            LifeTimeOption = LifeTimeOptions.TransientLifeTimeOption;
            InstanceValue = null;

        public ResolvedTypeWithLifeTimeOptions(Type resolvedType, LifeTimeOptions lifeTimeOption)
            ResolvedType = resolvedType;
            LifeTimeOption = lifeTimeOption;
            InstanceValue = null;

    public class Container
        private Dictionary<Type, ResolvedTypeWithLifeTimeOptions>
            iocMap = new Dictionary<Type, ResolvedTypeWithLifeTimeOptions>();

        public void Register<T1, T2>()
            Register<T1, T2>(LifeTimeOptions.TransientLifeTimeOption);

        public void Register<T1, T2>(LifeTimeOptions lifeTimeOption)
            if (iocMap.ContainsKey(typeof (T1)))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Type {0} already registered.", typeof (T1).FullName));
            ResolvedTypeWithLifeTimeOptions targetType = new ResolvedTypeWithLifeTimeOptions(typeof (T2),
            iocMap.Add(typeof (T1), targetType);

        public T Resolve<T>()
            return (T) Resolve(typeof (T));

        public object Resolve(Type typeToResolve)
            // Find the registered type for typeToResolve
            if (!iocMap.ContainsKey(typeToResolve))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't resolve {0}.Type is not registered.", typeToResolve.FullName));

            ResolvedTypeWithLifeTimeOptions resolvedType = iocMap[typeToResolve];

            // Step-1: If LifeTimeOption is ContainerControlled and there is 
            //already an instance created then return the created instance.
            if (resolvedType.LifeTimeOption ==
                resolvedType.InstanceValue != null)
                return resolvedType.InstanceValue;

            // Try to construct the object
            // Step-2: find the constructor 
            //(ideally first constructor if multiple constructors present for the type)
            ConstructorInfo ctorInfo = resolvedType.ResolvedType.GetConstructors().First();

            // Step-3: find the parameters for the constructor and try to resolve those
            List<ParameterInfo> paramsInfo = ctorInfo.GetParameters().ToList();
            List<object> resolvedParams = new List<object>();
            foreach (ParameterInfo param in paramsInfo)
                Type t = param.ParameterType;
                object res = Resolve(t);

            // Step-4: using reflection invoke constructor to create the object
            object retObject = ctorInfo.Invoke(resolvedParams.ToArray());

            resolvedType.InstanceValue = retObject;

            return retObject;

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Container container = new Container();


            Copy copy = new Copy(container.Resolve<IReader>(),container.Resolve<IWriter>());

            Copy copy2 = new Copy(container.Resolve<IReader>(), container.Resolve<IWriter>());

        private static void DIRegistration(Container container)
            container.Register<IReader, ReadKeyboard>(LifeTimeOptions.ContainerControlledLifeTimeOption);
            container.Register<IWriter, WritePrinter>(LifeTimeOptions.TransientLifeTimeOption);







