loaded into global context,module中的變量或者函數都是封裝起來的,不會被暴露到前端
Package: cards package能夠包含card.js module, deck.js module, 而index.js倒是一個入口,將多個模塊打包在一塊兒。git
module loader:es6
不像其餘的編程語言,javascript並不原生具有模塊化的能力。正由於如此,程序員只能使用第三方開發的模塊依賴處理庫來實現模塊化開發模式:AMD, COMMONJS,ES6
在探討AMD, COMMONJS以前咱們必須來談談script loader這個概念。
script loading is a means to a goal, that goal being modular JavaScript that can be used in applications today - for this, use of a compatible script loader is unfortunately necessary.
有幾種普遍應用的Loaders來處理AMD,COMMJS格式的模塊加載,好比requireJS, curl.js,dojo,甚至system.js
從產品角度來看,使用優化工具,好比RequireJS Optimizer來拼接全部的腳本文件也是頗有必要的。可是另一個可行的應用場景是:應用程序能夠在頁面page load後動態加載須要的腳本,而RequireJS就能很好地知足到這一點。
AMD: define + require
CMD: exports + require
ES6: export + import
AMD(Asynchronous Module Defination)format的目標是提供一個可供js開發人員當下使用的模塊化js方案。
AMD module的格式自己建議定義定義的模塊以及該模塊的依賴dependencies能夠被異步地加載。
在AMD模塊哲學中,有兩個重要的概念: define 方法用於定義一個模塊,而require 方法則用於處理dependency loading.
define( module_id /*optional:若是該參數不存在,咱們就成爲匿名模塊*/, [dependencies] /*optional*/, definition function /*function for instantiating the module or object*/ );
// A module_id (myModule) is used here for demonstration purposes only define('myModule', ['foo', 'bar'], // module definition function // dependencies (foo and bar) are mapped to function parameters function ( foo, bar ) { // return a value that defines the module export // (i.e the functionality we want to expose for consumption) // create your module here var myModule = { doStuff:function(){ console.log('Yay! Stuff'); } } return myModule; }); // An alternative example could be.. define('myModule', ['math', 'graph'], function ( math, graph ) { // Note that this is a slightly different pattern // With AMD, it's possible to define modules in a few // different ways due as it's relatively flexible with // certain aspects of the syntax return { plot: function(x, y){ return graph.drawPie(math.randomGrid(x,y)); } } }; });
// Consider 'foo' and 'bar' are two external modules // In this example, the 'exports' from the two modules loaded are passed as // function arguments to the callback (foo and bar) // so that they can similarly be accessed require(['foo', 'bar'], function ( foo, bar ) { // rest of your code here foo.doSomething(); });
define(function ( require ) { var isReady = false, foobar; // note the inline require within our module definition require(['foo', 'bar'], function (foo, bar) { isReady = true; foobar = foo() + bar(); }); // we can still return a module return { isReady: isReady, foobar: foobar }; });
// With AMD, it's possible to load in assets of almost any kind // including text-files and HTML. This enables us to have template // dependencies which can be used to skin components either on // page-load or dynamically. define(['./templates', 'text!./','css!./template.css'], function( templates, template ){ console.log(templates); // do some fun template stuff here. } });
1. require.js
require(['app/myModule'], function( myModule ){ // start the main module which in-turn // loads other modules var module = new myModule(); module.doStuff(); });
curl(['app/myModule.js'], function( myModule ){ // start the main module which in-turn // loads other modules var module = new myModule(); module.doStuff(); });
1. 定義了一個清晰的建議去如何實現靈活的模塊;
2. 相比於當前經過全局引入一個對象,和經過<script>標籤加載文件的方案要清晰地多。清晰地定義一個模塊以及這個模塊的全部依賴;
3. 模塊定義是封裝好的,這樣咱們就不會污染global namespace。(好比經常使用的jquery,實際上咱們就污染全局空間,引入了$這個變量)
4. 比一些替代方案可能更好用(好比commonjs),沒有cross-domain的問題,沒有local/debugging問題,也沒有對server side工具備任何依賴。大部分AMD Loaders支持並不須要任何build process的AMD modules
5. 提供了一種在單個文件中包含多個模塊的'transport'方案。而好比commonjs卻要求必須統一一個transport format
6. 能夠輕鬆實現lazy load script
define(['js/jquery.js','js/jquery.color.js','js/underscore.js'], function($, colorPlugin, _){ // Here we've passed in jQuery, the color plugin and Underscore // None of these will be accessible in the global scope, but we // can easily reference them below. // Pseudo-randomize an array of colors, selecting the first // item in the shuffled array var shuffleColor = _.first(_.shuffle(['#666','#333','#111'])); // Animate the background-color of any elements with the class // 'item' on the page using the shuffled color $('.item').animate({'backgroundColor': shuffleColor }); return {}; // What we return can be used by other modules });
這一點和AMD相似的, exports指示本模塊須要暴露給其餘模塊使用的對象;require則代表本模塊的依賴模塊
// package/lib is a dependency we require var lib = require('package/lib'); // some behaviour for our module function foo(){ lib.log('hello world!'); } // export (expose) foo to other modules = foo;
// define more behaviour we would like to expose function foobar(){ = function(){ console.log('Hello foo'); } = function(){ console.log('Hello bar'); } } // expose foobar to other modules exports.foobar = foobar; // an application consuming 'foobar' // access the module relative to the path // where both usage and module files exist // in the same directory var foobar = require('./foobar').foobar, test = new foobar();; // 'Hello bar'
var modA = require('./foo'); var modB = require('./bar'); = function(){ console.log('Im an application!'); } = function(){ return modA.helloWorld(); }
注意commonJS module export時的如下狀況:
// CMD 模式下的合法exports exports.someFunc = someFunc; module.exports.someFunc = someFunc; module.exports = {}; module.exports = function(){}; //相反下面就是非法的! exports = {}; exports = function(){};
上圖中直到生成AMD, CommonJS的ES5模塊都屬於dev/build流程,而從ES5 CMD,AMD代碼到SystemJS/RequireJS加載則屬於runtime過程
module 'math' {
// named exports export default function sum(x, y) { //注意default export是當import return x + y; } export var pi = 3.141593; }
//或者使用下面的literal export方法
export { sum as sumFunc, pi }
// we can import in script code, not just inside a module import {sum, pi} from 'math';
alert("2π = " + sum(pi, pi));
// 或者這樣import和調用 import *as mathmodule from 'math';
alert("2π = " + mathmodule.sum(mathmodule.pi, mathmodule.pi));
// 下面的語法則同時import了default export和自選export: sum是上面export default定義的
// 而pi則沒有export default關鍵字!
import sum, { pi } from 'math'
babel是一個transpiler,代碼轉換器,它起到了es6和es5的橋樑的做用,做爲build step而存在於工具鏈的, 支持全部的模塊格式:module formats. Typescript和babel是相似的,它支持es6而且transpile到es5
在上面ES6模塊章節提到要讓build step將es6模塊轉化出來的es5 cmd模塊能在瀏覽器中運行,有一個解決方案就是:在瀏覽器中加載一個module loader(requireJS/SystemJS),由加載器來動態加載相應的js文件。和這個方案對應的有另一個方案就是使用module bundler(browserify/webpack),這個bundler工具做爲build step的延伸。實際上若是是ES6 module,webpack將調用babel來transpile成CMD模塊,而且最後打包成一個或者多個大的chunk直接加載到瀏覽器運行(注意:這時無需systemjs/requirejs加載器,由於webpack自己已經可以認識CMD的require/exports,AMD的define!!)
1. requirejs/seajs:他們是一種在線「編譯」模塊的方案,至關於在頁面上加載一個CommonJS/AMD模塊格式解釋器。這樣瀏覽器就認識了上面講到的define, exports,module這些東西,也就實現了模塊化。
注意: browerify打包器自己只支持Commonjs模塊,若是要打包AMD模塊,則須要另外的plugin來實現AMD到CMD的轉換!!
gulp通常做爲task runner,在前端構建流程中起到很是重要的做用,它在軟件工程界和C語言的make相似。