這裏包含Init Mark(Pause
)、Concurrent Mark、Final Mark(Pause
);這裏使用到了White(not yet visited
)、Gray(visited, but references are not scanned yet
)、Black(visited, and fully scanned
) Color算法進行mark
這個就是與G1不一樣的evacuation階段,它是concurrent的;這裏用到了Brooks Pointers(
object version change with additional atomically changed indirection
這裏包含Init update Refs(Pause
)、Concurrent update Refs、Final update Refs(Pause
Final Mark或者Final update Refs以後均可能進行Concurrent cleanup,進行垃圾回收,reclaims region
bool ShenandoahAcmpBarrier = true {diagnostic} {default} bool ShenandoahAllocFailureALot = false {diagnostic} {default} uintx ShenandoahAllocSpikeFactor = 5 {experimental} {default} intx ShenandoahAllocationStallThreshold = 10000 {diagnostic} {default} uintx ShenandoahAllocationThreshold = 0 {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahAllocationTrace = false {diagnostic} {default} bool ShenandoahAllowMixedAllocs = true {diagnostic} {default} bool ShenandoahAlwaysClearSoftRefs = false {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahAlwaysPreTouch = false {diagnostic} {default} bool ShenandoahCASBarrier = true {diagnostic} {default} bool ShenandoahCloneBarrier = true {diagnostic} {default} uintx ShenandoahCodeRootsStyle = 2 {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahCommonGCStateLoads = false {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahConcurrentScanCodeRoots = true {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahControlIntervalAdjustPeriod = 1000 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahControlIntervalMax = 10 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahControlIntervalMin = 1 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahCriticalFreeThreshold = 1 {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahDecreaseRegisterPressure = false {diagnostic} {default} bool ShenandoahDegeneratedGC = true {diagnostic} {default} bool ShenandoahDontIncreaseWBFreq = true {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahElasticTLAB = true {diagnostic} {default} uintx ShenandoahEvacAssist = 10 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahEvacReserve = 5 {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahEvacReserveOverflow = true {experimental} {default} double ShenandoahEvacWaste = 1.200000 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahFreeThreshold = 10 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahFullGCThreshold = 3 {experimental} {default} ccstr ShenandoahGCHeuristics = adaptive {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahGarbageThreshold = 60 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahGuaranteedGCInterval = 300000 {experimental} {default} size_t ShenandoahHeapRegionSize = 0 {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahHumongousMoves = true {experimental} {default} intx ShenandoahHumongousThreshold = 100 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahImmediateThreshold = 90 {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahImplicitGCInvokesConcurrent = true {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahInitFreeThreshold = 70 {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahKeepAliveBarrier = true {diagnostic} {default} uintx ShenandoahLearningSteps = 5 {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahLoopOptsAfterExpansion = true {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahMarkLoopStride = 1000 {experimental} {default} intx ShenandoahMarkScanPrefetch = 32 {experimental} {default} size_t ShenandoahMaxRegionSize = 33554432 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahMergeUpdateRefsMaxGap = 200 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahMergeUpdateRefsMinGap = 100 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahMinFreeThreshold = 10 {experimental} {default} size_t ShenandoahMinRegionSize = 262144 {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahOOMDuringEvacALot = false {diagnostic} {default} bool ShenandoahOptimizeInstanceFinals = false {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahOptimizeStableFinals = false {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahOptimizeStaticFinals = true {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahPacing = true {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahPacingCycleSlack = 10 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahPacingIdleSlack = 2 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahPacingMaxDelay = 10 {experimental} {default} double ShenandoahPacingSurcharge = 1.100000 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahParallelRegionStride = 1024 {experimental} {default} uint ShenandoahParallelSafepointThreads = 4 {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahPreclean = true {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahReadBarrier = true {diagnostic} {default} uintx ShenandoahRefProcFrequency = 5 {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahRegionSampling = true {experimental} {command line} int ShenandoahRegionSamplingRate = 40 {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahSATBBarrier = true {diagnostic} {default} uintx ShenandoahSATBBufferFlushInterval = 100 {experimental} {default} size_t ShenandoahSATBBufferSize = 1024 {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahStoreCheck = false {diagnostic} {default} bool ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier = false {diagnostic} {default} bool ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier = true {diagnostic} {default} bool ShenandoahSuspendibleWorkers = false {experimental} {default} size_t ShenandoahTargetNumRegions = 2048 {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahTerminationTrace = false {diagnostic} {default} bool ShenandoahUncommit = true {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahUncommitDelay = 300000 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahUnloadClassesFrequency = 0 {experimental} {default} ccstr ShenandoahUpdateRefsEarly = adaptive {experimental} {default} bool ShenandoahVerify = false {diagnostic} {default} intx ShenandoahVerifyLevel = 4 {diagnostic} {default} bool ShenandoahWriteBarrier = true {diagnostic} {default}
ccstr ShenandoahGCHeuristics = adaptive {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahInitFreeThreshold = 70 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahMinFreeThreshold = 10 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahAllocSpikeFactor = 5 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahGarbageThreshold = 60 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahFreeThreshold = 10 {experimental} {default} uintx ShenandoahAllocationThreshold = 0 {experimental} {default} ccstr ShenandoahUpdateRefsEarly = adaptive {experimental} {default}
Heuristics主要用於告訴Shenandoah什麼時候啓動一個GC cycle,其中ShenandoahGCHeuristics用於選擇不一樣的策略,其可選值有adaptive(默認
Initial remaining free heap threshold for learning steps
)、ShenandoahMinFreeThreshold(free space threshold at which heuristics triggers the GC unconditionally
)、ShenandoahAllocSpikeFactor(How much heap to reserve for absorbing allocation spikes
)、XX:ShenandoahGarbageThreshold(Sets the percentage of garbage a region need to contain before it can be marked for collection
)來設置合適啓動GC cycleSet the percentage of free heap at which a GC cycle is started
)、ShenandoahAllocationThreshold(Set percentage of memory allocated since last GC cycle before a new GC cycle is started
)、ShenandoahGarbageThresholdTrim down the number of concurrent GC threads to make more room for application to run
),不過它會evacuate全部的live objects,一般用於diagnostic當allocation failure發生的時候,Shenandoah有一些優雅的degradation ladder用於處理這種狀況,以下:oracle
<10 ms
<100 ms
)ShenandoahDegeneratedGC參數默認開啓,在這個Degenerated cycle,Shenandoah使用的線程數取之於ParallelGCThreads而非ConcCGThreads
>100 ms
)當Degenerated GC以後尚未足夠的內存,則進入Full GC cycle,它會盡量地進行compact而後釋放內存以確保不發生OOM
-server -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseShenandoahGC -XX:+UsePerfData -XX:+ShenandoahRegionSampling -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:ConcGCThreads=4 -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -Xlog:age*,ergo*,gc*=info
[2019-03-21T15:12:53.771-0800][8707][gc] Consider -XX:+ClassUnloadingWithConcurrentMark if large pause times are observed on class-unloading sensitive workloads [2019-03-21T15:12:53.862-0800][8707][gc,init] Regions: 2048 x 1024K [2019-03-21T15:12:53.862-0800][8707][gc,init] Humongous object threshold: 1024K [2019-03-21T15:12:53.863-0800][8707][gc,init] Max TLAB size: 1024K [2019-03-21T15:12:53.863-0800][8707][gc,init] GC threads: 4 parallel, 4 concurrent [2019-03-21T15:12:53.863-0800][8707][gc,init] Reference processing: parallel [2019-03-21T15:12:53.864-0800][8707][gc ] Heuristics ergonomically sets -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent [2019-03-21T15:12:53.864-0800][8707][gc ] Heuristics ergonomically sets -XX:+ShenandoahImplicitGCInvokesConcurrent [2019-03-21T15:12:53.864-0800][8707][gc,init] Shenandoah heuristics: adaptive [2019-03-21T15:12:53.864-0800][8707][gc,heap] Initialize Shenandoah heap with initial size 128M [2019-03-21T15:12:53.865-0800][8707][gc,ergo] Pacer for Idle. Initial: 40M, Alloc Tax Rate: 1.0x [2019-03-21T15:12:53.883-0800][8707][gc,init] Safepointing mechanism: global-page poll [2019-03-21T15:12:53.883-0800][8707][gc ] Using Shenandoah [2019-03-21T15:12:53.884-0800][8707][gc,heap,coops] Heap address: 0x0000000780000000, size: 2048 MB, Compressed Oops mode: Zero based, Oop shift amount: 3 [2019-03-21T15:12:59.530-0800][14083][gc ] Trigger: Metadata GC Threshold [2019-03-21T15:12:59.532-0800][14083][gc,ergo ] Free: 1813M (1813 regions), Max regular: 1024K, Max humongous: 1855488K, External frag: 1%, Internal frag: 0% [2019-03-21T15:12:59.532-0800][14083][gc,ergo ] Evacuation Reserve: 103M (103 regions), Max regular: 1024K [2019-03-21T15:12:59.532-0800][14083][gc,start ] GC(0) Concurrent reset [2019-03-21T15:12:59.533-0800][14083][gc,task ] GC(0) Using 4 of 4 workers for concurrent reset [2019-03-21T15:12:59.533-0800][14083][gc ] GC(0) Concurrent reset 132M->132M(2048M) 0.441ms [2019-03-21T15:12:59.533-0800][15619][gc,start ] GC(0) Pause Init Mark (process weakrefs) (unload classes) [2019-03-21T15:12:59.533-0800][15619][gc,task ] GC(0) Using 4 of 4 workers for init marking [2019-03-21T15:12:59.541-0800][15619][gc,ergo ] GC(0) Pacer for Mark. Expected Live: 204M, Free: 1813M, Non-Taxable: 181M, Alloc Tax Rate: 0.4x [2019-03-21T15:12:59.541-0800][15619][gc ] GC(0) Pause Init Mark (process weakrefs) (unload classes) 7.568ms [2019-03-21T15:12:59.541-0800][14083][gc,start ] GC(0) Concurrent marking (process weakrefs) (unload classes) [2019-03-21T15:12:59.541-0800][14083][gc,task ] GC(0) Using 4 of 4 workers for concurrent marking [2019-03-21T15:12:59.619-0800][14083][gc ] GC(0) Concurrent marking (process weakrefs) (unload classes) 132M->134M(2048M) 78.373ms [2019-03-21T15:12:59.619-0800][14083][gc,start ] GC(0) Concurrent precleaning [2019-03-21T15:12:59.619-0800][14083][gc,task ] GC(0) Using 1 of 4 workers for concurrent preclean [2019-03-21T15:12:59.622-0800][14083][gc ] GC(0) Concurrent precleaning 134M->134M(2048M) 2.397ms [2019-03-21T15:12:59.622-0800][15619][gc,start ] GC(0) Pause Final Mark (process weakrefs) (unload classes) [2019-03-21T15:12:59.622-0800][15619][gc,task ] GC(0) Using 4 of 4 workers for final marking [2019-03-21T15:12:59.625-0800][15619][gc,stringtable] GC(0) Cleaned string table, strings: 13692 processed, 50 removed [2019-03-21T15:12:59.626-0800][15619][gc,ergo ] GC(0) Adaptive CSet Selection. Target Free: 204M, Actual Free: 1914M, Max CSet: 85M, Min Garbage: 0M [2019-03-21T15:12:59.626-0800][15619][gc,ergo ] GC(0) Collectable Garbage: 117M (97% of total), 8M CSet, 126 CSet regions [2019-03-21T15:12:59.626-0800][15619][gc,ergo ] GC(0) Immediate Garbage: 0M (0% of total), 0 regions [2019-03-21T15:12:59.626-0800][15619][gc,ergo ] GC(0) Pacer for Evacuation. Used CSet: 126M, Free: 1811M, Non-Taxable: 181M, Alloc Tax Rate: 1.1x [2019-03-21T15:12:59.626-0800][15619][gc ] GC(0) Pause Final Mark (process weakrefs) (unload classes) 4.712ms [2019-03-21T15:12:59.626-0800][14083][gc,start ] GC(0) Concurrent cleanup [2019-03-21T15:12:59.627-0800][14083][gc ] GC(0) Concurrent cleanup 134M->135M(2048M) 0.132ms [2019-03-21T15:12:59.627-0800][14083][gc,ergo ] GC(0) Free: 1810M (1810 regions), Max regular: 1024K, Max humongous: 1852416K, External frag: 1%, Internal frag: 0% [2019-03-21T15:12:59.627-0800][14083][gc,ergo ] GC(0) Evacuation Reserve: 102M (103 regions), Max regular: 1024K [2019-03-21T15:12:59.627-0800][14083][gc,start ] GC(0) Concurrent evacuation [2019-03-21T15:12:59.627-0800][14083][gc,task ] GC(0) Using 4 of 4 workers for concurrent evacuation [2019-03-21T15:12:59.643-0800][14083][gc ] GC(0) Concurrent evacuation 135M->145M(2048M) 15.912ms [2019-03-21T15:12:59.643-0800][15619][gc,start ] GC(0) Pause Init Update Refs [2019-03-21T15:12:59.643-0800][15619][gc,ergo ] GC(0) Pacer for Update Refs. Used: 145M, Free: 1810M, Non-Taxable: 181M, Alloc Tax Rate: 1.1x [2019-03-21T15:12:59.643-0800][15619][gc ] GC(0) Pause Init Update Refs 0.090ms [2019-03-21T15:12:59.643-0800][14083][gc,start ] GC(0) Concurrent update references [2019-03-21T15:12:59.643-0800][14083][gc,task ] GC(0) Using 4 of 4 workers for concurrent reference update [2019-03-21T15:12:59.652-0800][14083][gc ] GC(0) Concurrent update references 145M->147M(2048M) 9.028ms [2019-03-21T15:12:59.652-0800][15619][gc,start ] GC(0) Pause Final Update Refs [2019-03-21T15:12:59.652-0800][15619][gc,task ] GC(0) Using 4 of 4 workers for final reference update [2019-03-21T15:12:59.653-0800][15619][gc ] GC(0) Pause Final Update Refs 0.489ms [2019-03-21T15:12:59.653-0800][14083][gc,start ] GC(0) Concurrent cleanup [2019-03-21T15:12:59.653-0800][14083][gc ] GC(0) Concurrent cleanup 147M->21M(2048M) 0.088ms [2019-03-21T15:12:59.653-0800][14083][gc,ergo ] Free: 1924M (1924 regions), Max regular: 1024K, Max humongous: 1840128K, External frag: 7%, Internal frag: 0% [2019-03-21T15:12:59.653-0800][14083][gc,ergo ] Evacuation Reserve: 103M (103 regions), Max regular: 1024K [2019-03-21T15:12:59.653-0800][14083][gc,ergo ] Pacer for Idle. Initial: 40M, Alloc Tax Rate: 1.0x [2019-03-21T15:17:59.666-0800][14083][gc ] Trigger: Time since last GC (300009 ms) is larger than guaranteed interval (300000 ms)
包括Init Mark(
Pause)、Concurrent Mark、Final Mark(
、Concurrent evacuation、Concurrent update references (optional)包括Init update Refs(
Pause)、Concurrent update Refs、Final update Refs(
;其中Final Mark或者Final update Refs以後均可能進行Concurrent cleanup,進行垃圾回收,reclaims region默認
);另外當allocation failure發生的時候,Shenandoah有一些優雅的degradation ladder用於處理這種狀況,包括Pacing(<10 ms
)、Degenerated GC(<100 ms
)、Full GC(>100 ms