之間一直習慣用oneNote記前端筆記,一我的總結筆記太孤單,全部最近想陸續的把筆記遷移到博客平臺上分享分享, 興奮ing (下圖是博主拍的底特律街頭一角, 順便分享下底特律面貌~)javascript

what's the HTML?
- HTML is short for Hypertext Markup Language
- HTML is used to tell your browser how to structure the web page
- HTML consists of a series of elements, which are the building block of the html pages
3 Ways to apply CSS styles in HTML document?
- inline style
- embedded style sheet
- external style sheet
The <link>element always goes inside the head of your document. this takes 2 attributes: rel=' stylesheet', which indicates that it's the document's stylesheet. and href, which contains the path to the stylesheet filecss
What's DOCTYPE? What is it used for? Why do u need it?
- what's DOCTYPE: Doctype tells the browser which version of HTML/XHTML standard is used and how to render the page.
- why we use "Doctype":
- It ensures how elements should be displayed on the page
- It also makes the browser's life easier. otherwise, the browser will guess and will go the quirk mode. Moreover, doctype is required to Validate markup.
Does a tag is a HTML tag?
Nope, the <!DOCTYPE html>
declaration is not an HTML tag.html
HTML不基於SGML,所以不須要對DTD進行引用,可是須要doctype來規範瀏覽器的行爲(讓瀏覽器以應該的運行方式去運行文檔。而 HTML4.01基於SGML,因此須要對DTD進行引用,才能告知瀏覽器文檔所使用的文檔類型。前端
What's XHTML?
- XHTML(Extensible Hyper Text Markup language).
- XHTML is the earlier version of HTML that was designed by taking the good qualities of HTML and XML.
- XHTML is stricter than other versions. some example are like:
- HTML is based on SGML. XHTML is based on XML.
- XHTML is more strict than HTML. For example:
- XHTML is case sensitive, HTML is not case sensitive (XHTML標籤名必須用小寫字母)
- XHTML tags should be closed or self closed, HTML is not required to end the tag. (XHTML 元素必須被關閉)
- XHTML should have one root element, HTML is not mandatory to have one root element. (XHTML 文檔必須擁有根元素)
link VS @import
(1)link屬於XHTML tag,而@import
(4)link方式的樣式的權重 高於@import
的權重. 瀏覽器
What' HTML tag?
- HTML tag is a piece of code that is wrapped by the angle brackets
- HTML tag is a keyword that is understood by the browser to display the content
What are self-closing tag/void tags/empty elements/singleton tags?
- In HTML5, self-closing tags do not require slash (/) for closing.
- They are also called void or empty elements and sometimes called singleton tags.
- common void tags:
<br> <hr> <img> <input> <link> <meta>
- other rear void tags:
<area> <base> <col> <command> <embed> <keygen> <param> <source> <track> <wbr>
What are HTML elements?
- Html elements are the building block of the HTML pages.
- They consist of start tag, content and the end tag except the empty elements like <br>
- The content of HTML elements doesn't have to be just string, like:
<p> My cat is <em>very</em>cute </p>
what are html attributes?
- html attributes define property of an element.
- They provide additional information about the element and help in changing the functionality of element.
The element & metadata in HTML
element is the part which is not displayed in the web browser when the page is loaded.
element contains information like <title>
, CSS, js, links to custom favicons, and other metadata( data about the HTML, such as the author, keyword, description etc).
Introduce <meta>
tag as much as you can
tag is inside of <head>
tag, and it's not displayed in a web browser.
tag provides metadata about HTML document.
- meta elements are used to specify page description, keywords, author and other metadata.
tags can improve the optimization of your site.
metadata in <meta>
- metadata is data that describes data, metadata provide additional information about the HTML document.
- metadata make your page appear higher in relevant searches performed in search engines.
- meta tag should be always inside the head tag, and they are not displayed on the page but they are machine parsable.
常見的meta data:bash
- <meta charset='utf-8'> define the character set is being used. Like'utf-8' helps us in writing text in all kinds of languages like Chinese,Japanese
- <meta name='author' content='mingyue liu'>
- <meta nane='keyword' content='mingyue website mimi dudu'> --目的------>improve search ranking(SEO);
- <meta name='description' content= ' this is the description for the webpage'>
- <meta property='og:image' content='mimi.png'> (open graph data in <meta>)
- 'tabindex' attribute is responsible for indicating if an element is focusable by keyboard navigation.
- Syntax: tabindex="numeric_value" This numeric_value is the weight of element. A lower value will be accessed first.
- tabindex is useful to create accessible widgets with JavaScript.
boolean attribute
- The presence of a boolean attribute on an element represents the true value and the absence of the attribute represents the false value.
- common boolean attribute has:
- disabled
- checked
- readonly
- selected
"lang" attribute
- 'lang' attribute helps we defined the language of the web page.
- your HTML document will be indexed more effectively by search engines.
- it's useful to people with visual impairments using screen readers.
http-equiv meta attribute
This attribute is used by servers to gather information about the page using the HTTP headers
href and target attributes in <a>
- href attribute specifies the destination address
- target attribute specifies where to open the linked document, For example "_blank" opens the documents in new window or tab.
alt attribute in 
alt attribute in <img>
is used in order to display the alternative text in case the image cannot be rendered for some reasons.
How to refresh the page every 10 seconds using http-equiv attribute?
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10" >複製代碼
what is "Open Graph Data"?
"Open Graph Data" is a metadata protocol that Facebook invented to provide richer metadata for websites.
what are semantic elements? semantic tag VS div?
- semantic elements are those that have a clear meaning and these elements are both understood by the user and the browser.
- common semantic tag have:
<header> <nav> <main> <article> <section> <aside> <footer>
why we use semantic tag instead of div tag?
- For developer, semantic tags are easy to maintain
- semantic is good for SEO
- semantic is good for accessibility.
how to associate <label>
and <input>
- the <title> element is metadata that represents the title of the whole HTML page
- it will be shown as the tab name, it will also be the name if when you save the page into the bookmark.
- <q> element is used to define a short quotation and it is an inline element
- <blockquote> specifies a section cited from another source and it is a block level element meaning it takes the whole line and space.
Which tag would you prefer if you have to display a poem as the content?
<pre> tag is used to display the preformatted text with unusual spaces in the text. It preserves spaces and line break.
- datalist need combine with input tag, select can work alone.
- For datalist, user can type their own data in the input tag, for select, user can not type their own data.
- <a> as anchor tag, it can redirect to another website (normal function)
- use <a> to find document fragment ( 去同一網頁的不一樣位置 )
- use <a> to send email: <a href="mailto: mliu2@ltu.edu" / >
what is <form>
- Form can submit information to server.
- An HTML form is a section of a document containing normal content, markup, special elements called controls (checkboxes, radio buttons, menus, etc.), and labels on those controls.
- Form的屬性有: action, method target name
<form action="" method="GET" target="_blank"> </form>
//the action attribute defines the action to be performed when the form is submitted.複製代碼
主要分紅兩部分:渲染引擎(layout engineer或Rendering Engine)和JS引擎。
Trident內核:IE,MaxThon,TT,The World,360,搜狗瀏覽器等。[又稱MSHTML]
Presto內核:Opera7及以上。 [Opera內核原爲:Presto,現爲:Blink;]
Webkit內核:Safari,Chrome等。 [ Chrome的:Blink(WebKit的分支)]
What's <Canvas>
- The html
element helps to draw graphics with the help of javascript.
- The <Canvas> elements are only a container for graphics. we need to use the script to actually draw the graphics
What's <SVG>
- svg stands for scalable vector graphics.
is a container for svg graphics
- svg has several methods for drawing path, boxes, circles, text and graphic images.
Canvas VS SVG

How to serve a page content in multiple languages?
You would generally use a CMS for this, which would be wired up with different content for each language, but still output the same structure and styling.
What is semantic HTML? Why you would like to use semantic tags?
- Semantic HTML or semantic markup is HTML that introduces meaning to the web page rather than just presentation.
- Examples of semantic elements:
, <main>
, and <article>
- it can clearly define its content.
- Search Engine Optimization, accessibility, repurposing, light code.
- Semantic tag improves accessibility. Many visually impaired person rely on semantic tag helps to interpret page content clearly.
- semantic tag improve SEO, making the website more findable.
What does 「semantically correct」 mean?
It means that you use them for what they are supposed to, like:
- It means that you use tables for tabular data but not for layout
- it means that you use lists for listing things, strong and em for giving text emphasis, and the like.
Frame, Iframe, Frameset之間的區別是什麼?
<Frameset></Frameset>用來劃分框架, 每個框架由<Frame></Frame>標記。
<frameset border=1 frameSpacing=1 borderColor=複製代碼
- <frame></frame>標記的框架順序從左至右或從上至下
- 文檔中沒有body
- frameset和frame標籤必須在一塊兒使用
- frame和frameset在html5中已經被棄用了
- Frame 和 IFrame的區別:
- IFrame和Frame標記的最大區別是在網頁中嵌入的<Iframe></Iframe>所包含的內容與整個頁面是一個總體, 而<Frame></Frame>所包含的內容是一個獨立的個體,是能夠獨立顯示的。
- 應用Iframe還能夠在同一個頁面中屢次顯示同一內容,而沒必要重複這段內容的代碼。
- iframe是將一個網頁嵌到當前的文檔中來. 對於frame,同級的各個frame以前的並行的,dom沒有包含關係,是相互獨立的。而iframe則是當前dom的一個子節點。
- frame不能脫離frameSet單獨使用,iframe能夠
- iframe會阻塞主頁面的Onload事件;
- iframe和主頁面共享鏈接池,而瀏覽器對相同域的鏈接有限制,因此會影響頁面的並行加載。
- 若是須要使用iframe,最好是經過javascript動態給iframe添加src屬性值,這樣能夠能夠繞開以上兩個問題。
- iframe is bad for SEO.
cookies,sessionStorage 和 localStorage 的區別?
- LocalStorage is local storage for your browsers, it can save up to 10MB.
- SessionStorage is session based and will be deleted after closing your browser, also can save less than LocalStorage, like up to 5MB
- Cookies are very tiny data storing in your browser, that can save up 4KB and can be accessed through server or browser both.

What's data-attributes? what is it used for?
Data- attributes are used to store custom data directly inside HTML tags. They are easily-accessible from css and javascript.

頁面可見性(Page Visibility API) 能夠有哪些用途?
經過 visibilityState 的值檢測頁面當前是否可見,以及打開網頁的時間等 在頁面被切換到其餘後臺進程的時候,自動暫停音樂或視頻的播放;
三、純js實現 須要求一個點在不在圓上簡單算法、獲取鼠標座標等等
what is accessibility?
Accessibility can making your website usable by as many people as possible, it benefits disabilities people and slow network connections.
how to improve website Accessibility?
- Html improve website Accessibility:
- Use correct semantic tag. like <main> <article> <header>
- make sure all the images have "alt" text.
- building keyboard accessiblity, like using "tabindex" attribute on tags.
- In a table, using <th> and <caption> tags.
- Css improve website Accessiblity:
- using modern page layout instead of "table layout".
- Js improve website Accessiblity.(還沒寫完,之後補上.....)
What are new features of HTML5?

如何區分Html和html5 ?
- using "document declaration" to distinguish them. HTML5 only have <!DOCTYPE>(在文檔聲明上,html有很長的一段代碼,而且很難記住這段代碼,都是靠工具直接生成,而html5倒是不一樣,只有簡簡單單的聲明,也方便人們的記憶,更加精簡。)
- Html5 have semantic elements, html 4 don't have. (在結構語義上;html4.0沒有體現結構語義化的標籤,這樣表示網站的頭部。html5在語義上卻有很大的優點。提供了一些新的html5標籤。)
html5 移除的元素有哪些?
純表現的元素:basefont big center font s strike tt u
對可用性產生負面影響的元素: frame frameset noframes
What is <output>
tag ?
是html5 中的新標籤,it used in form.
- IE 不支持output 標籤
- The output element represents the result of a calculation.
Does HTML5 support block-level links?
yes. 通俗講,能夠就是a標籤能夠包裹p, div之類的block水平的標籤。
Html5 Web Storage (HTML5的離線儲存有幾種方式)?
What are two types of Web Storage in html5?
Session Storage:
- It stores data of current session only.
- It means that the data stored in session storage clear automatically when the browser is closed.
- sessionStorage 數據在瀏覽器關閉後自動刪除。
Local Storage:
- data is not deleted automatically when the current browser window is closed.
- localStorage長期存儲數據,瀏覽器關閉後數據不丟失;
Benefits of Html5 Web Storage:
- It can store up to 10MB data which is more than what cookies have.
- Web storage data cannot be transferred with HTTP request. It helps to increase the performance of the application.
what are some of the major advantages of local storage over cookie?