Linux 標準輸出(stdout)和標準錯誤(stderr)的重定向




這種把顯示到屏幕的程序反饋,變成存到文件裏的動做,咱們叫作輸出重定向(stdout redirection)


$ git push > log.txt

而後,理論上咱們日常git push後的反饋就會保存到log.txt這個文件裏了,且屏幕上不會顯示任何東西。


稍微會一點點linux命令的,都會用到cmd > file這樣的語句,把命令反饋的輸出到一個文件裏。固然還有cmd >> file,這是把內容追加到文件裏,而不是從新擦寫一遍。>這個符號能夠念redirect to

  • > 以擦寫的模式重定向至...
  • >> 以追加的模式重定向至...
  • 1 表明stdout標準輸出
  • 2 表明stderr標準錯誤

因此,cmd > file其實是縮略了的寫法,理解起來,應該是cmd &1> file,也就是隻把標準輸出轉出去。
那麼同理,只把標準錯誤轉出去,就應該是cmd &2> file


用起來的格式是:cmd > file 2>&1


$ git push > log.txt 2>&1





  • command > output.txt

The standard output stream will be redirected to the file only, it will not be visible in the terminal. If the file already exists, it gets overwritten.日誌

  • command >> output.txt

The standard output stream will be redirected to the file only, it will not be visible in the terminal. If the file already exists, the new data will get appended to the end of the file.

  • command 2> output.txt

The standard error stream will be redirected to the file only, it will not be visible in the terminal. If the file already exists, it gets overwritten.

  • command 2>> output.txt

The standard error stream will be redirected to the file only, it will not be visible in the terminal. If the file already exists, the new data will get appended to the end of the file.

  • command &> output.txt

Both the standard output and standard error stream will be redirected to the file only, nothing will be visible in the terminal. If the file already exists, it gets overwritten.

  • command &>> output.txt

Both the standard output and standard error stream will be redirected to the file only, nothing will be visible in the terminal. If the file already exists, the new data will get appended to the end of the file..

  • command | tee output.txt

The standard output stream will be copied to the file, it will still be visible in the terminal. If the file already exists, it gets overwritten.

  • command | tee -a output.txt

The standard output stream will be copied to the file, it will still be visible in the terminal. If the file already exists, the new data will get appended to the end of the file.

  • (*)

Bash has no shorthand syntax that allows piping only StdErr to a second command, which would be needed here in combination with tee again to complete the table. If you really need something like that, please look at "How to pipe stderr, and not stdout?" on Stack Overflow for some ways how this can be done e.g. by swapping streams or using process substitution.

  • command |& tee output.txt

Both the standard output and standard error streams will be copied to the file while still being visible in the terminal. If the file already exists, it gets overwritten.

  • command |& tee -a output.txt

Both the standard output and standard error streams will be copied to the file while still being visible in the terminal. If the file already exists, the new data will get appended to the end of the file.
