capybre-Calibre命令行工具的Python接口-Nolan Hawkins Simple Usages Getting Started

capybre-Calibre命令行工具的Python接口-Nolan Hawkins

發佈:2020-12-23 10:47:25.502835

做者:Nolan Hawkins

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# Capybre

Tests Documentation Status PyPI version

Thin python wrapper over (some of) the Calibre CLI. Can be used for ebook conversion, metadata-extraction, and metadata-lookup:python

Simple Usages

# convert between formats; creates ''

from capybre import convert

convert('PrideAndPrejudice.epub', as_ext='mobi')

# extract metadata 
from capybre import extract_metada

metadata = extract_metadata('PrideAndPrejudice.epub')

# prints "Pride and Prejudice"

# extract cover from metadata; saves as cover.jpg
from capybre import extract_cover

extract_cover('PrideAndPrejudice.epub', output_file='cover.jpg')

# fetch metadata from internet sources
from capybre import fetch_metadata

metadata = fetch_metadata(title='Pride and Prejudice')

# prints Jane Austen

# download cover from internet sources; saves as cover.jpg
from capybre import fetch_cover

fetch_cover(title='Pride and Prejudice')

Getting Started

First, you need to download Calibre's command line tools.git

You can follow instructions on Calibre's site to download, or download through package managers: github

# on Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install calibre

# on MacOS
brew install calibre

On MacOS, the command line tools may not be added to your path. To access them, add /Applications/ to your PATH variable, for instance in ~/.bashrc adding bash

export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/

Then, just install Capybre with pip!app

pip install capybre

See the full documentation at

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