The most simple solution, client use Ajax to sends a request to the server in a short period circle, the server returns the latest data, then client according to the received data to update the UI.javascript
The advantage is simple, but another side, network and CPU pressure on the server is large and the bandwidth flow is wasted (usually the data is not changed).html
Client side JS:java
function createXHR(){ if(typeof XMLHttpRequest !='undefined'){ return new XMLHttpRequest(); }else if(typeof ActiveXObject !='undefined' ){ if(typeof arguments.callee.activeXString!="string"){ var versions=["MSXML2.XMLHttp.6.0","MSXML2.XMLHttp.3.0", "MSXML2.XMLHttp"], i,len; for(i=0,len=versions.length;i<len;i++){ try{ new ActiveXObject(versions[i]); arguments.callee.activeXString=versions[i]; break; }catch(ex) { } } } return new ActiveXObject(arguments.callee.activeXString); }else{ throw new Error("no xhr object available"); } } function polling(url,method,data){ method=method ||'get'; data=data || null; var xhr=createXHR(); xhr.onreadystatechange=function(){ if(xhr.readyState==4){ if(xhr.status>=200&&xhr.status<300||xhr.status==304){ console.log(xhr.responseText); }else{ console.log("fail"); } } };,url,true); xhr.send(data); } setInterval(function(){ polling('http://localhost:8088/time','get'); },2000);
Server side, NodeJS:web
var http=require('http'); var fs = require("fs"); var server=http.createServer(function(req,res){ if(req.url=='/time'){ //res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain','Access-Control-Allow-Origin':'http://localhost'}); res.end(new Date().toLocaleString()); }; if(req.url=='/'){ fs.readFile("./pollingClient.html", "binary", function(err, file) { if (!err) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); res.write(file, "binary"); res.end(); } }); } }).listen(8088,'localhost'); server.on('connection',function(socket){ console.log("connection ok"); }); server.on('close',function(){ console.log('server closed'); });
Long polling is itself not a true push; long polling is a variation of the traditional polling technique, but it allows emulating a push mechanism under circumstances where a real push is not possible, such as sites with security policies that require rejection of incoming HTTP/S
With long polling, the client requests information from the server exactly as in normal polling, but with the expectation the server may not respond immediately. If the server has no new information for the client when the poll is received, instead of sending an empty response, the server holds the request open and waits for response information to become available. Once it does have new information, the server immediately sends an HTTP/S response to the client, completing the open HTTP/S Request. Upon receipt of the server response, the client often immediately issues another server request. In this way the usual response latency (the time between when the information first becomes available and the next client request) otherwise associated with polling clients is eliminated.json
Client Side JS:websocket
function createXHR(){ if(typeof XMLHttpRequest !='undefined'){ return new XMLHttpRequest(); }else if(typeof ActiveXObject !='undefined' ){ if(typeof arguments.callee.activeXString!="string"){ var versions=["MSXML2.XMLHttp.6.0","MSXML2.XMLHttp.3.0", "MSXML2.XMLHttp"], i,len; for(i=0,len=versions.length;i<len;i++){ try{ new ActiveXObject(versions[i]); arguments.callee.activeXString=versions[i]; break; }catch(ex) { } } } return new ActiveXObject(arguments.callee.activeXString); }else{ throw new Error("no xhr object available"); } } function longPolling(url,method,data){ method=method ||'get'; data=data || null; var xhr=createXHR(); xhr.onreadystatechange=function(){ if(xhr.readyState==4){ if(xhr.status>=200&&xhr.status<300||xhr.status==304){ console.log(xhr.responseText); }else{ console.log("fail"); } longPolling(url,method,data); } };,url,true); xhr.send(data); } longPolling('http://localhost:8088/time','get');
When XHR object's readySate equal 4, that means the server side have been response the data, connection closed, next time will re-request the server to establish connection.cookie
Server Side NodeJS:app
var http=require('http'); var fs = require("fs"); var server=http.createServer(function(req,res){ if(req.url=='/time'){ setInterval(function(){ sendData(res); },20000); }; if(req.url=='/'){ fs.readFile("./lpc.html", "binary", function(err, file) { if (!err) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); res.write(file, "binary"); res.end(); } }); } }).listen(8088,'localhost'); function sendData(res){ var randomNum=Math.floor(10*Math.random()); console.log(randomNum); if(randomNum>=0&&randomNum<=5){ res.end(new Date().toLocaleString()); } }
Long-polling technique, to keep long time connection between client and server: the server side will block the response, and the client to polling.cors
There's another way named http-stream communication, principle is: keep the connection with serer during one request, then server push the data to client continuously.It's not one time response but instead, like byte by byte. The difference between polling is: only one time request, keep connection, response data in this connection.
Below the solusion of this:
The idea is to construct a XHR object, monitoring its onreadystatechange event, when readyState is 3,get responseText and then processed, readyState 3 means data transmission, the whole communication is not over, so it will continues get the data send from server, until readyState become 4,then a communication end. During the process, the data transmitted by the server to the client is sent via several times by stream, and the client is also get the data via stream, so it is called the http-streaming data flow.
Client JS:
function createStreamClient(url,progress,done){ //received爲接收到數據的計數器 var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest(),received=0;"get",url,true); xhr.onreadystatechange=function(){ var result; if(xhr.readyState==3){ //console.log(xhr.responseText); result=xhr.responseText.substring(received); received+=result.length; progress(result); }else if(xhr.readyState==4){ done(xhr.responseText); } }; xhr.send(null); return xhr; } var client=createStreamClient("http://localhost:8088/stream",function(data){ console.log("Received:"+data); },function(data){ console.log("Done,the last data is:"+data); })
Server Code:
var http=require('http'); var fs = require("fs"); var count=0; var server=http.createServer(function(req,res){ if(req.url=='/stream'){ res.setHeader('content-type', 'multipart/octet-stream'); var timer=setInterval(function(){ sendRandomData(timer,res); },2000); }; if(req.url=='/'){ fs.readFile("./xhr-stream.html", "binary", function(err, file) { if (!err) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); res.write(file, "binary"); res.end(); } }); } }).listen(8088,'localhost'); function sendRandomData(timer,res){ var randomNum=Math.floor(10000*Math.random()); console.log(randomNum); if(count++==10){ clearInterval(timer); res.end(randomNum.toString()); } res.write(randomNum.toString()); }
To resolve the low version of IE does not allow get responseText property when XHR's readyState is 3. In order to achieve on IE, iframe based data stream communication mode come out.
Specifically, load iframe dynamicly in the browser, make SRC attribute to the server URL, it's actually send a HTTP request to server, then create a function to process data in browser.Via iframe between server and client to push data to client side.
But the returned data similar to the <script type=\ "text/javascript\" >parent.process ("+randomNum.toString") (+ "') </script> , once browser receives the data, it will parsed into JS code and find the function on the page then execute,to achieve real-time updates to the client.
Client JS:
function process(data){ console.log(data); } var dataStream = function (url) { var ifr = document.createElement("iframe"),timer; ifr.src = url; document.body.appendChild(ifr); }; dataStream('http://localhost:8088/htmlfile');
var http=require('http'); var fs = require("fs"); var count=0; var server=http.createServer(function(req,res){ if(req.url=='/htmlfile'){ res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/html'); var timer=setInterval(function(){ sendRandomData(timer,res); },2000); }; if(req.url=='/'){ fs.readFile("./htmlfile-stream.html", "binary", function(err, file) { if (!err) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); res.write(file, "binary"); res.end(); } }); } }).listen(8088,'localhost'); function sendRandomData(timer,res){ var randomNum=Math.floor(10000*Math.random()); console.log(randomNum.toString()); if(count++==10){ clearInterval(timer); res.end("<script type=\"text/javascript\">parent.process('"+randomNum.toString()+"')</script>"); } res.write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">parent.process('"+randomNum.toString()+"')</script>"); }
For IE, new problem there when use iframe solution above. Before the server send back all the communication, the browser title will in loading status, and the bottom is also showning loading. This is not a good experience for a product, so Google's genius has come up with a hack mode. In IE, dynamic create a htmlfile object, it's ActiveX object COM component, which actually a HTML document in memory, by adding the generated iframe to the memory HTMLfile, and use iframe data stream communication to achieve the above effect. Meanwhile, as the HTMLfile object is not directly added to the page, so will not cause the browser display loading status.
Client Code:
function connect_htmlfile(url, callback) { var transferDoc = new ActiveXObject("htmlfile");; transferDoc.write( "<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><script type=\"text/javascript\">" + "document.domain='" + document.domain + "';" + "<\/script><\/body><\/html>"); transferDoc.close(); var ifrDiv = transferDoc.createElement("div"); transferDoc.body.appendChild(ifrDiv); ifrDiv.innerHTML = "<iframe src='" + url + "'><\/iframe>"; transferDoc.callback=callback; setInterval( function () {}, 10000); } function prograss(data) { alert(data); } connect_htmlfile('http://localhost:8088/htmlfile',prograss);
Server-Sent Events enables efficient server-to-client streaming of text-based event data—e.g., real-time notifications or updates generated on the server. To meet this goal, SSE introduces two components: a new EventSource interface in the browser, which allows the client to receive push notifications from the server as DOM events, and the "event stream" data format, which is used to deliver the individual updates.
The combination of the EventSource API in the browser and the well-defined event stream data format is what makes SSE both an efficient and an indispensable tool for handling real-time data in the browser:
Under the hood, SSE provides an efficient, cross-browser implementation of XHR streaming; the actual delivery of the messages is done over a single, long-lived HTTP connection. However, unlike dealing XHR streaming on our own, the browser handles all the connection management and message parsing, allowing our applications to focus on the business logic! In short, SSE makes working with real-time data simple and efficient. Let’s take a look under the hood.
Server Code:
var source=new EventSource('http://localhost:8088/evt'); source.addEventListener('message', function(e) { console.log(; }, false); source.onopen=function(){ console.log('connected'); } source.onerror=function(err){ console.log(err); }
Client Code:
var http=require('http'); var fs = require("fs"); var count=0; var server=http.createServer(function(req,res){ if(req.url=='/evt'){ //res.setHeader('content-type', 'multipart/octet-stream'); res.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type":"tex" + "t/event-stream", "Cache-Control":"no-cache", 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', "Connection":"keep-alive"}); var timer=setInterval(function(){ if(++count==10){ clearInterval(timer); res.end(); }else{ res.write('id: ' + count + '\n'); res.write("data: " + new Date().toLocaleString() + '\n\n'); } },2000); }; if(req.url=='/'){ fs.readFile("./sse.html", "binary", function(err, file) { if (!err) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); res.write(file, "binary"); res.end(); } }); } }).listen(8088,'localhost');
Browser Support for SSE:
WebSocket is a computer communications protocol, providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. The WebSocket protocol was standardized by the IETF as RFC 6455 in 2011, and the WebSocket API in Web IDL is being standardized by the W3C.
WebSocket is a different TCP protocol from HTTP. Both protocols are located at layer 7 in the OSI model and, as such, depend on TCP at layer 4. Although they are different, RFC 6455 states that WebSocket "is designed to work over HTTP ports 80 and 443 as well as to support HTTP proxies and intermediaries" thus making it compatible with the HTTP protocol. To achieve compatibility, the WebSocket handshake uses the HTTP Upgrade header[1] to change from the HTTP protocol to the WebSocket protocol.
The WebSocket protocol enables interaction between a web client (e.g. a browser) and a web server with lower overheads, facilitating real-time data transfer from and to the server. This is made possible by providing a standardized way for the server to send content to the client without being first requested by the client, and allowing for messages to be passed back and forth while keeping the connection open. In this way, a two-way (bi-directional) ongoing conversation can take place between the client and the server. The communications are done over TCP port number 80 (or 443 in the case of TLS-encrypted connections), which is of benefit for those environments which block non-web Internet connections using a firewall. Similar two-way browser-server communications have been achieved in non-standardized ways using stopgap technologies such as Comet.
After the hand shake, will use WS/WSS protocol instead of HTTP.
WS frame format as below:
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+-------------------------------+ |F|R|R|R| opcode|M| Payload len | Extended payload length | |I|S|S|S| (4) |A| (7) | (16/64) | |N|V|V|V| |S| | (if payload len==126/127) | | |1|2|3| |K| | | +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + | Extended payload length continued, if payload len == 127 | + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +-------------------------------+ | |Masking-key, if MASK set to 1 | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | Masking-key (continued) | Payload Data | +-------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + : Payload Data continued ... : + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + | Payload Data continued ... | +---------------------------------------------------------------+
Details refer to : RFC6455
Client Code:
window.onload=function(){ var ws=new WebSocket("ws://"); var oText=document.getElementById('message'); var oSend=document.getElementById('send'); var oClose=document.getElementById('close'); var oUl=document.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; ws.onopen=function(){ oSend.onclick=function(){ if(!/^\s*$/.test(oText.value)){ ws.send(oText.value); } }; }; ws.onmessage=function(msg){ var str="<li>""</li>"; oUl.innerHTML+=str; }; ws.onclose=function(e){ console.log("connection closed"); ws.close(); } }
Server Code:
var crypto = require('crypto'); var WS = '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11'; var server=require('net').createServer(function (socket) { var key; socket.on('data', function (msg) { if (!key) { //Get the response Sec-WebSocket-key header key = msg.toString().match(/Sec-WebSocket-Key: (.+)/)[1]; key = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(key + WS).digest('base64'); socket.write('HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n'); socket.write('Upgrade: WebSocket\r\n'); socket.write('Connection: Upgrade\r\n'); //send the confirmed key back socket.write('Sec-WebSocket-Accept: ' + key + '\r\n'); //end Http head socket.write('\r\n'); } else { var msg=decodeData(msg); console.log(msg); //if the code send by client is 8,means close the connection,terminate TCP and exit. if(msg.Opcode==8){ socket.end(); server.unref(); }else{ socket.write(encodeData({FIN:1, Opcode:1, PayloadData:"Received Data is "+msg.PayloadData})); } } }); }); server.listen(8000,'localhost'); //as websocket data frame formate function decodeData(e){ var i=0,j,s,frame={ //get two byte data at the front FIN:e[i]>>7,Opcode:e[i++]&15,Mask:e[i]>>7, PayloadLength:e[i++]&0x7F }; //deal special length 126 & 127 if(frame.PayloadLength==126) frame.length=(e[i++]<<8)+e[i++]; if(frame.PayloadLength==127) i+=4,
//Length use 4 byte int frame.length=(e[i++]<<24)+(e[i++]<<16)+(e[i++]<<8)+e[i++]; //if use mask code if(frame.Mask){ //get mask key frame.MaskingKey=[e[i++],e[i++],e[i++],e[i++]]; // for(j=0,s=[];j<frame.PayloadLength;j++) s.push(e[i+j]^frame.MaskingKey[j%4]); }else s=e.slice(i,frame.PayloadLength); //else get data directly //byte array to buffer s=new Buffer(s); //in case buffer to string if(frame.Opcode==1)s=s.toString(); // frame.PayloadData=s; //return frame return frame; } //encode send data function encodeData(e){ var s=[],o=new Buffer(e.PayloadData),l=o.length; //first byte s.push((e.FIN<<7)+e.Opcode); //input second byte,check it's length and then input follow lenght data //not use mask code if(l<126)s.push(l); else if(l<0x10000)s.push(126,(l&0xFF00)>>2,l&0xFF); else s.push( 127, 0,0,0,0, //8byte data (l&0xFF000000)>>6,(l&0xFF0000)>>4,(l&0xFF00)>>2,l&0xFF ); //return head and data part buffer return Buffer.concat([new Buffer(s),o]); }
We are seeing this error because we are violating something called the Same-Origin Policy (SOP). This is a security measure implemented in browsers to restrict interaction between documents (or scripts) that have different origins.
The origin of a page is defined by its protocol, host and port number. For example, the origin of this page is (‘http’,’’, 80). Resources with the same origin have full access to each other. If pages A and B share the same origin, Javascript code included on A can perform HTTP requests to B’s server, manipulate the DOM of B or even read cookies set by B. Note that the origin is defined by the source location of the webpage. To clarify: a javascript source file loaded from another domain (e.g. a jQuery referenced from a remote CDN) will run in the origin of the HTML that includes the script, not in the domain where the javascript file originated from.
For Cross-Origin HTTP requests in specific, the SOP prescribes the following general rule: Cross-Origin writes are allowed, Cross-Origin reads are not. This means that if A and C have a different origin, HTTP requests made by A will be received correctly by C (as these are 「writes」), but the script residing in A will not be able to read any data -not even the response code- returned from C. This would be a Cross-Origin 「read」 and is blocked by the browser resulting in the error above. In other words, the SOP does not prevent attackers to write data to their origin, it only disallows them to read data from your domain (cookie, localStorage or other) or to do anything with a response received from their domain.
The SOP is a Very Good Thing. It prevents malicious script from reading data of your domain and sending it to their servers. This means that some script kiddie will not be able to steal your cookies that easily.
CORS is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to let a user agent gain permission to access selected resources from a server on a different origin (domain) than the site currently in use. A user agent makes a cross-origin HTTP request when it requests a resource from a different domain, protocol, or port than the one from which the current document originated.
For security reasons, browsers restrict cross-origin HTTP requests initiated from within scripts. For example, XMLHttpRequest and the Fetch API follow the same-origin policy. This means that a web application using those APIs can only request HTTP resources from the same domain the application was loaded from unless CORS headers are used.
It's basic on original XHR request, when XHR calls the open method,destination point to a cross domain address, by setting response header on the server 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin':' * ',server will tells the browser, the data from cross domain and the server allows. Browser receives this header will bypass the usual cross domain restrictions, which no difference than normal XHR communication.
Advantage is client side no need to modify code, server only need to add'Access-Control-Allow-Origin':'*' header. It supported by non IE browsers such as FF, Safari, opera, chrome and so on. Cross domain XHR has some limitations compared to non - cross domain XHR, which is for security reason, as below:
Above considerations to prevent common cross site scripting attacks (XSS) and Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF).
Client Code:
var polling=function(){ var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange=function(){ if(xhr.readyState==4) if(xhr.status==200){ console.log(xhr.responseText); } }'get','http://localhost:8088/cors'); xhr.send(null); }; setInterval(function(){ polling(); },1000);
Server Code:
var http=require('http'); var fs = require("fs"); var server=http.createServer(function(req,res){ if(req.url=='/cors'){ res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain','Access-Control-Allow-Origin':'http://localhost'}); res.end(new Date().toString()); } if(req.url=='/jsonp'){ } }).listen(8088,'localhost'); server.on('connection',function(socket){ console.log("Client connection OK"); }); server.on('close',function(){ console.log('server closed'); });
Note on the server need to set Access-Control-Allow-Origin to allowed domain.
For IE8-IE10, it's not support oringinal XHR object to raise cross domain request. It have it own XDomainRequest object which similar to XHR object, limitations below:
Client Code:
var polling=function(){ var xdr=new XDomainRequest(); xdr.onload=function(){ console.log(xdr.responseText); }; xdr.onerror=function(){ console.log('failed'); };'get','http://localhost:8088/cors'); xdr.send(null); }; setInterval(function(){ polling(); },1000);
Server code as above.
This solution use the HTML page script tags have no restrictions on cross domain, make the SRC property to be the destination server address,actually send a HTTP request via the script tag. After server receives the request, the response data is their own data and the calls to the client JS function.It's principle similar to above iframe flow mode, client browser will parses and execution the receives script, to achieve the purpose of updating UI.
Client Code:
function callback(data){ console.log("Response Data:"+data); } function sendJsonp(url){ var oScript=document.createElement("script"); oScript.src=url; oScript.setAttribute('type',"text/javascript"); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(oScript); } setInterval(function(){ sendJsonp('http://localhost:8088/jsonp?cb=callback'); },1000);
Server Code:
var http=require('http'); var url=require('url'); var server=http.createServer(function(req,res){ if(/\/jsonp/.test(req.url)){ var urlData=url.parse(req.url,true); var methodName=urlData.query.cb; res.writeHead(200,{'Content-Type':'application/javascript'}); //res.end("<script type=\"text/javascript\">"+methodName+"("+new Date().getTime()+");</script>"); res.end(methodName+"("+new Date().getTime()+");"); //res.end(new Date().toString()); } }).listen(8088,'localhost'); server.on('connection',function(socket){ console.log("Client Connection OK"); }); server.on('close',function(){ console.log('Server Closed'); });