怎麼在zencart裏實現多標籤標籤雲效果 zencart教程web
若是是The Tabbed Products插件,安裝的話就把你下載的插件解壓,將對應文件直接複製到網站源文件裏去。先作下備份ide
下面是插件介紹 看不懂就算網站
The Tabbed Products Pro zen cart module allows you to change the layout of your product info page by using a tabbed display creating a more organized look for your product information.插件
A configuration area is provided in your zen cart admin where the module can be turned on or off. The module can globally activate tabs for existing zen cart modules such as additional images, attributes, reviews, customers also purchased.orm
Custom tabs can also be created dynamically based on custom tags manually entered into the main product description.server
The tabs can be colored to match your site colors.教程
This listing is for the service of installing the Tabbed Products Pro mod, not for the module itself.圖片
Zen cart modules are freely available from the zen cart website.ip
In order to install zen cart modules I will need ftp access to your server as well as to your zen cart admin area. After your purchase I will email requesting FTP and zen cart admin access information. it