cheesefactory-smb-PySMB的簡單包裝。-Todd Salazar
發佈:2020-12-23 11:28:12.019012
做者:Todd Salazar
### 做者郵箱 ### 首頁: ### 文檔:None ### 下載連接 # cheesefactory-smb
A simple wrapper for PySMB.
Main Features
- Built around PySMB.
- Push and pull files with ease.
Note: This package is still in beta status. As such, future versions may not be backwards compatible and features may change.python
The source is hosted at
pip install cheesefactory-smb
Connect to a remote SMB/CIFS server
smb = CfSmb( user='jdoe', password='superSecret', client_name='yoyo', server_name='windows_server1', server_ip='', server_port='445', domain='mydomain', use_ntlm_v2=True, is_direct_tcp=True )
- user (str): SMB server username.
- password (str): SMB server password.
- clientname_ (str): Client machine name.
- servername_ (str): SMB server name.
- serverip_ (str): SMB server IP address or hostname.
- serverport_ (str): SMB server port. Default =
- domain (str): Domain used for authentication.
- usentlmv2 (bool): Use NTLMv1 (False) or NTLMv2 (True) for authentication. Default =
- isdirecttcp (bool): Use NetBIOS over TCP/IP (False) or direct TCP/IP (True) for communication. Default =
Query the SMB server for a list of shares
shares = smb.get_shares() for share in shares: print(share)
Query the SMB server for a list of files in a directory on a share
files = smb.get_files( share='my_share', directory='/dir1/dir2/directory_of_stuff' )
- share (str): Remote SMB share.
- directory (str): The remote directory to inspect.
Download a file from the remote SMB server share='my_share', source_path='/remote_dir1/remote_dir2/cool_beans.pdf', destination_path='c:/local_dir1/cool_beans.pdf')
- share (str): Remote SMB share.
- sourcepath_ (str): Full path of remote filename to download.
- destinationpath_ (str): Full path of destination filename on local machine.
Upload a local file to the SMB server
smb.upload( share='my_share', source_path='c:/local_dir1/cool_beans.pdf', destination_path='/remote_dir1/remote_dir2/cool_beans.pdf' )
- share (str): Remote SMB share.
- sourcepath_ (str): Full path of local filename to upload.
- destinationpath_ (str): Full path of destination filename on Remote SMB server.
Close the connection to a remote SMB server
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