一、window or document is not undefinedjavascript
// .vue 頁面 if (process.browser) { var Distpicker = require('v-distpicker') Vue.use(Distpicker) Vue.component('v-distpicker', Distpicker) } // nuxt.config.js build: { vendor: ['v-distpicker'] }
這樣會報錯:[Vue warn]: The client-side rendered virtual DOM tree is not matching server-rendered content. This is likely caused by incorrect HTML markup, for example nesting block-level elements inside <p>, or missing <tbody>. Bailing hydration and performing full client-side render.vue
<no-ssr><v-distpicker :placeholders="form.placeholders"></v-distpicker></no-ssr>
//頁面內 const dictionary = { zh_CN: { custom:{ lender:{ type:{ required: () => '類型不能爲空' } } }, messages: { lender: { code: () => 'ssss', } }, attributes: { lender: { code: '資方編碼' } } } }; Validator.localize(dictionary); //vue <p> <input v-validate="'required|sss'" name="sss" type="text" placeholder="sss"> <span v-show="errors.has('sss')">{{ errors.first('sss') }}</span> </p> //公用 Validator.extend('sss', { getMessage: field => field + '必須是一個手機號.', validate: value => {return value.length == 11 && /^((13|14|15|17|18)[0-9]{1}\d{8})$/.test(value)} }); //按鈕觸發 onSubmit() { this.$validator.validateAll().then((result) => { if (result) { console.log('ok?') return; } console.log('咋啦'); }); }
// /plugs/vee-validate.js本地化配置
import Vue from 'vue' import VeeValidate,{Validator} from 'vee-validate'; import zh_CN from 'vee-validate/dist/locale/zh_CN'; import VueI18n from 'vue-i18n'; Vue.use(VueI18n); const i18n = new VueI18n({ locale: 'zh_CN' }); Vue.use(VeeValidate, { i18n, fieldsBagName: 'field', dictionary: { zh_CN: { messages: { email: () => '請輸入正確的郵箱格式,哼哼哼哼哼', required: (field) => "請輸入" + field }, attributes: { // email:'郵箱有毒嗎', password: '密碼', name: '帳號', phone: '手機', lender: { code: '資方編碼' } } } } });
##### 常規上線步驟
* npm run build編譯後將文件傳至服務器ssh root@
* 服務器目錄爲/home/nuxt (須要上傳的未見爲package.json和.nuxt文件)
* 安裝好node(推薦nvm)和 yarn,npm i --production 或者yarn i --production 安裝好後運行npm run start啓動服務
* 須要配置好nginx(ubuntu下的配置爲:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf查看內容能夠看到底部引入
## 使用docker快速開始
- 首先,須要訪問[docker官網](https://www.docker.com/)根據不一樣操做系統獲取docker
- docker官方文檔:https://docs.docker.com/
- mongo dockerhub文檔:https://hub.docker.com/_/mongo/ (關於auth/volumes一些問題)github
``` bash
# development mode(use volumes for test-edit-reload cycle)
# 開發模式(使用掛載同步容器和用戶主機上的文件以便於開發)
# Build or rebuild services
docker-compose build
# Create and start containers
docker-compose updocker
# production mode
# 生產模式
# Build or rebuild services
docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml build
# Create and start containers
docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up數據庫
# 進入容器開啓交互式終端
# (xxx指代容器名或者容器ID,可由`docker ps`查看)
docker exec -it xxx bash
> 注:爲了防止生產環境數據庫被改寫,生產模式數據庫與開發環境數據庫的連接不一樣,開發環境使用vue-blog,生產環境使用vue-blog-prod,具體能夠看docker-compose配置文件
vue 遍歷賦值屬性節點(轉義),這點卡了好久