Given a string, determine if it is a palindrome, considering only alphanumeric characters and ignoring cases.javascript
For example,
"A man, a plan, a canal: Panama" is a palindrome.
"race a car" is not a
Have you consider that the string might be empty? This is a good question to ask during an interview.ide
For the purpose of this problem, we define empty string as valid palindrome.this
驗證迴文字符串是比較常見的問題,所謂迴文,就是一個正讀和反讀都同樣的字符串,好比「level」或者「noon」等等就是迴文串。可是這裏,加入了空格和非字母數字的字符,增長了些難度,但其實原理仍是很簡單:只須要創建兩個指針,left和right, 分別從字符的開頭和結尾處開始遍歷整個字符串,若是遇到非字母數字的字符就跳過,繼續往下找,直到找到下一個字母數字或者結束遍歷,若是遇到大寫字母,就將其轉爲小寫。等左右指針都找到字母數字時,比較這兩個字符,若相等,則繼續比較下面兩個分別找到的字母數字,若不相等,直接返回false.指針
時間複雜度爲O(n), 代碼以下:code
var isPalindrome = function(s) { var n = s.length; if( n <= 1){ return true } var left = 0; var right = n -1; while(left < right){ if(!isAlphanumeric(s[left])){ left++ }else if(!isAlphanumeric(s[right])){ right-- }else if(s[left].toLowerCase() !== s[right].toLowerCase()){ return false }else{ left++ right-- } } return true }; function isAlphanumeric(a){ var c = a.charCodeAt(0) if( c >= 48 && c<=57){//0-9 return true } if( c >= 65 && c<= 90){//A-Z return true } if( c >= 97 && c<= 122){//a-z return true } return false }