DECLARE @bak_path nvarchar(4000)='E:\MsBackUp\SqlAutoBackup\' --備份路徑; DECLARE @baktype int = 0 --備份類型爲全備,1爲差別備,2爲日誌備份 DECLARE @type int = 3 --設置須要備份的庫,0爲所有庫,1爲系統庫,2爲所有用戶庫,3爲指定庫,4爲排除指定庫; DECLARE @dbnames nvarchar(4000)='DB_ERP_JD,DB_WMS_JD,DB_FMS_JD,TEST_ERP_JD,TEST_WMS_JD,TEST_FMS_JD' --須要備份或排除的數據庫,用,隔開,當@type=3或4時生效 DECLARE @overdueDay int = 0 --設置過時天數,默認天; DECLARE @compression int =0 --是否採用sql2008的壓縮備份,0爲否,1爲採用壓縮 --sql server 2005/2008備份/刪除過時備份T-sql 版本v1.0 /* desc :適用於sql2005/2008備份,自動生成庫文件夾,能夠自定義備份類型和備份庫名等 能夠自定義備份過時的天數 刪除過時備份功能不會刪除最後一次備份,哪怕已通過期 若是某庫再也不備份,那麼也不會再刪除以前過時的備份 若有錯誤請指正,謝謝. */ set nocount on --開啓xp_cmdshell支持 exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 reconfigure with override exec sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1 reconfigure with override exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 0 reconfigure with override print char(13)+'------------------------' --判斷是否填寫路徑 if isnull(@bak_path,'')='' begin print('error:請指定備份路徑') return end --判斷是否指定須要備份的庫 if isnull(ltrim(@baktype),'')='' begin print('error:請指定備份類型aa:0爲全備,1爲差別備,2爲日誌備份') return end else begin if @baktype not between 0 and 2 begin print('error:指定備份類型只能爲,1,2: 0爲全備,1爲差別備,2爲日誌備份') return end end --判斷是否指定須要備份的庫 if isnull(ltrim(@type),'')='' begin print('error:請指定須要備份的庫,0爲所有庫,1爲系統庫,2爲所有用戶庫,3爲指定庫,4爲排除指定庫') return end else begin if @type not between 0 and 4 begin print('error:請指定須要備份的庫,0爲所有庫,1爲系統庫,2爲所有用戶庫,3爲指定庫,4爲排除指定庫') return end end --判斷指定庫或排除庫時,是否填寫庫名 if @type>2 if @dbnames='' begin print('error:備份類型爲'+ltrim(@type)+'時,須要指定@dbnames參數') return end --判斷指定指定過時時間 if isnull(ltrim(@overdueDay),'')='' begin print('error:必須指定備份過時時間,單位爲天,0爲永不過時') return end --判斷是否支持壓縮 if @compression=1 if charindex('2008',@@version)=0 or charindex('Enterprise',@@version)=0 begin print('error:壓縮備份只支持sql2008企業版') return end --判斷是否存在該磁盤 declare @drives table(drive varchar(1),[size] varchar(20)) insert into @drives exec('master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives') if not exists(select 1 from @drives where drive=left(@bak_path,1)) begin print('error:不存在該磁盤:'+left(@bak_path,1)) return end --格式化參數 select @bak_path=rtrim(ltrim(@bak_path)),@dbnames=rtrim(ltrim(@dbnames)) if right(isnull(@bak_path,''),1)!='' set @bak_path=@bak_path+'' if isnull(@dbnames,'')!='' set @dbnames = ','+@dbnames+',' set @dbnames=replace(@dbnames,' ','') --定義變量 declare @bak_sql nvarchar(max),@del_sql nvarchar(max),@i int,@maxid int declare @dirtree_1 table (id int identity(1,1) primary key,subdirectory nvarchar(600),depth int,files int) declare @dirtree_2 table (id int identity(1,1) primary key,subdirectory nvarchar(600),depth int,files int, dbname varchar(300),baktime datetime,isLastbak int) declare @createfolder nvarchar(max),@delbackupfile nvarchar(max),@delbak nvarchar(max) --獲取須要備份的庫名--------------------start declare @t table(id int identity(1,1) primary key,name nvarchar(max)) declare @sql nvarchar(max) set @sql = 'select name from sys.databases where state=0 and name!=''tempdb'' ' + case when @baktype=2 then ' and recovery_model!=3 ' else '' end + case @type when 0 then 'and 1=1' when 1 then 'and database_id<=4' when 2 then 'and database_id>4' when 3 then 'and charindex('',''+Name+'','','''+@dbnames+''')>0' when 4 then 'and charindex('',''+Name+'','','''+@dbnames+''')=0 and database_id>4' else '1>2' end insert into @t exec(@sql) --獲取須要備份的庫名---------------------end --獲取須要建立的文件夾------------------start insert into @dirtree_1 exec('master.dbo.xp_dirtree '''+@bak_path+''',0,1') select @createfolder=isnull(@createfolder,'')+'exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''md '+@bak_path+''+name+''',no_output '+char(13) from @t as a left join @dirtree_1 as b on a.name=b.subdirectory and b.files=0 and depth=1 where b.id is null --獲取須要建立的文件夾-------------------end --生成處理過時備份的sql語句-------------start if @overdueDay>0 begin insert into @dirtree_2(subdirectory,depth,files) exec('master.dbo.xp_dirtree '''+@bak_path+''',0,1') if @baktype =0 delete from @dirtree_2 where depth=1 or files=0 or charindex('_Full_bak_',subdirectory)=0 if @baktype =1 delete from @dirtree_2 where depth=1 or files=0 or charindex('_Diff_bak_',subdirectory)=0 if @baktype=2 delete from @dirtree_2 where depth=1 or files=0 or charindex('_Log_bak_',subdirectory)=0 if exists(select 1 from @dirtree_2) delete from @dirtree_2 where isdate( left(right(subdirectory,19),8)+' '+ substring(right(subdirectory,20),11,2) + ':' + substring(right(subdirectory,20),13,2) +':'+substring(right(subdirectory,20),15,2) )=0 if exists(select 1 from @dirtree_2) update @dirtree_2 set dbname = case when @baktype=0 then left(subdirectory,charindex('_Full_bak_',subdirectory)-1) when @baktype=1 then left(subdirectory,charindex('_Diff_bak_',subdirectory)-1) when @baktype=2 then left(subdirectory,charindex('_Log_bak_',subdirectory)-1) else '' end ,baktime=left(right(subdirectory,19),8)+' '+ substring(right(subdirectory,20),11,2) + ':' + substring(right(subdirectory,20),13,2) +':'+substring(right(subdirectory,20),15,2) from @dirtree_2 as a delete @dirtree_2 from @dirtree_2 as a left join @t as b on b.name=a.dbname where b.id is null update @dirtree_2 set isLastbak= case when (select max(baktime) from @dirtree_2 where dbname=a.dbname)=baktime then 1 else 0 end from @dirtree_2 as a select @delbak=isnull(@delbak,'')+'exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''del '+@bak_path+''+dbname+'' +subdirectory+''',no_output '+char(13) from @dirtree_2 where isLastbak=0 and datediff(day,baktime,getdate())>@overdueDay end --生成處理過時備份的sql語句--------------end begin try print(@createfolder) --建立備份所需文件夾 exec(@createfolder) --建立備份所需文件夾 end try begin catch print 'err:'+ltrim(error_number()) print 'err:'+error_message() return end catch select @i=1 ,@maxid=max(id) from @t while @i<=@maxid begin select @bak_sql=''+char(13)+'backup '+ case when @baktype=2 then 'log ' else 'database ' end +quotename(Name)+' to disk='''+@bak_path + Name+''+ Name+ case when @baktype=0 then '_Full_bak_' when @baktype=1 then '_Diff_bak_' when @baktype=2 then '_Log_bak_' else null end + case when @compression=1 then 'compression_' else '' end+ replace(replace(replace(convert(varchar(20),getdate(),120),'-',''),' ','_'),':','')+ case when @baktype=2 then '.trn' when @baktype=1 then '.dif' else '.bak' end +'''' + case when @compression=1 or @baktype=1 then ' with ' else '' end + case when @compression=1 then 'compression,' else '' end + case when @baktype=1 then 'differential,' else '' end + case when @compression=1 or @baktype=1 then ' noformat' else '' end from @t where id=@i set @i=@i+1 begin try print(@bak_sql)--循環執行備份 exec(@bak_sql) --循環執行備份 end try begin catch print 'err:'+ltrim(error_number()) print 'err:'+error_message() end catch end begin try print(@delbak) --刪除超期的備份 exec(@delbak) --刪除超期的備份 end try begin catch print 'err:'+ltrim(error_number()) print 'err:'+error_message() end catch --關閉xp_cmdshell支持 exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 reconfigure with override exec sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1 reconfigure with override exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 0 reconfigure with override