GDAL 遙感圖像處理後的數據保存爲圖像文件的實現方法





 1 int bytesPerLine=(width*24+31)/8;//字節對齊 
 2 unsigned char *data=new unsigned char[bytesPerLine*height];  3   
 4 //圖像處理...... 
 6 GDALAllRegister();//註冊數據集 
 7 GDALDriver *poDriver;  8     GDALDataset *BiomassDataset;  9     poDriver = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName("Gtiff"); 10  
11 const char *output_file="D:\xxxx"; 12 
13 BiomassDataset=poDriver->Create(output_file,width,height,3,GDT_Byte, NULL); 14 
15 int panBandMap [3]= {1,2,3}; 16 BiomassDataset->RasterIO(GF_Write,0,0,width,height,data_show_,width,height,GDT_Byte,3,panBandMap,3,bytesPerLine,1); 17   
18 GDALClose(BiomassDataset); 19 BiomassDataset=NULL; 20   
22 delete []data; 23 data=NULL;  



GDALDataset * GDALDriver::Create    (   const char * pszFilename, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nBands, GDALDataType eType, char ** papszOptions ) 


  pszFilename  the name of the dataset to create. UTF-8 encoded.
  nXSize  width of created raster in pixels.
  nYSize  height of created raster in pixels.
  nBands  number of bands.
  eType  type of raster.
  papszOptions  list of driver specific control parameters.










CPLErr GDALDataset::RasterIO ( GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, void * pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, int nBandCount, int * panBandMap, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace ) 


  eRWFlag  Either GF_Read to read a region of data, or GF_Write to write a region of data.
  nXOff  The pixel offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side.
  nYOff  The line offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top.
  nXSize  The width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels.
  nYSize  The height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines.
  pData  The buffer into which the data should be read, or from which it should be written. This buffer must contain at least nBufXSize * nBufYSize * nBandCount words of type eBufType. It is organized in left to right,top to bottom pixel order. Spacing is controlled by the nPixelSpace, and nLineSpace parameters.
  nBufXSize  the width of the buffer image into which the desired region is to be read, or from which it is to be written.
  nBufYSize  the height of the buffer image into which the desired region is to be read, or from which it is to be written.
  eBufType  the type of the pixel values in the pData data buffer. The pixel values will automatically be translated to/from the GDALRasterBand data type as needed.
  nBandCount  the number of bands being read or written.
  panBandMap  the list of nBandCount band numbers being read/written. Note band numbers are 1 based. This may be NULL to select the first nBandCount bands.
  nPixelSpace  The byte offset from the start of one pixel value in pData to the start of the next pixel value within a scanline. If defaulted (0) the size of the datatype eBufType is used.
  nLineSpace  The byte offset from the start of one scanline in pData to the start of the next. If defaulted (0) the size of the datatype eBufType * nBufXSize is used.
  nBandSpace  the byte offset from the start of one bands data to the start of the next. If defaulted (0) the value will be nLineSpace * nBufYSize implying band sequential organization of the data buffer.


int* panBandMap:波段的排列順序,好比RGB,BGR等

int nPixelSpace:寫入時相鄰像素間的字節數大小,這裏每一個像素三個波段,所以爲3

int nLineSpace:圖像相鄰行見字節數的大小,這裏一行又bytePerLine個字節,所以爲bytePerLine

int nBandSpace:寫入時相鄰波段見字節大小,這裏寫入的波段都是緊挨着的,所以爲1
