前面利用Python中的Paramiko模塊能夠進行SSH的鏈接,以及用來傳送文件(SFTP),可是不管是哪種方式,鏈接都是短暫的,並不是是長連的,即一次執行一個命令或上傳與下載一個文件,顯然效率是不如直接使用Linux shell下的ssh鏈接命令來進行鏈接。其實在將Paramiko的源碼解壓出來後,裏面有一個demo的文件夾,裏面有一個demo.py的程序,利用它,咱們就能夠進行長鏈接,即像ssh同樣鏈接遠程主機:mysql
xpleaf@xpleaf-machine:/mnt/hgfs/Python/day6/sorftwares/demp_test/paramiko-$ ls demos LICENSE paramiko PKG-INFO setup.cfg setup.py tests docs MANIFEST.in paramiko.egg-info README setup_helper.py test.py xpleaf@xpleaf-machine:/mnt/hgfs/Python/day6/sorftwares/demp_test/paramiko-$ cd demos/ xpleaf@xpleaf-machine:/mnt/hgfs/Python/day6/sorftwares/demp_test/paramiko-$ ls -l demo.py -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5340 6月 16 2010 demo.py
xpleaf@xpleaf-machine:/mnt/hgfs/Python/day6/sorftwares/demp_test/paramiko-$ python demo.py Hostname: *** Host key OK. Username [xpleaf]: xpleaf Auth by (p)assword, (r)sa key, or (d)ss key? [p] Password for xpleaf@ *** Here we go! Last login: Fri Oct 9 17:19:42 2015 from [xpleaf@moban ~]$ pwd /home/xpleaf
#!/usr/bin/env python import base64 from binascii import hexlify import getpass import os import select import socket import sys import threading import time import traceback import paramiko import interactive def agent_auth(transport, username): """ Attempt to authenticate to the given transport using any of the private keys available from an SSH agent. """ agent = paramiko.Agent() agent_keys = agent.get_keys() if len(agent_keys) == 0: return for key in agent_keys: print 'Trying ssh-agent key %s' % hexlify(key.get_fingerprint()), try: transport.auth_publickey(username, key) print '... success!' return except paramiko.SSHException: print '... nope.' def manual_auth(username, hostname,pw): '''default_auth = 'p' auth = raw_input('Auth by (p)assword, (r)sa key, or (d)ss key? [%s] ' % default_auth) if len(auth) == 0: auth = default_auth if auth == 'r': default_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.ssh', 'id_rsa') path = raw_input('RSA key [%s]: ' % default_path) if len(path) == 0: path = default_path try: key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(path) except paramiko.PasswordRequiredException: password = getpass.getpass('RSA key password: ') key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(path, password) t.auth_publickey(username, key) elif auth == 'd': default_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.ssh', 'id_dsa') path = raw_input('DSS key [%s]: ' % default_path) if len(path) == 0: path = default_path try: key = paramiko.DSSKey.from_private_key_file(path) except paramiko.PasswordRequiredException: password = getpass.getpass('DSS key password: ') key = paramiko.DSSKey.from_private_key_file(path, password) t.auth_publickey(username, key) else: pw = getpass.getpass('Password for %s@%s: ' % (username, hostname)) t.auth_password(username, pw)''' t.auth_password(username,pw) # setup logging paramiko.util.log_to_file('demo.log') username = '' if len(sys.argv) > 1: hostname = sys.argv[1] if hostname.find('@') >= 0: username, hostname = hostname.split('@') else: hostname = raw_input('Hostname: ') if len(hostname) == 0: print '*** Hostname required.' sys.exit(1) port = 22 if hostname.find(':') >= 0: hostname, portstr = hostname.split(':') port = int(portstr) # now connect try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((hostname, port)) except Exception, e: print '*** Connect failed: ' + str(e) traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) try: t = paramiko.Transport(sock) try: t.start_client() except paramiko.SSHException: print '*** SSH negotiation failed.' sys.exit(1) try: keys = paramiko.util.load_host_keys(os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/known_hosts')) except IOError: try: keys = paramiko.util.load_host_keys(os.path.expanduser('~/ssh/known_hosts')) except IOError: print '*** Unable to open host keys file' keys = {} # check server's host key -- this is important. key = t.get_remote_server_key() if not keys.has_key(hostname): print '*** WARNING: Unknown host key!' elif not keys[hostname].has_key(key.get_name()): print '*** WARNING: Unknown host key!' elif keys[hostname][key.get_name()] != key: print '*** WARNING: Host key has changed!!!' sys.exit(1) else: print '*** Host key OK.' # get username '''if username == '': default_username = getpass.getuser() username = raw_input('Username [%s]: ' % default_username) if len(username) == 0: username = default_username''' #changed by xpleaf at 2015.10.9 username = sys.argv[2] password = sys.argv[3] sa_username = sys.argv[4] agent_auth(t, username) if not t.is_authenticated(): manual_auth(username, hostname,password) if not t.is_authenticated(): print '*** Authentication failed. :(' t.close() sys.exit(1) chan = t.open_session() chan.get_pty() chan.invoke_shell() print '*** Here we go!' print interactive.interactive_shell(chan,hostname,username,sa_username) chan.close() t.close() except Exception, e: print '*** Caught exception: ' + str(e.__class__) + ': ' + str(e) traceback.print_exc() try: t.close() except: pass sys.exit(1)
import socket import sys,time # windows does not have termios... try: import termios import tty has_termios = True except ImportError: has_termios = False def interactive_shell(chan,hostname,username,sa_username): if has_termios: posix_shell(chan,hostname,username,sa_username) else: windows_shell(chan) def posix_shell(chan,hostname,username,sa_username): import select date = time.strftime('%Y_%m_%d') #Here is changed! f = file('/tmp/%s_%s_record.log' % (sa_username,date),'a+') #Here is changed! record = [] #Here is changed! oldtty = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) try: tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) tty.setcbreak(sys.stdin.fileno()) chan.settimeout(0.0) while True: date = time.strftime('%Y_%m_%d %H:%M:%S') #Here is changed! r, w, e = select.select([chan, sys.stdin], [], []) if chan in r: try: x = chan.recv(1024) if len(x) == 0: print '\r\n*** EOF\r\n', break sys.stdout.write(x) sys.stdout.flush() except socket.timeout: pass if sys.stdin in r: x = sys.stdin.read(1) if len(x) == 0: break #print x record.append(x) chan.send(x) if x == '\r': #Here is changed!Follow: #print record cmd = ''.join(record).split('\r')[-2] log = "%s | %s | %s | %s\n" % (hostname,date,sa_username,cmd) f.write(log) f.flush() f.close() #Here is changed!Above: finally: termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, oldtty) # thanks to Mike Looijmans for this code def windows_shell(chan): import threading sys.stdout.write("Line-buffered terminal emulation. Press F6 or ^Z to send EOF.\r\n\r\n") def writeall(sock): while True: data = sock.recv(256) if not data: sys.stdout.write('\r\n*** EOF ***\r\n\r\n') sys.stdout.flush() break sys.stdout.write(data) sys.stdout.flush() writer = threading.Thread(target=writeall, args=(chan,)) writer.start() try: while True: d = sys.stdin.read(1) if not d: break chan.send(d) except EOFError: # user hit ^Z or F6 pass
#!/usr/bin/env python import os,MySQLdb os.system('clear') print '='*35 print '''\033[32;1mWelcome to the Connecting System!\033[0m Choose the Server to connect: 1.DNS Server: 2.DHCP Server:''' print '='*35 choice = raw_input('Your choice:') if choice == '1': address = '' elif choice == '2': address = '' sa_user = 'yonghaoye' try: conn = MySQLdb.connect(host = 'localhost', user = 'root', \ passwd = '123456', db = 'Server_list', port = 3306) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("select * from users where sa = '%s'" % sa_user) qur_result = cur.fetchall() for record in qur_result: if record[3] == address: hostname = record[3] username = record[4] password = record[5] cur.close() conn.close() except MySQLdb.Error,e: print 'Mysql Error Msg:',e cmd = 'python /mnt/hgfs/Python/day6/sorftwares/paramiko- %s %s %s %s' % (hostname,username,password,sa_user) os.system(cmd)
添加了下面這樣的數據庫 mysql> show databases; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | Server_list | | ftp_user | | linkman | | mysql | | performance_schema | | s6py | +--------------------+ 7 rows in set (0.01 sec) mysql> use Server_list Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed mysql> show tables; +-----------------------+ | Tables_in_Server_list | +-----------------------+ | users | +-----------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> describe users; +-----------------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-----------------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | sa | char(20) | NO | | NULL | | | server_name | char(20) | NO | | NULL | | | server_address | char(20) | NO | | NULL | | | server_username | char(20) | NO | | NULL | | | server_password | char(20) | NO | | NULL | | +-----------------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ 6 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> selec * from users; ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'selec * from users' at line 1 mysql> select * from users; +----+-----------+-------------+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | id | sa | server_name | server_address | server_username | server_password | +----+-----------+-------------+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | 1 | yonghaoye | DNS Server | | xpleaf | 123456 | | 2 | yonghaoye | DHCP Server | | public | 123456 | +----+-----------+-------------+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
xpleaf@xpleaf-machine:/tmp$ tail -f yonghaoye_2015_10_10_record.log | 2015_10_10 00:36:44 | yonghaoye | pwd | 2015_10_10 00:36:48 | yonghaoye | whoami | 2015_10_10 00:37:13 | yonghaoye | echo $PATH