<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>日曆</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no"> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no,viewport-fit=cover"> <meta content="telephone=no" name="format-detection" /> <title>Document</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./base.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./calnder.css"> </head> <body> <div class="header-top" id="header-top" v-show="controlState === 2" v-cloak> <div class="control-box"> <span>日曆範圍選擇</span> <span class="close__btn" @click="closeCalendar"></span> </div> <ul id="week-item"></ul> <div class="current-time"> <input type="text" id="current-time" readonly> </div> </div> <div class="main"> <div class="mode-one" id="mode-one"> <div id="week-box"></div> </div> <div class="calendar__dialog">最多可選六個月,請從新選擇!</div> <div class="footer-box"> <div class="confirm-btn">肯定</div> </div> </div> <script src="./resize.js"></script> <script src="./utils.js"></script> <script> //默認顯示當前月 window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight); let startYear = 2010; let $Yday = Utils.getElement('.j-year-day'); let $Yhour = Utils.getElement('.j-year-hour'); let $Dh = Utils.getElement('.j-day-h'); let $Dm = Utils.getElement('.j-day-m'); let $Ds = Utils.getElement('.j-day-s'); let $CurrentTime = Utils.getElement('.j-time'); let vm = { timeArr: [] } let date = new Date() let year = date.getFullYear(); let thisMonth = date.getMonth(); let thisDay = date.getDate(); let dayS = 24 * 60 * 60; let dateS = date.getTime(); let dateEndS = new Date(year, 11, 31, 23, 59, 59).getTime(); let weeks = ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六']; let dayStr = ''; let dayItem = ''; for (let i = 0; i < weeks.length; i++) { dayItem += '<li class="week-item">' + weeks[i] + '</li>' } let ulContent = Utils.getElement('.header-top ul'); ulContent.innerHTML = dayItem; // 當即生成日曆html ;(function createCalendar(y) { let calnderBody = Utils.getElement('.mode-one'); for (y; y <= year; y++) { calnderBody.innerHTML = handelYear(y); } })(startYear) // 循環月份 function handelYear(y) { for (let month = 0; month <= 11; month++) { if (y === year) { if (month > thisMonth) break; } // 每月的第一天 let firstDay = new Date(y, month, 1); let dayInMonth = daysInMonth(month, y); // 每月的最後一天 let lastDay = new Date(y, month, dayInMonth); let weekday = firstDay.getDay(); // 星期幾 0-6 let lastDayWeekDay = lastDay.getDay(); // 當月的最後一天星期幾 0-6 let date = 1; // 第一天,計數用 let showMonth = month + 1; let newMonth = Utils.timePad(showMonth) dayStr += '<div class="current-month">' + y + '年' + newMonth + '月 </div><div class="month">'; // 補齊前面的空格 for (let i = 0; i < weekday; i++) { dayStr += '<div class="item"></div>'; } for (; date <= dayInMonth; date++) { let copyDate = date; let newDate = Utils.timePad(copyDate) if (month == thisMonth && date == thisDay && y == year) { dayStr += '<div class="item now dateItem" data-disabled=' + (date > thisDay) + ' data-current=' + y + '-' + newMonth + '-' + newDate + '>' + date + '</div>'; } else if (month == thisMonth && y == year) { // data-disabled='+ (date > thisDay) +' dayStr += '<div class="item dateItem" data-disabled=' + (date > thisDay) + ' data-current=' + y + '-' + newMonth + '-' + newDate + ' >' + date + '</div>'; } else { dayStr += '<div class="item dateItem" data-current=' + y + '-' + newMonth + '-' + newDate + ' >' + date + '</div>'; } weekday++ if (weekday % 7 == 0) { weekday = 0; } } // 補齊後面的空格 for (let j = 0; j < (7 - lastDayWeekDay - 1); j++) { dayStr += '<div class="item"></div>'; } // dayStr += '<br/></div>'; dayStr += '<p class="after-dom" data-time=' + y + '年' + newMonth + '月></p></div>'; } return dayStr } document.body.onclick = function (ev) { let e = ev || window.event; checkActive(); let currBox = Utils.getElement('.current-time #current-time'); // 若是不是iphone 7plus 和 iphonex機型 要加一個月 if (currBox) { if (isIphonex()) { currBox.value = year + '年' + Utils.timePad(thisMonth) + '月' } else if (getPhoneType().replace(/\s*/g, "") === 'iphone6' || getPhoneType().replace( /\s*/g, "") === 'iphone5s' && !isIphonex()) { currBox.value = year + '年' + Utils.timePad(thisMonth + 1) + '月'; } else if (getPhoneType() === 'iphone6 plus') { currBox.value = year + '年' + Utils.timePad(thisMonth + 1) + '月'; } else { currBox.value = year + '年' + Utils.timePad(thisMonth) + '月'; } } } // 監聽滾動條事件 document.addEventListener('scroll', handelEvent, false) function handelEvent(e) { scrollFunc(); let monthBox = Utils.getAllElement('.current-month'), currBox = Utils.getElement('.current-time #current-time'); let monthBoxList = Utils.getAllElement('.after-dom'); let top = document.documentElement.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop; _Set('scrollTop', top) if (scrollDirection == 'down') { // 判斷 月盒子是否和頭部日期盒子重疊,若是重疊就顯示當前月的時間 let listenCurTime = []; handelTitleAnimate(listenCurTime, monthBox, currBox, 'pushDown', 'pushUp', 1) } else if (scrollDirection == 'up') { //判斷每月的盒子是否和頭部日期盒子重疊 let listenCurTime = []; handelTitleAnimate(listenCurTime, monthBoxList, currBox, 'pushUp', 'pushDown', 2); } } // 處理滑動時候,頭部日期動畫效果 function handelTitleAnimate(arr, ele, ele1, class1, class2, type) { // let arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < ele.length; i++) { if (collision(ele1, ele[i])) { if (type === 1) { ele1.value = ele[i].innerText; arr.push(ele1.value) } else { ele1.value = ele[i].getAttribute('data-time'); arr.push(ele1.value); } } } if (arr.length) { ele1.classList.remove(class1); ele1.classList.add(class2); } else { ele1.classList.remove(class2); } } // 點擊每一個日期事件 function getCurrnetTime() { let itemDay = document.querySelectorAll('.month .dateItem'); let items; for (let i = 0, len = itemDay.length; i < len; i++) { items = itemDay[i]; if (items.dataset.disabled === 'true') { items.classList.add('disabled') } document.onclick = function (ev) { let e = ev || window.event; let target = e.target || e.srcElement; let confirmBtn = Utils.getElement('.footer-box div'); if (target.classList.contains('dateItem') === true) { let now = target.dataset.current; let isAllowChose = target.dataset.disabled; // 若是是今天以後的日期,點擊無效 if (isAllowChose === 'true') return; if (vm.timeArr.length < 2) { vm.timeArr.push(now) target.classList.add('active'); if (vm.timeArr.length > 1) { // scopeValue表示選中的日期範圍值 let scopeValue = getAll(vm.timeArr[0], vm.timeArr[1]); // 比較選中兩個日期的大小,若是是倒序選擇的,就從新選 // result表示是不是正序選擇 let result = CompareDate(vm.timeArr[0], vm.timeArr[1]); if (!result) { checkClass('active'); vm.timeArr.splice(0, 1) target.classList.add('active') } else { // 選中的日期範圍去匹配相應的dom,加class handelClass(scopeValue, undefined); } handelFinalBox(vm.timeArr[0], vm.timeArr[1], vm.timeArr); } } else { (vm.timeArr = [], vm.timeArr.push(now)); checkClass('active'); handelFinalBox(vm.timeArr[0], vm.timeArr[1], vm.timeArr) target.classList.add('active') } if (vm.timeArr.length == 1) { confirmBtn.classList.add('cover_back') handelClass(undefined, vm.timeArr); createVal(vm.timeArr); vm.maxDate = calcDate(vm.timeArr[0]); _Set('lastTop', _Get('scrollTop')) } else if (vm.timeArr.length == 2) { // 拼接選擇日期值 createVal(vm.timeArr) // 判斷若是超出可選範圍,就提示從新選擇 if (CompareDate(vm.maxDate, vm.timeArr[1])) { // 清除選中的日期,只保留第一個選擇值,currentChose存第一次選擇的值,讓timeArr的值和本地存儲的值都變成第一個選中的值 window.scrollTo(0, _Get('lastTop')); Utils.getElement('.calendar__dialog').style.display = 'block' vm.timeArr = []; checkClass('l-border'); checkClass('r-border'); checkClass('cover-background'); var data = _Get('currentChose')[0]; vm.timeArr.push(data) _Set('currentChose', data.split()); _Set('choseValue', data.split()[0]); target.classList.remove('active') setTimeout(function () { Utils.getElement('.calendar__dialog').style.display = 'none' }, 2000); } } else { confirmBtn.classList.add('cover_back') } } // 點擊肯定按鈕,需清楚選中的日期值 confirmBtn.onclick = function (e) { if (!e.target.classList.contains('cover_back')) return; handelClass(undefined, vm.timeArr); console.log(vm.timeArr) } } } } getCurrnetTime(); function setDisabled() { let endDate = calcDate(vm.timeArr[0]); // leftDom表示結束日期,以後全部的dom 只是當前6個月能夠選擇,超出範圍不能選擇; // 計算出當前日期和endDate的區間 let canChose = getAll(vm.timeArr[0], endDate); let itemDay = document.querySelectorAll('.month .dateItem'); for (let i = 0, len = itemDay.length; i < len; i++) { let every = itemDay[i].getAttribute('data-current'), ele = itemDay[i]; if (canChose.indexOf(every) < 0) { ele.classList.add('disabled') ele.setAttribute('data-disabled', true) } else { ele.classList.remove('disabled') ele.setAttribute('data-disabled', false) } } } // 拼接選中日期值 function createVal(arr) { // 若是不跨年,就不顯示年份 if (arr.length === 1) { let finalArr = arr[0]; _Set('choseValue', finalArr); _Set('currentChose', vm.timeArr); } else if (arr.length === 2) { // 拼接選擇日期值["2018-12-26","2019-02-26"] let containValue = arr[0] + '至' + arr[1]; _Set('choseValue', containValue); _Set('currentChose', vm.timeArr); } } // 檢測是否含有某個class function checkClass(str) { let itemDay = document.querySelectorAll('.dateItem'); for (let i = 0; i < itemDay.length; i++) { let item = itemDay[i]; if (item.classList.contains(str) == true) { item.classList.remove(str); } } } // 給選中範圍內的日期加class function handelClass(arr, choseArr) { let itemDay = document.querySelectorAll('.dateItem'); for (let i = 0; i < itemDay.length; i++) { if (arr) { let item = itemDay[i].getAttribute('data-current'); if (arr.indexOf(item) > -1) { itemDay[i].classList.add('cover-background'); } } if (choseArr) { if (choseArr.length == 1 || !choseArr.length) { itemDay[i].classList.remove('cover-background'); } } } } // 處理選中兩個日期後圓角問題 function handelFinalBox(fValue, eValue, itemArr) { let itemDay = document.querySelectorAll('.dateItem'); for (let i = 0; i < itemDay.length; i++) { let item = itemDay[i].getAttribute('data-current'); // 若是選擇兩個 if (itemArr.length > 1) { if (item === fValue && itemArr.length > 1) { itemDay[i].classList.add('l-border'); } if (item === eValue && itemArr.length > 1) { itemDay[i].classList.add('r-border'); } } else { itemDay[i].classList.remove('l-border'); itemDay[i].classList.remove('r-border'); } } } // init頁面時候,處理添加active和cover-backgoround類名 function checkActive() { let doc = document, itemDay = doc.querySelectorAll('.month .dateItem'), item; if (_Get('currentChose')) { let currentChose = _Get('currentChose'); let arrLi = doc.querySelectorAll('.month .dateItem'); Array.prototype.forEach.call(arrLi, function (ele) { let curr = ele.getAttribute('data-current'); if (currentChose.length === 1) { // 選擇單個日期的狀況 if (curr === currentChose[0]) { ele.classList.add('active') } } else if (currentChose.length === 2) { let scopeValue = getAll(currentChose[0], currentChose[1]); // 若是是選中範圍的狀況 if (scopeValue.indexOf(curr) > -1) { ele.classList.add('cover-background'); // 若是選擇兩個 if (currentChose.length > 1) { if (curr === currentChose[0] && currentChose.length > 1) { ele.classList.add('l-border'); } if (curr === currentChose[1] && currentChose.length > 1) { ele.classList.add('r-border'); } } else { ele.classList.remove('l-border'); ele.classList.remove('r-border'); } } } }) } } </script> </body> </html>
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; (function () { resize() window.onresize = resize; })() function resize () { if (document.documentElement.clientWidth >= 750) { document.documentElement.style.fontSize = '75px'; return } document.documentElement.style.fontSize = document.documentElement.clientWidth / 10 + 'px' }
let Utils = { getElement(selector) { return document.querySelector(selector); }, getAllElement(selector) { return document.querySelectorAll(selector); }, timePad(time) { return time < 10 ? '0' + time : time; } } function daysInMonth(month, year) { return new Date(year, month + 1, 0).getDate(); } function _Set(data_id, data) { if (data_id != "") { if (data) { var lsobj = window.localStorage; var datajson = JSON.stringify(data); lsobj.setItem(data_id, datajson); } } } function _Get(data_id) { if (data_id != "") { var data = null; var lsdata = window.localStorage; try { var datajson = lsdata.getItem(data_id); datajson = JSON.parse(datajson); data = datajson; } catch (e) { } finally { return data; } } } let scrollAction = { x: 'undefined', y: 'undefined' }, scrollDirection; // 判斷頁面滾動方向 function scrollFunc() { if (typeof scrollAction.x == 'undefined') { scrollAction.x = window.pageXOffset; scrollAction.y = window.pageYOffset; } let diffX = scrollAction.x - window.pageXOffset; let diffY = scrollAction.y - window.pageYOffset; if (diffX < 0) { // Scroll right scrollDirection = 'right'; } else if (diffX > 0) { // Scroll left scrollDirection = 'left'; } else if (diffY < 0) { // Scroll down scrollDirection = 'down'; } else if (diffY > 0) { // Scroll up scrollDirection = 'up'; } else { // First scroll event } scrollAction.x = window.pageXOffset; scrollAction.y = window.pageYOffset; }; // 檢測兩個div是否重疊 function collision(target, current) { let targetX = target.offsetLeft; let targetY = target.offsetTop; let targetW = target.offsetWidth; let targetH = target.offsetHeight; let currentX = current.offsetLeft; let currentY = current.getBoundingClientRect().top; let currentW = current.offsetWidth; let currentH = current.offsetHeight; return (targetX + targetW > currentX && targetX < currentX + currentW && targetY + targetH > currentY && targetY < currentY + currentH); } // 計算當前選擇日期日後推6個月 function calcDate(str) { str = str.replace(/-/g, '/'); let date = new Date(str); //日期轉文本方式一: let year = date.getFullYear(); //年 let month = date.getMonth() + 7; //月 +6個月 由於js裏month從0開始,因此要加1 if (month > 12) { year++; month -= 12; } let date2 = new Date(year, month, 0); //新的年月 let day1 = date.getDate(); let day2 = date2.getDate(); if (day1 > day2) { //防止+6月後沒有31天 day1 = day2; } str = year + '-' + Utils.timePad(month) + '-' + Utils.timePad(day1); return str; } // 獲取兩個日期之間的值 Date.prototype.format = function () { let s = ''; let mouth = (this.getMonth() + 1) >= 10 ? (this.getMonth() + 1) : ('0' + (this.getMonth() + 1)); let day = this.getDate() >= 10 ? this.getDate() : ('0' + this.getDate()); s += this.getFullYear() + '-'; // 獲取年份。 s += mouth + "-"; // 獲取月份。 s += day; // 獲取日。 return (s); // 返回日期。 }; // 獲取兩個日期之間的值 function getAll(begin, end) { let arr = []; let ab = begin.split("-"); let ae = end.split("-"); let db = new Date(); db.setUTCFullYear(ab[0], ab[1] - 1, ab[2]); let de = new Date(); de.setUTCFullYear(ae[0], ae[1] - 1, ae[2]); let unixDb = db.getTime() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; let unixDe = de.getTime() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; for (let k = unixDb; k <= unixDe;) { //console.log((new Date(parseInt(k))).format()); k = k + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; arr.push((new Date(parseInt(k))).format()); } return arr; } // 比較兩個日期大小 function CompareDate(d1, d2) { return ((new Date(d1.replace(/-/g, "\/"))) < (new Date(d2.replace(/-/g, "\/")))); } function getPhoneType() { //正則,忽略大小寫 var pattern_phone = new RegExp("iphone", "i"); var pattern_android = new RegExp("Android", "i"); var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var isAndroid = pattern_android.test(userAgent); var isIphone = pattern_phone.test(userAgent); var phoneType = "phoneType"; if (isAndroid) { var zh_cnIndex = userAgent.indexOf("-"); var spaceIndex = userAgent.indexOf("build", zh_cnIndex + 4); var fullResult = userAgent.substring(zh_cnIndex, spaceIndex); phoneType = fullResult.split(";")[1]; } else if (isIphone) { //6 w=375 6plus w=414 5s w=320 5 w=320 var wigth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth; if (wigth > 400) { phoneType = "iphone6 plus"; } else if (wigth > 370) { phoneType = "iphone6"; } else if (wigth > 315) { phoneType = "iphone5s"; } else { phoneType = "iphone 4s"; } } else { phoneType = "您的設備太先進了"; } return phoneType; } function isIphonex() { if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window) { return /iphone/gi.test(window.navigator.userAgent) && window.screen.height >= 812; } return false; }
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