習題 11:提問python
print "How old are you?", age = raw_input() print "How tall are you?", height = raw_input() print "How much do you weight?", weight = raw_input() print "So,you're %r old,%rtall and %r heavy." %( age,height,weight)
How old are you? 35 How tall are you? 6'2'' how much do you weight? 180lb So,you're '35' old,"6'2''"tall and '180lb' heavy.
1. raw_input 無論用戶輸入什麼類型的都會轉變成字符型瀏覽器
2. 另:input會根據用戶輸入變換相應的類型,並且若是要輸入字符和字符串的時候必需要用引號包起來。服務器
3. 本身再寫一段相似格式的:函數
print "How many times did you go to the park?", times = raw_input() print "How often do you go home a week?", fluence = raw_input() print "What food is you favorite?", food = raw_input() print """So, you went the park %r times,go home %r times a week, like %r very much."""%(times,fluence,food)
How many times did you go to the park? 4 How often do you go home a week? 3 What food is you favorite? fish So, you went the park '4' times,go home '3' times a week, like 'fish' very much.
習題 12:提示別人spa
y = raw_input("Name?") # Name? 起到了提示別人的做用
age = raw_input("How old are you? ") height = raw_input("How tall are you?") weight = raw_input("How much do you weight?") print "So you're %r old, %r tall and %r heavy."%( age,height,weight)
How old are you? 35 How tall are you?6'2'' How much do you weight?180lb So you're '35' old, "6'2''" tall and '180lb' heavy.
1. 在Linux中的命令行輸入pydoc raw_input 的結果是
2. pydoc 命令是文檔生成工具:
python -m pydoc raw_input S C:\Documents and Settings\jdu> python -m pydoc pydoc - the Python documentation tool pydoc.py <name> ... Show text documentation on something. <name> may be the name of a Python keyword, topic, function, module, or package, or a dotted reference to a class or function within a module or module in a package. If <name> contains a '\', it is used as the path to a Python source file to document. If name is 'keywords', 'topics', or 'modules', a listing of these things is displayed. pydoc.py -k <keyword> Search for a keyword in the synopsis lines of all available modules. pydoc.py -p <port> Start an HTTP server on the given port on the local machine. pydoc.py -g Pop up a graphical interface for finding and serving documentation. pydoc.py -w <name> ... Write out the HTML documentation for a module to a file in the current directory. If <name> contains a '\', it is treated as a filename; if it names a directory, documentation is written for all the contents. PS C:\Documents and Settings\jdu>
清單 1: 附帶典型文檔的模塊 mymod.py
#!/usr/bin/python """Show off features of [pydoc] module This is a silly module to demonstrate docstrings """ __author__ = 'David Mertz' __version__= '1.0' __nonsense__ = 'jabberwocky' class MyClass: """Demonstrate class docstrings""" def __init__ (self, spam=1, eggs=2): """Set default attribute values only Keyword arguments: spam ― a processed meat product eggs ― a fine breakfast for lumberjacks """ self.spam = spam self.eggs = eggs
pydoc 模塊利用了 Python 文檔的約定,又使用了一些有關 Python 導入、繼承和其它相似的實用知識。此外, pydoc 有絕對的天賦可使本身在不一樣的操做模式下被使用(立刻就能看到更多有關這個論點的資料)。讓咱們用一些時間,看看經過 OS 命令行調用的 manpage 風格的用法。
假設您已將上述模塊 mymod 安裝在您的系統上,但不知道它有什麼用處(在示例中並很少)。您能夠閱讀源代碼,不過更簡單的方法多是:
清單 2:獲取‘manpage’風格的文檔
% pydoc.py mymod Python Library Documentation: module mymod NAME mymod - Show off features of [pydoc] module FILE /articles/scratch/cp18/mymod.py DESCRIPTION This is a silly module to demonstrate docstrings CLASSES MyClass class MyClass | Demonstrate class docstrings | | __init__(self, spam=1, eggs=2) | Set default attribute values only | | Keyword arguments: | spam ― a processed meat product | eggs ― a fine breakfast for lumberjacks DATA __author__ = 'David Mertz' __file__ = './mymod.pyc' __name__ = 'mymod' __nonsense__ = 'jabberwocky' __version__ = '1.0' VERSION 1.0 AUTHOR David Mertz
清單 3:檢查類的繼承結構
% cat mymod2.py from mymod import MyClass class MyClass2(MyClass): """Child class""" def foo(self): pass % pydoc.py mymod2.MyClass2 Python Library Documentation: class MyClass2 in mymod2 class MyClass2(mymod.MyClass) | Child class | | __init__(self, spam=1, eggs=2) from mymod.MyClass | | foo(self)
在這個快速報告中,咱們能夠知道 MyClass2 有 __init__() 和 foo() 方法(以及相應的參數),哪一個方法是類自身實現的以及其它哪些方法是繼承而來(以及被繼承的類所處的位置)。
另外一個美妙的相似於 manpage 的功能是用來在模塊中搜索關鍵字的 -k 選項。例如:
清單 4:爲任務定位適當的模塊
% pydoc.py -k uuencode uu - Implementation of the UUencode and UUdecode functions. % pydoc.py uu Python Library Documentation: module uu NAME uu - Implementation of the UUencode and UUdecode functions. [...]
pydoc 除了它的命令行用法以外,還有其它四種「模式」能夠顯示被生成的一樣的文檔。
Shell 模式:在 Python 交互式 shell 中,您能夠導入 pydoc 的 help() 函數,這樣就可以在不離開交互式會話的狀況下得到任何對象的幫助。也能夠只輸入一個 help 進入交互式「help 解釋器」。例如:
清單 5:shell 模式下的交互式 help 解釋器
#------- Interactive shell with help enhancements ------# >>> from pydoc import help >>> import uu >>> help(uu.test) Help on function test in module uu: test() uuencode/uudecode main program >>> help Welcome to Python 2.0! This is the online help utility. [...introductory message about help shell...] help>
Web 服務器模式:僅使用 -p 選項, pydoc 就會在 LOCALHOST 上做爲一個簡單的 Web 服務器自啓動。您可使用任何 Web 瀏覽器瀏覽全部已安裝在現有操做系統上的模塊。這個服務器的主頁是一張模塊列表,根據目錄(並用瀏覽器支持的醒目色塊)將它們分組。此外,您查看其文檔的每一個模塊也普遍分佈着它導入的函數、方法以及指向任何模塊的連接。
HTML 生成器模式: -w 選項對於 pydoc 能夠歸檔的任何文檔都能生成 HTML 文檔頁面。這些頁面與您在 Web 服務器模式下可能會瀏覽到的頁面本質上是一回事,但頁面是靜態的,能夠進行存檔、傳輸等等。
TK 瀏覽器模式: -g 選項將建立一個和 xman 或 tkman 風格很類似的「圖形幫助瀏覽器。」
4. 使用pydoc 再看一下open,file,os,和sys的含義,通讀了解。
習題 13:參數、 解包、變量
from sys import argv script,first,second,third=argv print "The script is called:",script print "Your first variable is:",first print "Your second variable is:",second print "Your third variable is:",third
$ python ex13.py first 2nd 3rd The script is called: ex13.py Your first variable is: first Your second variable is: 2nd Your third variable is: 3rd
習題 14:提示和傳遞
from sys import argv script,user_name = argv prompt = '>' print "Hi %s,I'm the %s script." %(user_name,script) print "I'd like to ask you a few questions." print "Do you like me %s?" % user_name like = raw_input(prompt) print "Where do you live %s?" % user_name lives = raw_input(prompt) print """ Alright,so you said %r about liking me. You live in %r. Not sure where that is. And you have a %r computer. Nice. """%(likes,lives,computer)