public struct GesturePoint { public double X { get; set; } public double Y { get; set; } public double Z { get; set; } public DateTime T { get; set; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { var o = (GesturePoint)obj; return (X == o.X) && (Y == o.Y) && (Z == o.Z)&&(T==o.T); } public override int GetHashCode() { return base.GetHashCode(); } }
private List<GesturePoint> gesturePoints; private bool gesturePointTrackingEnabled; private double swipeLength, swipeDeviation; private int swipeTime; public event KinectCursorEventHandler swipeDetected; public event KinectCursorEventHandler swipeOutofBoundDetected; private double xOutOfBoundsLength; private static double initialSwipeX;
public void GesturePointTrackingInitialize(double swipeLength, double swipeDeviation, int swipeTime, double xOutOfBounds) { this.swipeLength = swipeLength; this.swipeDeviation = swipeDeviation; this.swipeTime = swipeTime; this.xOutOfBoundsLength = xOutOfBounds; } public void GesturePointTrackingStart() { if (swipeLength + swipeDeviation + swipeTime == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("揮動手勢識別參數沒有初始化!"); gesturePointTrackingEnabled = true; } public void GesturePointTrackingStop() { xOutOfBoundsLength = 0; gesturePointTrackingEnabled = false; gesturePoints.Clear(); } public bool GesturePointTrackingEnabled { get { return gesturePointTrackingEnabled ; } } private void ResetGesturePoint(GesturePoint point) { bool startRemoving = false; for (int i= gesturePoints.Count; i >=0; i--) { if (startRemoving) gesturePoints.RemoveAt(i); else if (gesturePoints[i].Equals(point)) startRemoving = true; } } private void ResetGesturePoint(int point) { if (point < 1) return; for (int i = point-1; i >=0; i--) { gesturePoints.RemoveAt(i); } }
ResetGesturePoint 從下劃姿式的底部點向上遍歷,不等於point(傳入的匹配結點)的保留 —— 下劃過程的所有點,等於以及以上的點無效,所有刪除 ~~this
private void HandleGestureTracking(float x, float y, float z) { if (!gesturePointTrackingEnabled) return; // check to see if xOutOfBounds is being used if (xOutOfBoundsLength != 0 && initialSwipeX == 0) { initialSwipeX = x; } GesturePoint newPoint = new GesturePoint() { X = x, Y = y, Z = z, T = DateTime.Now }; gesturePoints.Add(newPoint); GesturePoint startPoint = gesturePoints[0]; var point = new Point(x, y); //check for deviation if (Math.Abs(newPoint.Y - startPoint.Y) > swipeDeviation) { //Debug.WriteLine("Y out of bounds"); if (swipeOutofBoundDetected != null) swipeOutofBoundDetected(this, new KinectCursorEventArgs(point) { Z = z, Cursor = cursorAdorner }); ResetGesturePoint(gesturePoints.Count); return; } if ((newPoint.T - startPoint.T).Milliseconds > swipeTime) //check time { gesturePoints.RemoveAt(0); startPoint = gesturePoints[0]; } if ((swipeLength < 0 && newPoint.X - startPoint.X < swipeLength) // check to see if distance has been achieved swipe left || (swipeLength > 0 && newPoint.X - startPoint.X > swipeLength)) // check to see if distance has been achieved swipe right { gesturePoints.Clear(); //throw local event if (swipeDetected != null) swipeDetected(this, new KinectCursorEventArgs(point) { Z = z, Cursor = cursorAdorner }); return; } if (xOutOfBoundsLength != 0 && ((xOutOfBoundsLength < 0 && newPoint.X - initialSwipeX < xOutOfBoundsLength) // check to see if distance has been achieved swipe left || (xOutOfBoundsLength > 0 && newPoint.X - initialSwipeX > xOutOfBoundsLength)) ) { if (swipeOutofBoundDetected != null) swipeOutofBoundDetected(this, new KinectCursorEventArgs(point) { Z = z, Cursor = cursorAdorner }); } }
另外,咱們也須要將控件的滑動手勢的初始化參數暴露出來,這樣就能夠根據特定的須要進行設置了。下面的代碼展現了SwipeLength和XOutOfBoundsLength屬性,這兩個都是默認值的相反數。這是由於磁性幻燈片按鈕通常在屏幕的右側,須要用戶向左邊划動,所以,相對於按鈕位置的識別偏移以及邊界偏移是其X座標軸的相反數。public class MagneticSlide:MagnetButton { private bool isLookingForSwipes; public MagneticSlide() { base.isLockOn = false; } private void InitializeSwipe() { if (isLookingForSwipes) return; var kinectMgr = KinectCursorManager.Instance; kinectMgr.GesturePointTrackingInitialize(SwipeLength, MaxDeviation, MaxSwipeTime, xOutOfBoundsLength); kinectMgr.swipeDetected += new KinectCursorEventHandler(kinectMgr_swipeDetected); kinectMgr.swipeOutofBoundDetected += new KinectCursorEventHandler(kinectMgr_swipeOutofBoundDetected); kinectMgr.GesturePointTrackingStart(); } private void DeInitializeSwipe() { var KinectMgr = KinectCursorManager.Instance; KinectMgr.swipeDetected -= new KinectCursorEventHandler(kinectMgr_swipeDetected); KinectMgr.swipeOutofBoundDetected -= new KinectCursorEventHandler(kinectMgr_swipeOutofBoundDetected); KinectMgr.GesturePointTrackingStop(); isLookingForSwipes = false; }public static readonly DependencyProperty SwipeLengthProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("SwipeLength", typeof(double), typeof(MagneticSlide), new UIPropertyMetadata(-500d)); public double SwipeLength { get { return (double)GetValue(SwipeLengthProperty); } set { SetValue(SwipeLengthProperty, value); } } public static readonly DependencyProperty MaxDeviationProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("MaxDeviation", typeof(double), typeof(MagneticSlide), new UIPropertyMetadata(100d)); public double MaxDeviation { get { return (double)GetValue(MaxDeviationProperty); } set { SetValue(MaxDeviationProperty, value); } } public static readonly DependencyProperty XOutOfBoundsLengthProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("XOutOfBoundsLength", typeof(double), typeof(MagneticSlide), new UIPropertyMetadata(-700d)); public double XOutOfBoundsLength { get { return (double)GetValue(XOutOfBoundsLengthProperty); } set { SetValue(XOutOfBoundsLengthProperty, value); } } public static readonly DependencyProperty MaxSwipeTimeProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("MaxSwipeTime", typeof(int), typeof(MagneticSlide), new UIPropertyMetadata(300)); public int MaxSwipeTime { get { return (int)GetValue(MaxSwipeTimeProperty); } set { SetValue(MaxSwipeTimeProperty, value); } }
public static readonly RoutedEvent SwipeOutOfBoundsEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("SwipeOutOfBounds", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(KinectCursorEventHandler), typeof(KinectInput)); public event RoutedEventHandler SwipeOutOfBounds { add { AddHandler(SwipeOutOfBoundsEvent, value); } remove { RemoveHandler(SwipeOutOfBoundsEvent, value); } } void KinectMgr_swipeOutofBoundDetected(object sender, KinectCursorEventArgs e) { DeInitializeSwipe(); RaiseEvent(new KinectCursorEventArgs(SwipeOutOfBoundsEvent)); } void KinectMgr_swipeDetected(object sender, KinectCursorEventArgs e) { DeInitializeSwipe(); RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(ClickEvent)); } protected override void OnKinectCursorEnter(object sender, KinectCursorEventArgs e) { InitializeSwipe(); base.OnKinectCursorEnter(sender, e); }
垂直滾動條 (Vertical Scroll)
傳統上,垂直滾動條一直是交互界面設計的一個禁忌。可是垂直滾動條在划動觸摸界面中獲得了很好的應用。因此Xbox和Sony PlayStation系統中都使用了垂直滾動條來構建菜單。Harmonix’s的《舞林大會》(Dance Central)這一系列遊戲使用了垂直滾動條式的菜單系統。Dance Central第一次成功的使用了垂直滾動界面做爲手勢交互界面。在下面的手勢交互圖中,當用戶擡起或者放下手臂時會使得屏幕的內容垂直滾動。胳膊遠離身體,擡起手臂會使得屏幕或者菜單從下往上移動,放下手臂會使得從上往下移動。
通用暫停按鈕 (Universal Pause)