Programming a Spider in Java 源碼帖 Listing 1: Finding the bad links ( import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import*; import*; /** * This example uses a Java spider to scan a Web site * and check for broken links. Written by Jeff Heaton. * Jeff Heaton is the author of "Programming Spiders, * Bots, and Aggregators" by Sybex. Jeff can be contacted * through his Web site at * * @author Jeff Heaton( * @version 1.0 */ public class CheckLinks extends javax.swing.JFrame implements Runnable,ISpiderReportable { /** * The constructor. Perform setup here. */ public CheckLinks() { //{{INIT_CONTROLS setTitle("Find Broken Links"); getContentPane().setLayout(null); setSize(405,288); setVisible(false); label1.setText("Enter a URL:"); getContentPane().add(label1); label1.setBounds(12,12,84,12); begin.setText("Begin"); begin.setActionCommand("Begin"); getContentPane().add(begin); begin.setBounds(12,36,84,24); getContentPane().add(url); url.setBounds(108,36,288,24); errorScroll.setAutoscrolls(true); errorScroll.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(javax.swing. ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); errorScroll.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(javax.swing. ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); errorScroll.setOpaque(true); getContentPane().add(errorScroll); errorScroll.setBounds(12,120,384,156); errors.setEditable(false); errorScroll.getViewport().add(errors); errors.setBounds(0,0,366,138); current.setText("Currently Processing: "); getContentPane().add(current); current.setBounds(12,72,384,12); goodLinksLabel.setText("Good Links: 0"); getContentPane().add(goodLinksLabel); goodLinksLabel.setBounds(12,96,192,12); badLinksLabel.setText("Bad Links: 0"); getContentPane().add(badLinksLabel); badLinksLabel.setBounds(216,96,96,12); //}} //{{INIT_MENUS //}} //{{REGISTER_LISTENERS SymAction lSymAction = new SymAction(); begin.addActionListener(lSymAction); //}} } /** * Main method for the application * * @param args Not used */ static public void main(String args[]) { (new CheckLinks()).setVisible(true); } /** * Add notifications. */ public void addNotify() { // Record the size of the window prior to calling parent's // addNotify. Dimension size = getSize(); super.addNotify(); if ( frameSizeAdjusted ) return; frameSizeAdjusted = true; // Adjust size of frame according to the insets and menu bar Insets insets = getInsets(); javax.swing.JMenuBar menuBar = getRootPane().getJMenuBar(); int menuBarHeight = 0; if ( menuBar != null ) menuBarHeight = menuBar.getPreferredSize().height; setSize(insets.left + insets.right + size.width, + insets.bottom + size.height + menuBarHeight); } // Used by addNotify boolean frameSizeAdjusted = false; //{{DECLARE_CONTROLS javax.swing.JLabel label1 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); /** * The begin or cancel button */ javax.swing.JButton begin = new javax.swing.JButton(); /** * The URL being processed */ javax.swing.JTextField url = new javax.swing.JTextField(); /** * Scroll the errors. */ javax.swing.JScrollPane errorScroll = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); /** * A place to store the errors created */ javax.swing.JTextArea errors = new javax.swing.JTextArea(); javax.swing.JLabel current = new javax.swing.JLabel(); javax.swing.JLabel goodLinksLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel(); javax.swing.JLabel badLinksLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel(); //}} //{{DECLARE_MENUS //}} /** * The background spider thread */ protected Thread backgroundThread; /** * The spider object being used */ protected Spider spider; /** * The URL that the spider began with */ protected URL base; /** * How many bad links have been found */ protected int badLinksCount = 0; /** * How many good links have been found */ protected int goodLinksCount = 0; /** * Internal class used to dispatch events * * @author Jeff Heaton * @version 1.0 */ class SymAction implements java.awt.event.ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event) { Object object = event.getSource(); if ( object == begin ) begin_actionPerformed(event); } } /** * Called when the begin or cancel buttons are clicked * * @param event The event associated with the button. */ void begin_actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event) { if ( backgroundThread==null ) { begin.setLabel("Cancel"); backgroundThread = new Thread(this); backgroundThread.start(); goodLinksCount=0; badLinksCount=0; } else { spider.cancel(); } } /** * Perform the background thread operation. This method * actually starts the background thread. */ public void run() { try { errors.setText(""); spider = new Spider(this); spider.clear(); base = new URL(url.getText()); spider.addURL(base); spider.begin(); Runnable doLater = new Runnable() { public void run() { begin.setText("Begin"); } }; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(doLater); backgroundThread=null; } catch ( MalformedURLException e ) { UpdateErrors err = new UpdateErrors(); err.msg = "Bad address."; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(err); } } /** * Called by the spider when a URL is found. It is here * that links are validated. * * @param base The page that the link was found on. * @param url The actual link address. */ public boolean spiderFoundURL(URL base,URL url) { UpdateCurrentStats cs = new UpdateCurrentStats(); cs.msg = url.toString(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(cs); if ( !checkLink(url) ) { UpdateErrors err = new UpdateErrors(); err.msg = url+"(on page " + base + ")\n"; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(err); badLinksCount++; return false; } goodLinksCount++; if ( !url.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(base.getHost()) ) return false; else return true; } /** * Called when a URL error is found * * @param url The URL that resulted in an error. */ public void spiderURLError(URL url) { } /** * Called internally to check whether a link is good * * @param url The link that is being checked. * @return True if the link was good, false otherwise. */ protected boolean checkLink(URL url) { try { URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); connection.connect(); return true; } catch ( IOException e ) { return false; } } /** * Called when the spider finds an e-mail address * * @param email The email address the spider found. */ public void spiderFoundEMail(String email) { } /** * Internal class used to update the error information * in a Thread-Safe way * * @author Jeff Heaton * @version 1.0 */ class UpdateErrors implements Runnable { public String msg; public void run() { errors.append(msg); } } /** * Used to update the current status information * in a "Thread-Safe" way * * @author Jeff Heaton * @version 1.0 */ class UpdateCurrentStats implements Runnable { public String msg; public void run() { current.setText("Currently Processing: " + msg ); goodLinksLabel.setText("Good Links: " + goodLinksCount); badLinksLabel.setText("Bad Links: " + badLinksCount); } } } Listing 2: Reporting spider events( import*; interface ISpiderReportable { public boolean spiderFoundURL(URL base,URL url); public void spiderURLError(URL url); public void spiderFoundEMail(String email); } Listing 3: A reusable spider ( import java.util.*; import*; import*; import javax.swing.text.*; import javax.swing.text.html.*; /** * That class implements a reusable spider * * @author Jeff Heaton( * @version 1.0 */ public class Spider { /** * A collection of URLs that resulted in an error */ protected Collection workloadError = new ArrayList(3); /** * A collection of URLs that are waiting to be processed */ protected Collection workloadWaiting = new ArrayList(3); /** * A collection of URLs that were processed */ protected Collection workloadProcessed = new ArrayList(3); /** * The class that the spider should report its URLs to */ protected ISpiderReportable report; /** * A flag that indicates whether this process * should be canceled */ protected boolean cancel = false; /** * The constructor * * @param report A class that implements the ISpiderReportable * interface, that will receive information that the * spider finds. */ public Spider(ISpiderReportable report) { = report; } /** * Get the URLs that resulted in an error. * * @return A collection of URL's. */ public Collection getWorkloadError() { return workloadError; } /** * Get the URLs that were waiting to be processed. * You should add one URL to this collection to * begin the spider. * * @return A collection of URLs. */ public Collection getWorkloadWaiting() { return workloadWaiting; } /** * Get the URLs that were processed by this spider. * * @return A collection of URLs. */ public Collection getWorkloadProcessed() { return workloadProcessed; } /** * Clear all of the workloads. */ public void clear() { getWorkloadError().clear(); getWorkloadWaiting().clear(); getWorkloadProcessed().clear(); } /** * Set a flag that will cause the begin * method to return before it is done. */ public void cancel() { cancel = true; } /** * Add a URL for processing. * * @param url */ public void addURL(URL url) { if ( getWorkloadWaiting().contains(url) ) return; if ( getWorkloadError().contains(url) ) return; if ( getWorkloadProcessed().contains(url) ) return; log("Adding to workload: " + url ); getWorkloadWaiting().add(url); } /** * Called internally to process a URL * * @param url The URL to be processed. */ public void processURL(URL url) { try { log("Processing: " + url ); // get the URL's contents URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); if ( (connection.getContentType()!=null) && !connection.getContentType().toLowerCase().s tartsWith("text/") ) { getWorkloadWaiting().remove(url); getWorkloadProcessed().add(url); log("Not processing because content type is: " + connection.getContentType() ); return; } // read the URL InputStream is = connection.getInputStream(); Reader r = new InputStreamReader(is); // parse the URL HTMLEditorKit.Parser parse = new HTMLParse().getParser(); parse.parse(r,new Parser(url),true); } catch ( IOException e ) { getWorkloadWaiting().remove(url); getWorkloadError().add(url); log("Error: " + url ); report.spiderURLError(url); return; } // mark URL as complete getWorkloadWaiting().remove(url); getWorkloadProcessed().add(url); log("Complete: " + url ); } /** * Called to start the spider */ public void begin() { cancel = false; while ( !getWorkloadWaiting().isEmpty() && !cancel ) { Object list[] = getWorkloadWaiting().toArray(); for ( int i=0;(i<list.length)&&!cancel;i++ ) processURL((URL)list[i]); } } /** * A HTML parser callback used by this class to detect links * * @author Jeff Heaton * @version 1.0 */ protected class Parser extends HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback { protected URL base; public Parser(URL base) { this.base = base; } public void handleSimpleTag(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a,int pos) { String href = (String)a.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.HREF); if( (href==null) && (t==HTML.Tag.FRAME) ) href = (String)a.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.SRC); if ( href==null ) return; int i = href.indexOf('#'); if ( i!=-1 ) href = href.substring(0,i); if ( href.toLowerCase().startsWith("mailt") ) { report.spiderFoundEMail(href); return; } handleLink(base,href); } public void handleStartTag(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a,int pos) { handleSimpleTag(t,a,pos); // handle the same way } protected void handleLink(URL base,String str) { try { URL url = new URL(base,str); if ( report.spiderFoundURL(base,url) ) addURL(url); } catch ( MalformedURLException e ) { log("Found malformed URL: " + str ); } } } /** * Called internally to log information * This basic method just writes the log * out to the stdout. * * @param entry The information to be written to the log. */ public void log(String entry) { System.out.println( (new Date()) + ":" + entry ); } } Listing 4: Parsing HTML ( import javax.swing.text.html.*; public class HTMLParse extends HTMLEditorKit { public HTMLEditorKit.Parser getParser() { return super.getParser(); } }