


In the past, iPhone users had to download a third-party app in order to scan documents and save them in a digital format on their phone. However, since the release of iOS 11 in 2017, you’ve been able to scan documents natively using the built-in Notes app.

過去,iPhone用戶必須下載第三方應用程序才能掃描文檔並將其以數字格式保存在手機上。 但是,自2017年發佈iOS 11以來,您已經能夠使用內置的Notes應用程序本地掃描文檔。

RELATED: The Best Ways to Scan a Document Using Your Phone or Tablet

相關: 使用手機或平板電腦掃描文檔的最佳方法

Granted, some third-party document scanning apps still come with way more features than Apple’s Notes app, but if all you need to do is digitize a simple form and nothing else, the Notes app is the way to go.

當然,某些第三方文檔掃描應用程序仍具有比Apple Notes應用程序更多的功能 ,但是如果您需要做的只是數字化一個簡單的表格而沒有其他方法,那麼Notes應用程序就是您的最佳選擇。

To get started, open up the Notes app on your iPhone and tap on the New Note button down in the bottom-right corner of the screen. You can also select an existing note if you want to insert the document into that note instead of a new note altogether.

首先,請在iPhone上打開Notes應用程序,然後點擊屏幕右下角的New Note按鈕。 如果要將文檔插入到該註釋中,而不是完全添加一個新註釋,則也可以選擇一個現有註釋。

Next, tap the camera icon above the keyboard. (On iPhones running an older version of iOS, tap the plus sign icon here instead.)

接下來,點擊鍵盤上方的相機圖標。 (在運行舊版iOS的iPhone上,請點擊此處的加號圖標。)

The document scan button in the iPhone's Notes app.

Select 「Scan Documents」 when the menu pops up appears.


The "Scan Documents" icon in the iPhone's Notes app.

A camera screen will appear where you’ll fit the document within the frame. You’ll see a yellow box highlight the document and then it will automatically scan the document for you (no need to tap on the shutter button).

將出現一個相機屏幕,您可以在其中將文檔放入框架中。 您會看到一個黃色框突出顯示該文檔,然後它將自動爲您掃描文檔(無需點擊快門按鈕)。

If you want to disable the automatic shutter, just tap on 「Auto」 in the top-right corner to change it to manual.


You can also change some other settings, like the color of the document (color, grayscale, or black and white), as well as enable the flash or not.


After you scan your first document, you can continue to scan more documents if you need to. Otherwise, tap on 「Save」 when you’re done.

掃描第一個文檔後,如果需要,您可以繼續掃描更多文檔。 否則,請在完成後點擊「保存」。

You’ll be taken back to the note where your scanned document will be inserted. From there, you can jot down some notes about the document if you wish. Otherwise, tap 「Done」 in the top-right corner to save the note.

您將被帶回到要插入掃描文檔的筆記中。 從那裏,如果需要,您可以記下有關該文檔的一些註釋。 否則,請點擊右上角的「完成」以保存便箋。

When you go back to the main screen, you’ll see the new note in the list, along with a thumbnail of the scanned document. Note that Notes can’t read the text of the scanned document with optical character recognition (OCR)—again, you’ll need a more powerful app for that—but if you need some physical documents in  your notes, this is a great way to keep them on hand.

當您返回主屏幕時,您將在列表中看到新的筆記以及掃描文檔的縮略圖。 請注意,Notes無法使用光學字符識別(OCR)來讀取掃描文檔的文本-同樣,您將需要一個功能更強大的應用程序 -但是,如果您的筆記中需要一些物理文檔,這是一種很好的方法保持他們的手。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/328470/how-to-scan-documents-with-the-iphone’s-notes-app/
