1、經常使用的liunx命令選項 -a 顯示全部對象 -c 生成一個計數 -d 指定一個目錄 -e 擴展一個目錄 -f 指定讀入數據的文件 -h 顯示命令幫助的信息 -i 忽略文本大小寫 -l 產生輸出的長格式版本 -n 使用非交互模式(批處理) -o 將全部輸出重定向到的指定的輸出文件 -q 以安靜模式運行 -r 遞歸的處理目錄和文件 -s以安靜模式運行 子主題 1
-v 生成詳細輸出 -x 排除某個對象 -y 對全部問題回答yes 2、呈現數據 1,Linux標準文件描述3個 標準輸入 STDIN 0 輸入重定向符號 (<) exec 0< testfile ,exec命令將STDIN重定向到Linux系統中的文件 標準輸出 STDOUT 1 輸出重定向(>) 將數據追加到某個文件(>>) exec 1> testout exec 命令會啓動一個新的shell並將STDOUT並將STDOUT文件描述符重定向到文件。 標準錯誤 STDERR 2 重定向錯誤(2>) exec 3> test13out,exec命令給輸出分配文件描述符 >&3 exec 3>> test13out >&3 當出現 (&>)全部輸出發送到同一位置 重定向 臨時重定向 (>&2) 永久重定向(exec 2>testerr) 2,記錄消息 tee filename ,tee命令至關於管道的T型接頭。它將從STDIN過來的數據同時發往兩處。一處是STDOUT, 另外一處是tee命令行所指定的文件名。 tee -a filename,將數據追加到文件中,用-a選項 3、命令彙總 read -p "xxxx" answer break continue for
echo -e '....\t\n... ' 輸出轉義字符 經常使用的轉義字符 \b 轉義後至關於按退格鍵backspace,\b後要有數據 \c 不換行輸出,在\c後面不存在字符的狀況下。 \n 換行輸出 \f 或 \v 換行,可是新行的開頭位置鏈接着上一行的行尾 \t 轉義後表示插入tab,製表符 \r 光標移至行首,但不換行,\r之後的字符替換行首的相同數量的字符。 \\ 表示插入自己 echo -n 表示不換行輸出 4、控制腳本 1,處理信號 經常使用的Linux信號 信號1,值SIGHUP,掛起進程 信號2,值:SIGINT,終止進程 信號3,值:SIGOUIT,中止進程 能夠中斷shell,Linux內核會中止位shell分配CPU處理時間。 ctrl + c 信號9,值:SIGKILL,無條件終止進程 信號15,值:SIGTERM,儘量終止進程 信號17,值:SIGSTOP,無條件中止進程,但不終止進程 信號18,值:SIGTSTP,中止或暫停進程,但不終止進程 ctrl + z 中止進程會繼續保留在內存中,並能從上次中止的位置繼續運行。 信號19,值:SIGCONT,繼續運行中止的進程 捕獲信號 trap命令, 捕獲腳本退出:在trap命令後加EXIT信號 修改或移除捕獲(tarp -- 信號) 命令格式: trap commands signals 命令格式: trap commands signals 命令格式: trap commands signals 命令格式: trap commands signals 2,後臺運行腳本 & 方括號裏是做業號,下一個是進程號PID ps
3,非控制檯下運行腳本 讓腳本一直之後臺模式運行到結束,即便退出了終端,能夠用nohup命令來實現 nohup命令會自動將STDOUT和STDERR的消息重定向到一個名爲nohup.out的文件中 4,做業控制(jobs) jobs jobs -l 列出進程的PID及做業號 jobs -n 只列出上次shell發出的通知後改變了狀態的做業 jobs -p 只列出做業的PID jobs -r 只列出運行中的做業 jobs -s 只列出已中止的做業 帶加號的是默認做業 帶減號的是下一個默認做業 5,重啓中止做業 要之後臺模式重啓一個做業,能夠用bg命令加上做業號(bg 做業號) 要之前臺模式重啓做業,能夠用帶有做業號的fg命令(fg 做業號) 6,調整謙讓度 優先級 -20(最高優先級) 19(最低優先級) nice設置命令啓動時的調度優先級 nice -n 10 ./ > test4.out &
ps -p 8045 -o pid,ppid,ni,cmd -n 命令行來指定新的優先級級別 renice想改變系統上一運行命令的優先級 ps -p 8089 -o pid,ppid,ni,cmd renice -n 5 -p 8089 指定運行進程的PID來改變它的進程 注意: root用戶能夠經過renice人員調整進程的優先級 普通用戶只能對屬於你的進程執行renice 普通用戶只能經過renice下降進程的優先級 7,定時運行做業 at 命令 命令格式: at [-f filename] time atd 守護進程----- /var/spool/at cron 表 命令格式: min hour dayofmonth month dayofweek command 列出已有的cron時間表 crontab -l 5、高級shell腳本編程 1,建立函數 function name { command } name 函數名稱惟一 command 一條或多條命令 返回值 默認退出狀態碼(最後一條命令返回的退出狀態碼) -----用$?來肯定函數的退出狀態碼 return 命令退出函數並返回特定的退出狀態碼 1,函數一結束就取返回值;2,退出狀態碼必須是0~255 函數遞歸 x! = x * (x-1)! 用簡單的遞歸腳本 建立庫 . ./func 在命令行上建立函數 function divem { echo $[ $1 / $2 ]; } divem 100 5 注意:在每一個命令後面加個分號 function doublit { read -p "Enter value:" value; echo $[ $value * 2 ]; } doublit 2,圖形化桌面的腳本編程 菜單 select命令 製做窗口 dialog包 3、正則表達式 。。。。。 4,sed (1)做用: 1,一次從輸入中讀取一行數據 2,根據所提供的編輯器命令匹配數據 3,安裝命令修改流中的數據 4,將新的數據輸出到STDOUT (2)sed命令選項 -e script 在處理輸入時,將script中指定的命令添加到已有的命令中 若是須要多個命令,用-e選項; sed -e 's/a/an/; s/test/test1/' sed.txt -f file 在處理輸入時,將file中指定的命令添加到已有的命令中 sed -f script.sed data1.txt -n 不產生命令輸出(-n將禁止sed編輯器輸出),使用print命令來完成輸出 sed -n 's/test/trial/p' data5.txt (3)命令格式: sed options script file 命令 echo "This is a test" | sed 's/test/big test/'
sed -e 's/a/an/;s/test/test1/' sed.txt 命令之間用分號隔開,末尾和分號之間不能有空格 (4)sed編輯器基礎 1,默認狀況下,它只替換每行中出現的第一處; ,2,要讓替換命令可以替換一行中不一樣的地方出現的文本必須使用替換標記substitution flag 替換標記:s 格式:s/pattern/replacement/flags 4種可用的替換標記 1, 數字,代表新文本將替換第幾處模式匹配的地方; sed 's/test/trial/2' data4.txt 2,g,代表新文本將會替換全部匹配的文本; sed 's/test/trial/g' data5.txt 3,p,代表原先的內容要打印出來; sed -n 's/test/trial/p' data5.txt 4,w file, 將替換的結果寫入到文件中; sed -n 's/test/trial/w test52.txt' data5.txt 5, sed 's/\/bin\/bash/\/bin\/csh/' /etc/passwd 能夠用其餘方法:(用感嘆號被用作字符串分隔符) sed 's!/bin/bash!/bin/csh!' /etc/passwd 使用地址:做用於特定行或某些行,則必須用行尋址line addressing 兩種形式的格式: [address]command 或 多個命令分組:address { command1 command2 command3 } 1,以數字形式表示行區間 sed '2s/dog/cat/' data1.txt 只修改指定地址的第2行修改 sed '2,$s/dog/cat/' data1.txt 從第2行開始的全部行修改,能夠用特殊地址---美圓符 2,用文本模式來 過濾出 行 /pattern/command sed '/xiaoming/s/bash/csh/' /etc/passwd
3,命令組合 若是修改在單行上執行多條命令用花括號將多條命令組合在一塊兒。 4,刪除行 sed '2,4d' data1.txt 刪除2,3,4行 sed '2d' data1.txt 刪除2行 sed 'd' data1.txt 刪除全部行 sed '3,$d' data1.txt 刪除3行如下的行 5,打印 p命令來打印文本行 sed -n '2,3p' data1.txt 打印出2,3行 sed查找包含數字3的行 = 命令用來打印行號 sed '=' data1.txt -n,能讓sed只顯示包含匹配的行的行號和文本 l (小寫L)命令用來列出行 sed -n 'l' data1.txt 6,寫入 sed '1,2w test53.txt' data1.txt sed '/The/w test53.txt' data1.txt 7,讀取 將文本插入到指定地址後#sed '3r data2.txt' data1.txt sed '/2 The/r data2.txt' data1.txt 插入到末尾#sed '$r data2.txt' data1.txt 5、gawk (1)做用: 1,定義變量來保持數據 2,使用算術和字符串操做符來處理數據; 3,經過使用結構化編程概念(好比if-then和循環)來爲數據處理增長處理邏輯 4,經過提取數據文件中的數據元素,將其從新排列或格式化,生成格式化報告。 列如:格式化日誌文件 (2)gawk命令格式 gawk options program file 用花括號定義 (3)gawk命令選項 -F fs 指定行中劃分數據字段的字段分隔符 gawk -F: -f script3.gawk /etc/passwd
-f file 從指定的文件中讀取程序 gawk -f script4.gawk /etc/passwd
-v var=value 定義gawk程序中的一個變量及其默認值 -mf N 指定要處理數據文件中的最大字段數 -mr N 指定數據文件中的最大數據行數 -W keyword 指定gawk的兼容模式或告警等級 (4)處理文本文件中的數據字段變量: 1,$0 表明整個文本行 2,$1 表明文本行中的第1個數據字段 gawk -F':' '{print $1}' /etc/passwd
3,$2 表明文本行中的第2個數據字段 4,$n 表明文本行中的第n個數據字段 5,gawk默認的字段分隔符是任意空白字符(例如空格或製表符) shell 6、變量 1,test命令 (1)test命令的文件比較功能 -d file 檢查file是否存在並是一個目錄 -e file 檢查file是否存在 -f file 檢查file是否存在並是一個文件 -r file 檢查file是否存在並可讀 -s file 檢查file是否存在並不是空 -w file 檢查file是否存在並可寫 -x file 檢查file是否存在並可執行 -O file 檢查file是否存在並屬當前用戶全部 -G file 檢查file是否存在而且默認組與當前用戶相同 file1 -nt file2 檢查fiel1是否比fiel2新 file1 -ot file2 檢查file1是否比 file2 舊 (2)test命令的數值比較功能 n1 -eq n2 檢查n1是否與n2 相等 n1 -ge n2 檢查n1是否 大於或等於 n2 n1 -gt n2 檢查n1是否與 大於 n2 n1 -le n2 小於或等於 n1 -lt n2 小於 n1 -ne n2 不等於 2、#,#,@,0,0,1,2,2,*,$$,$?的含義 $# 是傳給腳本的參數個數 $0 是腳本自己的名字 $1 是傳遞給該shell腳本的第一個參數 $2 是傳遞給該shell腳本的第二個參數 $@ 是傳給腳本的全部參數的列表 $* 是以一個單字符串顯示全部向腳本傳遞的參數,與位置變量不一樣,參數可超過9個 $$ 是腳本運行的當前進程ID號 $? 是顯示最後命令的退出狀態,0表示沒有錯誤,其餘表示有錯誤 3、局部變量 local temp=$[ $value + 5 ] 4、Linux shell 中$() ` `,${},$[] $(()),[ ] (( )) [[ ]]做用與區別 $( ) 與` ` (反引號) 都是用來作命令替換用(commandsubstitution)的 例如 version=$(uname -r)和version=`uname -r`均可以是version獲得內核的版本號 ${ }用於變量替換。通常狀況下,$var 與${var} 並無啥不同。可是用 ${ } 會比較精確的界定變量名稱的範圍。 $ echo ${A}B BB $[] 和 $(()) : 它們是同樣的,都是進行數學運算的。支持+ - * / %:分別爲 「加、減、乘、除、取模」。可是注意,bash只能做整數運算,對於浮點數是看成字符串處理的。 [ ] : 即爲test命令的另外一種形式。 5、雙括號命令符號(( expression )) val++ 後增 val-- 後減 ++val 先增 --val 先減 !邏輯求反 ~ ~ :位求反 ** 冪運算 << 左位移 >> 右位移 & 位布爾和 | 位布爾或 && 邏輯和 || 邏輯或
shell 示例:html
1 Mon Apr 15 07:39:15 CST 2019 2 0731 3 0733 4 0741 5 #!/bin/bash 6 7 Jump_dir=/home/arthur 8 # 9 if [ -d $Jump_dir ] 10 then 11 echo "The $Jump_dir directory exists!" 12 cd $Jump_dir 13 ls 14 else 15 echo "The $Jump_dir directory dose not exist!" 16 fi 17 ######################## 18 #!/bin/bash 19 20 # 21 22 location=$HOME/my_test 23 file_name="sentinel" 24 # 25 if [ -e $location ] 26 then 27 echo "OK on the $location directory." 28 echo "Now checking on the file . $file_name." 29 # 30 if [ -e $location/$file_name ] 31 then 32 echo "OK on the filename." 33 echo "Updating Current Date..." 34 date >> $location/$file_name 35 else 36 echo "File does not exist." 37 echo "Nothing to update." 38 fi 39 else 40 echo "The $location directory does not exist." 41 echo "Nothing to update" 42 fi 43 #################################### 44 #!/bin/bash 45 46 item_name=$HOME/my_test/sentinel 47 echo 48 echo "The item being checked: $item_name" 49 echo 50 # 51 if [ -e $item_name ] 52 then 53 echo "the item, $item_name , does exist." 54 echo "But is it a file?" 55 echo 56 # 57 if [ -f $item_name ] 58 then 59 echo "yes, $item_name is a file." 60 else 61 echo "No, $item_name is not a file." 62 fi 63 else 64 echo "The item,$item_name, does not exist." 65 echo "Noting to update." 66 fi 67 ################################# 68 #!/bin/bash 69 70 pwfile=/etc/shadow 71 # 72 if [ -f $pwfile ] 73 then 74 if [ -r $pwfile ] 75 then 76 tail $pwfile 77 else 78 echo "Sorry, I am unable to read the $pwfile file." 79 fi 80 else 81 echo "Sorry, the $pwfile dose not exist." 82 fi 83 ######################################### 84 #!/bin/bash 85 86 file_name=$HOME/my_test/sentinel 87 if [ -f $file_name ] 88 then 89 if [ -s $file_name ] 90 then 91 echo "The $file_name file exists and has data in it." 92 echo "will not remove this file." 93 else 94 echo "The $file_name file exists, but is emputy." 95 echo "Deleting empty file...." 96 rm $file_name 97 fi 98 else 99 echo "File, $file_name , does not exist." 100 fi 101 ###################################### 102 #!/bin/bash 103 104 item_name=$HOME/my_test/sentinel 105 echo 106 echo "The item being checked; $item_name." 107 echo 108 if [ -f $item_name ] 109 then 110 echo "Yes, $item_name is a file." 111 echo "But is it writable ?" 112 echo 113 if [ -w $item_name ] 114 then 115 echo "Writing current time to $item_name." 116 date +%H%M >> $item_name 117 else 118 echo "Unable to write to $itme_name." 119 fi 120 else 121 echo "No, $itme_name is not a file." 122 fi 123 ###################################### 124 #!/bin/bash 125 126 if [ -x ] 127 then 128 echo "You can run the script:" 129 ./ 130 else 131 echo "Sorry, you are unable to execute the script." 132 fi 133 #!/bin/bash 134 135 if [ -O /etc/passwd ] 136 then 137 echo "You are then owner of the /etc/passwd file." 138 else 139 echo "Sorry, you are not the owner of the /etc/passwd file." 140 fi 141 ###################################### 142 #!/bin/bash 143 144 if [ -G $HOME/my_test/testing ] 145 then 146 echo "You are in the same group as the file." 147 else 148 echo "The file is not owned by your group." 149 fi 150 ###################################### 151 #!/bin/bash 152 153 echo -n "The time and date are:" 154 date 155 echo "Let's see...:" 156 who 157 ###################################### 158 #/bin/bash 159 160 if [ -nt ] 161 then 162 echo "The test19 file is newer than test18" 163 else 164 echo "The test18 file is newer than test19" 165 fi 166 if [ -ot ] 167 then 168 echo "The test17 file is older than the test19 file." 169 fi 170 ###################################### 171 #!/bin/bash 172 173 if [ badfile1 -nt badfile2 ] 174 then 175 echo "The badfile1 file is newer than badfile2." 176 else 177 echo "The badfile2 file is newer than badfile1." 178 fi 179 ###################################### 180 #!/bin/bash 181 182 if [ -d $HOME ] && [ -w $HOME/testing ] 183 then 184 echo "The file exists and you can write to it." 185 else 186 echo "I cannot write to the file." 187 fi 188 ###################################### 189 #!/bin/bash 190 191 vall=10 192 if (( $vall ** 2 > 90 )) 193 then 194 (( val2 = $vall ** 2 )) 195 echo "The square of $vall is $val2." 196 fi 197 ###################################### 198 #!/bin/bash 199 200 if [[ $USER == r* ]] 201 then 202 echo "Hello, $USER" 203 else 204 echo "Sorry, I do not know you." 205 fi 206 ###################################### 207 #!/bin/bash 208 209 if [ $USER = "root" ] 210 then 211 echo "Welcome $USER" 212 echo "Please enjoy your visit" 213 elif [ $USER = "aaa" ] 214 then 215 echo "hello aaa" 216 elif [ $USER = "bbb" ] 217 then 218 echo "hello bbb" 219 else 220 echo "Sorry, you are not allowed here." 221 fi 222 ###################################### 223 #!/bin/bash 224 225 case $USER in 226 root | barbara) 227 echo "hello $USER." 228 echo "Please enjoy your visit";; 229 testing) 230 echo "Special testing account.";; 231 jessica) 232 echo "Do not forget to log off when you're done.";; 233 *) 234 echo "Sorry, you are not allowed here.";; 235 esac
1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 for test in I don't know if this'll work 4 do 5 echo "world:$test" 6 done 7 #!/bin/bash 8 9 var1=0 10 while echo "while iteration: $var1" 11 [ $var1 -lt 15 ] 12 do 13 if [ $var1 -gt 5 ] && [ $var1 -lt 10 ] 14 then 15 continue 16 fi 17 echo " Inside iteration number: $var1" 18 var1=$[ $var1 + 1 ] 19 done 20 21 A 22 B D 23 C A 24 D 25 E M 26 F 27 G 28 #!/bin/bash 29 30 var1=10 31 while [ $var1 -gt 0 ] 32 do 33 echo $var1 34 var1=$[ $var1 - 1 ] 35 done 36 #!/bin/bash 37 38 var1=10 39 while echo $var1 40 [ $var1 -ge 0 ] 41 do 42 echo "This is inside the loop" 43 var1=$[ $var1 - 1 ] 44 done 45 /usr/local/sbin: 46 /usr/local/bin: 47 /usr/sbin: 48 /usr/sbin/accessdb 49 /usr/sbin/addgnupghome 50 /usr/sbin/addpart 51 /usr/sbin/adduser 52 /usr/sbin/agetty 53 /usr/sbin/alternatives 54 /usr/sbin/anacron 55 /usr/sbin/applygnupgdefaults 56 /usr/sbin/arpd 57 /usr/sbin/arping 58 /usr/sbin/audispd 59 /usr/sbin/auditctl 60 /usr/sbin/auditd 61 /usr/sbin/augenrules 62 /usr/sbin/aureport 63 /usr/sbin/ausearch 64 /usr/sbin/authconfig 65 /usr/sbin/authconfig-tui 66 /usr/sbin/autrace 67 /usr/sbin/avcstat 68 /usr/sbin/badblocks 69 /usr/sbin/biosdecode 70 /usr/sbin/biosdevname 71 /usr/sbin/blkdeactivate 72 /usr/sbin/blkdiscard 73 /usr/sbin/blkid 74 /usr/sbin/blockdev 75 /usr/sbin/bridge 76 /usr/sbin/btrfs 77 /usr/sbin/btrfsck 78 /usr/sbin/btrfs-convert 79 /usr/sbin/btrfs-debug-tree 80 /usr/sbin/btrfs-find-root 81 /usr/sbin/btrfs-image 82 /usr/sbin/btrfs-map-logical 83 /usr/sbin/btrfs-select-super 84 /usr/sbin/btrfstune 85 /usr/sbin/btrfs-zero-log 86 /usr/sbin/build-locale-archive 87 /usr/sbin/cacertdir_rehash 88 /usr/sbin/cache_check 89 /usr/sbin/cache_dump 90 /usr/sbin/cache_metadata_size 91 /usr/sbin/cache_repair 92 /usr/sbin/cache_restore 93 /usr/sbin/cache_writeback 94 /usr/sbin/capsh 95 /usr/sbin/cbq 96 /usr/sbin/cfdisk 97 /usr/sbin/chcpu 98 /usr/sbin/chkconfig 99 /usr/sbin/chpasswd 100 /usr/sbin/chroot 101 /usr/sbin/clock 102 /usr/sbin/clockdiff 103 /usr/sbin/consoletype 104 /usr/sbin/cracklib-check 105 /usr/sbin/cracklib-format 106 /usr/sbin/cracklib-packer 107 /usr/sbin/cracklib-unpacker 108 /usr/sbin/create-cracklib-dict 109 /usr/sbin/crond 110 /usr/sbin/ctrlaltdel 111 /usr/sbin/ctstat 112 /usr/sbin/debugfs 113 /usr/sbin/delpart 114 /usr/sbin/depmod 115 /usr/sbin/devlink 116 /usr/sbin/dhclient 117 /usr/sbin/dhclient-script 118 /usr/sbin/dmeventd 119 /usr/sbin/dmfilemapd 120 /usr/sbin/dmidecode 121 /usr/sbin/dmsetup 122 /usr/sbin/dmstats 123 /usr/sbin/dracut 124 /usr/sbin/dumpe2fs 125 /usr/sbin/e2freefrag 126 /usr/sbin/e2fsck 127 /usr/sbin/e2image 128 /usr/sbin/e2label 129 /usr/sbin/e2undo 130 /usr/sbin/e4defrag 131 /usr/sbin/eapol_test 132 /usr/sbin/ebtables 133 /usr/sbin/ebtables-restore 134 /usr/sbin/ebtables-save 135 /usr/sbin/era_check 136 /usr/sbin/era_dump 137 /usr/sbin/era_invalidate 138 /usr/sbin/era_restore 139 /usr/sbin/ethtool 140 /usr/sbin/faillock 141 /usr/sbin/fdformat 142 /usr/sbin/fdisk 143 /usr/sbin/filefrag 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1019 /usr/bin/sg_read_block_limits 1020 /usr/bin/sg_read_buffer 1021 /usr/bin/sg_readcap 1022 /usr/bin/sg_read_long 1023 /usr/bin/sg_reassign 1024 /usr/bin/sg_referrals 1025 /usr/bin/sg_requests 1026 /usr/bin/sg_reset 1027 /usr/bin/sg_rmsn 1028 /usr/bin/sg_rtpg 1029 /usr/bin/sg_safte 1030 /usr/bin/sg_sanitize 1031 /usr/bin/sg_sat_identify 1032 /usr/bin/sg_sat_phy_event 1033 /usr/bin/sg_sat_set_features 1034 /usr/bin/sg_scan 1035 /usr/bin/sg_senddiag 1036 /usr/bin/sg_ses 1037 /usr/bin/sg_start 1038 /usr/bin/sg_stpg 1039 /usr/bin/sg_sync 1040 /usr/bin/sg_test_rwbuf 1041 /usr/bin/sg_turs 1042 /usr/bin/sg_unmap 1043 /usr/bin/sg_verify 1044 /usr/bin/sg_vpd 1045 /usr/bin/sg_write_buffer 1046 /usr/bin/sg_write_long 1047 /usr/bin/sg_write_same 1048 /usr/bin/sg_wr_mode 1049 /usr/bin/sg_xcopy 1050 /usr/bin/sh 1051 /usr/bin/sha1sum 1052 /usr/bin/sha224sum 1053 /usr/bin/sha256sum 1054 /usr/bin/sha384sum 1055 /usr/bin/sha512sum 1056 /usr/bin/showconsolefont 1057 /usr/bin/showkey 1058 /usr/bin/shred 1059 /usr/bin/shuf 1060 /usr/bin/signtool 1061 /usr/bin/signver 1062 /usr/bin/size 1063 /usr/bin/skill 1064 /usr/bin/slabtop 1065 /usr/bin/sleep 1066 /usr/bin/slogin 1067 /usr/bin/snice 1068 /usr/bin/soelim 1069 /usr/bin/sort 1070 /usr/bin/sotruss 1071 /usr/bin/splain 1072 /usr/bin/split 1073 /usr/bin/sprof 1074 /usr/bin/sqlite3 1075 /usr/bin/ssh 1076 /usr/bin/ssh-add 1077 /usr/bin/ssh-agent 1078 /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id 1079 /usr/bin/ssh-keygen 1080 /usr/bin/ssh-keyscan 1081 /usr/bin/ssltap 1082 /usr/bin/stat 1083 /usr/bin/stdbuf 1084 /usr/bin/strings 1085 /usr/bin/strip 1086 /usr/bin/stty 1087 /usr/bin/su 1088 /usr/bin/sudo 1089 /usr/bin/sudoedit 1090 /usr/bin/sudoreplay 1091 /usr/bin/sum 1092 /usr/bin/sync 1093 /usr/bin/systemctl 1094 /usr/bin/systemd-analyze 1095 /usr/bin/systemd-ask-password 1096 /usr/bin/systemd-cat 1097 /usr/bin/systemd-cgls 1098 /usr/bin/systemd-cgtop 1099 /usr/bin/systemd-coredumpctl 1100 /usr/bin/systemd-delta 1101 /usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt 1102 /usr/bin/systemd-escape 1103 /usr/bin/systemd-firstboot 1104 /usr/bin/systemd-hwdb 1105 /usr/bin/systemd-inhibit 1106 /usr/bin/systemd-loginctl 1107 /usr/bin/systemd-machine-id-setup 1108 /usr/bin/systemd-notify 1109 /usr/bin/systemd-nspawn 1110 /usr/bin/systemd-path 1111 /usr/bin/systemd-run 1112 /usr/bin/systemd-stdio-bridge 1113 /usr/bin/systemd-sysv-convert 1114 /usr/bin/systemd-tmpfiles 1115 /usr/bin/systemd-tty-ask-password-agent 1116 /usr/bin/tabs 1117 /usr/bin/tac 1118 /usr/bin/tail 1119 /usr/bin/tailf 1120 /usr/bin/tar 1121 /usr/bin/taskset 1122 /usr/bin/tbl 1123 /usr/bin/teamd 1124 /usr/bin/teamdctl 1125 /usr/bin/teamnl 1126 /usr/bin/tee 1127 /usr/bin/test 1128 /usr/bin/testgdbm 1129 /usr/bin/tic 1130 /usr/bin/timedatectl 1131 /usr/bin/timeout 1132 /usr/bin/tload 1133 /usr/bin/tmon 1134 /usr/bin/toe 1135 /usr/bin/top 1136 /usr/bin/touch 1137 /usr/bin/tput 1138 /usr/bin/tr 1139 /usr/bin/tracepath 1140 /usr/bin/tracepath6 1141 /usr/bin/troff 1142 /usr/bin/true 1143 /usr/bin/truncate 1144 /usr/bin/trust 1145 /usr/bin/tset 1146 /usr/bin/tsort 1147 /usr/bin/tty 1148 /usr/bin/turbostat 1149 /usr/bin/tzselect 1150 /usr/bin/udevadm 1151 /usr/bin/ul 1152 /usr/bin/ulockmgr_server 1153 /usr/bin/umask 1154 /usr/bin/umount 1155 /usr/bin/unalias 1156 /usr/bin/uname 1157 /usr/bin/unexpand 1158 /usr/bin/unicode_start 1159 /usr/bin/unicode_stop 1160 /usr/bin/uniq 1161 /usr/bin/unlink 1162 /usr/bin/unlz4 1163 /usr/bin/unshare 1164 /usr/bin/unxz 1165 /usr/bin/update-ca-trust 1166 /usr/bin/update-mime-database 1167 /usr/bin/uptime 1168 /usr/bin/urlgrabber 1169 /usr/bin/users 1170 /usr/bin/usleep 1171 /usr/bin/usx2yloader 1172 /usr/bin/utmpdump 1173 /usr/bin/uuidgen 1174 /usr/bin/vdir 1175 /usr/bin/VGAuthService 1176 /usr/bin/vi 1177 /usr/bin/view 1178 /usr/bin/vim 1179 /usr/bin/vimdiff 1180 /usr/bin/vimtutor 1181 /usr/bin/vlock 1182 /usr/bin/vmhgfs-fuse 1183 /usr/bin/vmstat 1184 /usr/bin/vm-support 1185 /usr/bin/vmtoolsd 1186 /usr/bin/vmware-checkvm 1187 /usr/bin/vmware-guestproxycerttool 1188 /usr/bin/vmware-hgfsclient 1189 /usr/bin/vmware-namespace-cmd 1190 /usr/bin/vmware-rpctool 1191 /usr/bin/vmware-toolbox-cmd 1192 /usr/bin/vmware-vgauth-cmd 1193 /usr/bin/vmware-xferlogs 1194 /usr/bin/vxloader 1195 /usr/bin/w 1196 /usr/bin/wait 1197 /usr/bin/wall 1198 /usr/bin/watch 1199 /usr/bin/watchgnupg 1200 /usr/bin/wc 1201 /usr/bin/wdctl 1202 /usr/bin/whatis 1203 /usr/bin/whereis 1204 /usr/bin/which 1205 /usr/bin/whiptail 1206 /usr/bin/who 1207 /usr/bin/whoami 1208 /usr/bin/write 1209 /usr/bin/x86_64 1210 /usr/bin/x86_energy_perf_policy 1211 /usr/bin/xargs 1212 /usr/bin/xgettext 1213 /usr/bin/xmlcatalog 1214 /usr/bin/xmllint 1215 /usr/bin/xmlsec1 1216 /usr/bin/xmlwf 1217 /usr/bin/xsltproc 1218 /usr/bin/xxd 1219 /usr/bin/xz 1220 /usr/bin/xzcat 1221 /usr/bin/xzcmp 1222 /usr/bin/xzdec 1223 /usr/bin/xzdiff 1224 /usr/bin/xzegrep 1225 /usr/bin/xzfgrep 1226 /usr/bin/xzgrep 1227 /usr/bin/xzless 1228 /usr/bin/xzmore 1229 /usr/bin/yes 1230 /usr/bin/ypdomainname 1231 /usr/bin/yum 1232 /usr/bin/zcat 1233 /usr/bin/zcmp 1234 /usr/bin/zdiff 1235 /usr/bin/zegrep 1236 /usr/bin/zfgrep 1237 /usr/bin/zforce 1238 /usr/bin/zgrep 1239 /usr/bin/zless 1240 /usr/bin/zmore 1241 /usr/bin/znew 1242 /usr/bin/zsoelim 1243 /root/bin: 1244 The number is 1 1245 The number is 2 1246 The number is 3 1247 The number is 4 1248 The number is 5 1249 The number is 6 1250 The number is 7 1251 The number is 8 1252 The number is 9 1253 #!/bin/bash 1254 1255 var1=100 1256 until [ $var1 -eq 0 ] 1257 do 1258 echo $var1 1259 var1=$[ $var1 - 25 ] 1260 done 1261 #!/bin/bash 1262 1263 var1=100 1264 until echo $var1 1265 [ $var1 -eq 0 ] 1266 do 1267 echo Inside the loop: $var1 1268 var1=$[ $var1 -25 ] 1269 done 1270 #!/bin/bash 1271 1272 for (( a=1; a<=3; a++ )) 1273 do 1274 echo "Starting lop $a:" 1275 for (( b=1; b<=3; b++ )) 1276 do 1277 echo " Inside loop: $b" 1278 done 1279 done 1280 #!/bin/bash 1281 1282 var1=5 1283 while [ $var1 -ge 0 ] 1284 do 1285 echo "Outer loop: $var1" 1286 for (( var2=1; $var2 < 3; var2++ )) 1287 do 1288 var3=$[ $var1 * $var2] 1289 echo " Inner loop: $var1 * $var2 = $var3" 1290 done 1291 var1=$[ $var1 - 1] 1292 done 1293 #!/bin/bash 1294 1295 var1=3 1296 until [ $var1 -eq 0 ] 1297 do 1298 echo "Outer loop: $var1" 1299 var2=1 1300 while [ $var2 -lt 5 ] 1301 do 1302 var3=$(echo "scale=4; $var1 / $var2" | bc) 1303 echo " Inner loop: $var1 / $var2 = $var3" 1304 var2=$[ $var2 + 1 ] 1305 done 1306 var1=$[ $var1 - 1 ] 1307 done 1308 #!/bin/bash 1309 1310 IFS.OLD=$IFS 1311 IFS=$'\n' 1312 for entry in $(cat /etc/passwd): 1313 do 1314 echo "Values in $entry -" 1315 IFS=: 1316 for value in $entry 1317 do 1318 echo " $value" 1319 done 1320 done 1321 #!/bin/bash 1322 1323 for var1 in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1324 do 1325 if [ $var1 -eq 5 ] 1326 then 1327 echo "good 5 !" 1328 break 1329 fi 1330 echo "Iteration number: $var1" 1331 done 1332 echo "The for loop is completed" 1333 #!/bin/bash 1334 1335 var1=1 1336 1337 while [ $var1 -lt 10 ] 1338 do 1339 if [ $var1 -eq 5 ] 1340 then 1341 break 1342 fi 1343 echo "Iteration: $var1" 1344 var1=$[ $var1 + 1 ] 1345 done 1346 echo "The while loop is completed." 1347 #!/bin/bash 1348 1349 for (( a = 1; a < 4; a++ )) 1350 do 1351 echo "Outer loop: $a" 1352 for (( b = 1; b < 100; b++)) 1353 do 1354 if [ $b -eq 5 ] 1355 then 1356 break 1357 fi 1358 echo " Inner loop: $b" 1359 done 1360 done 1361 #!/bin/bash 1362 1363 for test in Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado 1364 do 1365 echo "The next state is $test" 1366 done 1367 echo "The last state we visited was $test" 1368 test=Connecticut 1369 echo "Wait, now we're visiting $test." 1370 #!/bin/bash 1371 1372 for test in Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado 1373 do 1374 echo The next state is $test 1375 done 1376 #!/bin/bash 1377 1378 for (( a = 1; a < 4; a++ )) 1379 do 1380 echo "Outer loop: $a" 1381 for (( b = 1; b < 100; b++ )) 1382 do 1383 if [ $b -gt 4 ] 1384 then 1385 break 2 1386 fi 1387 echo " Inner loop: $b" 1388 done 1389 done 1390 1391 #!/bin/bash 1392 1393 for (( var1 = 1; var1 < 15; var1++ )) 1394 do 1395 if [ $var1 -gt 5 ] && [ $var1 -lt 10 ] 1396 then 1397 continue 1398 fi 1399 echo "Iteration number: $var1" 1400 done 1401 #!/bin/bash 1402 1403 for file in /home/haolb/* 1404 do 1405 if [ -d "$file" ] 1406 then 1407 echo "$file is a directory." 1408 elif 1409 echo "$file is a file." 1410 fi 1411 done > output.txt 1412 1413 #!/bin/bash 1414 1415 for (( a = 1; a <= 5; a++ )) 1416 do 1417 echo "Iteration $a:" 1418 for (( b = 1; b <3; b++ )) 1419 do 1420 if [ $a -gt 2 ] && [ $a -lt 4 ] 1421 then 1422 continue 2 1423 fi 1424 var3=$[ $a * $b] 1425 echo " The result of $a * $b is $var3." 1426 done 1427 done 1428 #!/bin/bash 1429 1430 for (( a = 1; a < 10; a++ )) 1431 do 1432 echo "The number is $a" 1433 done > test123.txt 1434 echo "The command is finished." 1435 #!/bin/bash 1436 1437 for state in "North Dakota" Connecticut Illinois Alabama Tennessee 1438 do 1439 echo "$state is netxt place to go." 1440 done | sort 1441 echo "This completes our travels." 1442 #!/bin/bash 1443 1444 IFS=: 1445 for folder in $PATH 1446 do 1447 echo "$folder:" 1448 for file in $folder/* 1449 do 1450 if [ -x $file ] 1451 then 1452 echo " $file" 1453 fi 1454 done 1455 done > test120.txt 1456 1457 #!/bin/bash 1458 1459 input="users.csv" 1460 while IFS=',' read -r userid name 1461 do 1462 echo "adding $userid" 1463 useradd -c "$name" -m $userid 1464 done < "$input" 1465 #!/bin/bash 1466 1467 for test in I don\'t know if "this'll" work 1468 do 1469 echo "world:$test" 1470 done 1471 1472 #!/bin/bash 1473 1474 for test in Nevada "New Hampshire" "New Mexico" "New York" 1475 do 1476 echo "Now going to $test" 1477 done 1478 #!/bin/bash 1479 1480 list="Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado" 1481 list=$list" Connecticut" 1482 for state in $list 1483 do 1484 echo "Have you ever visited $state?" 1485 done 1486 #!/bin/bash 1487 1488 file="/etc/passwd" 1489 IFS=$':' 1490 1491 for i in $(cat $file) 1492 do 1493 echo $i 1494 done 1495 #!/bin/bash 1496 1497 file="states" 1498 IFS="\n" 1499 for state in $(cat $file) 1500 do 1501 echo "Visit beautiful $state" 1502 done 1503 #!/bin/bash 1504 1505 file="states" 1506 1507 for state in $(cat $file) 1508 do 1509 echo "Visit beautiful $state" 1510 done 1511 #!/bin/bash 1512 1513 for file in /root/my_test/* 1514 do 1515 if [ -d "$file" ] 1516 then 1517 echo "$file is a directory." 1518 elif [ -f "$file" ] 1519 then 1520 echo "$file is a file." 1521 fi 1522 done 1523 #!/bin/bash 1524 1525 for (( i=1; i <= 10; i++ )) 1526 do 1527 echo "The next number is $i" 1528 done 1529 #!/bin/bash 1530 1531 for (( a=1, b=10; a <= 10; a++, b-- )) 1532 do 1533 echo "$a - $b" 1534 done
1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 name=$(basename $0) 4 5 if [ $name = "addem" ] 6 then 7 total=$[ $1 + $2 ] 8 elif [ $name = "multem" ] 9 then 10 total=$[ $1 * $2] 11 fi 12 echo 13 echo The calculated value is $total 14 #!/bin/bash 15 16 name=$(basename $0) 17 18 if [ $name = "addem" ] 19 then 20 total=$[ $1 + $2 ] 21 elif [ $name = "multem" ] 22 then 23 total=$[ $1 * $2] 24 fi 25 echo 26 echo The calculated value is $total 27 11111111111111111111 28 22222222222222222222 29 33333333333333333333 30 434444444444444444 31 44444444444444444444 32 4 33 555555555555555 34 6666666666666666666 35 777777777777777777 36 #!/bin/bash 37 38 params=$# 39 echo 40 echo The last parameter is $params 41 echo The last parameter is ${!#} 42 echo 43 #!/bin/bash 44 45 echo 46 echo "Using the \$* method: $*" 47 echo 48 echo "Using the \$@ method: $@" 49 #!/bin/bash 50 51 echo 52 count=1 53 for param in "$*" 54 do 55 echo "\$* Parameter #$count = $param" 56 count=$[ $count + 1 ] 57 done 58 echo 59 count=1 60 for param in "$@" 61 do 62 echo "\$@ Parameter #$count = $param" 63 count=$[ $count + 1 ] 64 done 65 #!/bin/bash 66 67 echo 68 count=1 69 while [ -n "$1" ] 70 do 71 echo "Parameter #$count = $1" 72 count=$[ $count + 1 ] 73 shift 74 done 75 #!/bin/bash 76 77 echo 78 echo "The original parameters: $*" 79 shift 2 80 echo "Here's the new first parameter: $1" 81 #!/bin/bash 82 83 echo 84 while [ -n "$1" ] 85 do 86 case "$1" in 87 -a) echo "Found the -a option";; 88 -b) echo "Found the -b option";; 89 -c) echo "Found the -c option";; 90 *) echo "$1 is not an option";; 91 esac 92 shift 93 done 94 95 #!/bin/bash 96 97 echo 98 while [ -n "$1" ] 99 do 100 case "$1" in 101 -a) echo "Found the -a option";; 102 -b) echo "Found the -b option";; 103 -c) echo "Found the -c option";; 104 --) shift 105 break ;; 106 *) echo "$1 is not an option";; 107 esac 108 shift 109 done 110 count=1 111 for param in $@ 112 do 113 echo "Parameter #$count: $param" 114 count=$[ $count + 1 ] 115 done 116 #!/bin/bash 117 118 echo 119 while [ -n "$1" ] 120 do 121 case "$1" in 122 -a) echo "Found the -a option";; 123 -b) param="$2" 124 echo "Fount the -b option, whith parameter value $param" 125 shift ;; 126 -c) echo "Found the -c option";; 127 --) shift 128 break ;; 129 *) echo "$1 is not an option";; 130 esac 131 shift 132 done 133 count=1 134 for param in $@ 135 do 136 echo "Parameter #$count: $param" 137 count=$[ $count + 1 ] 138 done 139 #!/bin/bash 140 141 factorial=1 142 for (( number = 1; number <= $1; number++ )) 143 do 144 factorial=$[ $factorial * $number ] 145 done 146 echo The factorial of $1 is $factorial 147 #!/bin/bash 148 149 echo -n "Enter your name:" 150 read name 151 echo "Hello $name, welcome to my program." 152 #!/bin/bash 153 read -p "Please enter your age:" age 154 days=$[ $age * 365 ] 155 echo "That makes you over $days days old!" 156 #!/bin/bash 157 158 read -n1 -p "Do you want to continue [Y|N]?" answer 159 case $answer in 160 Y|y) echo 161 echo "fine, continue on...";; 162 N|n) echo 163 echo OK, goodbye 164 exit ;; 165 esac 166 echo "This is the end of the script" 167 #!/bin/bash 168 169 read -s -p "Enter your password:" pass 170 echo 171 echo "Is your password readlly $pass" 172 #!/bin/bash 173 174 count=1 175 cat test | while read line 176 do 177 echo "Line $count : $line" 178 count=$[ $count + 1 ] 179 done 180 echo "Finished processing the file" 181 #!/bin/bash 182 183 total=$[ $1 * $2 ] 184 echo The first parameter is $1 185 echo The second parameter is $2 186 echo The total value is $total 187 #!/bin/bash 188 189 echo Hello $1, glad to meet you. 190 #!/bin/bash 191 192 total=$[ ${10} * ${11} ] 193 echo The tenth parameter is ${10} 194 echo The elevent parameter is ${11} 195 echo The total is $total 196 #!/bin/bash 197 198 name=$(basename $0) 199 echo 200 echo The script name is : $name 201 #!/bin/bash 202 203 echo The zero parameter is set to : $0 204 #!/bin/bash 205 206 name=$(basename $0) 207 208 if [ $name = "addem" ] 209 then 210 total=$[ $1 + $2 ] 211 elif [ $name = "multem" ] 212 then 213 total=$[ $1 * $2] 214 fi 215 echo 216 echo The calculated value is $total 217 #!/bin/bash 218 219 if [ -n "$1" ] 220 then 221 echo Hello $1, glad to meet you. 222 else 223 echo "Sorry, you did not identify yourself." 224 fi 225 #!/bin/bash 226 227 echo There were $# parameters supplied. 228 #!/bin/bash 229 230 if [ $# -ne 2 ] 231 then 232 echo 233 echo Usage: a b 234 echo 235 else 236 total=$[ $1 + $2] 237 echo 238 echo The total is $total 239 echo 240 fi
1 BB,RR,123 mm s,CC,IL,66666 2 CC,Rw,234 kk e,DD,II,77777 3 4 #!/bin/bash 5 6 exec 1> testout 7 8 echo "aaaaa" 9 echo "bbbbb" 10 echo "ccccc" 11 #!/bin/bash 12 13 exec 2> testerr 14 15 echo "aaaaa" 16 echo "bbbbb" 17 18 exec 1> testout 19 20 echo "ddddd" 21 echo "eeeee" >&2 22 #!/bin/bash 23 24 exec 0< testfile 25 count=1 26 27 while read line 28 do 29 echo "Line #$count : $line" 30 count=$[ $count + 1 ] 31 done 32 This should store in the output file. 33 along with tnis line. 34 #!/bin/bash 35 36 exec 3>&1 37 exec 1>test14out 38 39 echo "This should store in the output file." 40 echo "along with tnis line." 41 42 exec 1>&3 43 44 echo "Now things should be back to normal" 45 #!/bin/bash 46 47 exec 6<&0 48 49 exec 0< testfile 50 51 count=1 52 while read line 53 do 54 echo "Line #$count: $line" 55 count=$[ $count + 1 ] 56 done 57 exec 0<&6 58 read -p "Are you done now?" answer 59 case $answer in 60 Y|y) echo "Goodbye";; 61 N|n) echo "Sorry, this is the end.";; 62 esac 63 #!/bin/bash 64 65 outfile='members.sql' 66 IFS=',' 67 while read lname fname address city state zip 68 do 69 cat >> $outfile << EOF 70 INSERT INTO members (lname,fname,address,city,state,zip) VALUES 71 ('$lname','$fname','$address','$city','$state','$zip'); 72 EOF 73 done < ${1} 74 #!/bin/bash 75 76 echo "This is an error" >&2 77 echo "This is normal output" 78 This is an error 79 eeeee 80 Thu May 9 07:38:06 CST 2019 81 root pts/0 2019-05-09 07:26 ( 82 ddddd 83 #!/bin/bash 84 85 exec 3<> testfile 86 read line <&3 87 echo "Read: $line" 88 echo "This is a test line"
1 This is a test script 2 Loop #1 3 Loop #2 4 Loop #3 5 Loop #4 6 Loop #5 7 Loop #6 8 Loop #7 9 Loop #8 10 Loop #9 11 Loop #10 12 This si the end of the test script 13 Script process ID:8104 14 Loop #1 15 Loop #2 16 Loop #3 17 Loop #4 18 Loop #5 19 Loop #6 20 Loop #7 21 Loop #8 22 Loop #9 23 Loop #10 24 End of script 25 #!/bin/bash 26 echo "Script process ID:$$" 27 count=1 28 while [ $count -le 10 ] 29 do 30 echo "Loop #$count" 31 sleep 10 32 count=$[ $count + 1 ] 33 done 34 35 echo "End of script" 36 #!/bin/bash 37 38 echo "This script ran at $(date +%B%d,%T)" 39 echo 40 sleep 5 41 echo "This is the script's end...." 42 #!/bin/bash 43 44 trap "echo 'Sorry! I have trapped ctrl+c'" SIGINT 45 46 echo This is a test script 47 count=1 48 while [ $count -le 10 ] 49 do 50 echo "Loop #$count" 51 sleep 1 52 count=$[ $count + 1 ] 53 done 54 echo "This si the end of the test script" 55 #!/bin/bash 56 57 58 trap "echo GOODBYE..." EXIT 59 60 count=1 61 while [ $count -le 5 ] 62 do 63 echo "LOOP #$count" 64 sleep 1 65 count=$[ $count + 1 ] 66 done 67 #!/bin/bash 68 69 trap "echo 'Sorry ... Ctrl + C is trapped.'" SIGINT 70 71 count=1 72 while [ $count -le 5 ] 73 do 74 echo "Loop #$count" 75 sleep 1 76 count=$[ $count + 1 ] 77 done 78 trap "echo 'I modified the trap!' " SIGINT 79 count=1 80 while [ $count -le 5 ] 81 do 82 echo "Secound Loop #$count" 83 sleep 1 84 count=$[ $count + 1 ] 85 done 86 87 trap -- SIGINT 88 echo "I just removed the trap" 89 count=1 90 while [ $count -le 5 ] 91 do 92 echo "remove Loop #$count" 93 sleep 1 94 count=$[ $count + 1 ] 95 done 96 #!/bin/bash 97 98 count=1 99 100 while [ $count -le 10 ] 101 do 102 sleep 1 103 count=$[ $count + 1 ] 104 105 done 106 107 #!/bin/bash 108 echo "start the test script" 109 count=1 110 while [ $count -le 5 ] 111 do 112 echo "Loop #$count" 113 count=$[ $count + 1 ] 114 115 done 116 echo "The scripts is complete"
1 #my script functions 2 3 function addem { 4 echo $[ $1 + $2 ] 5 } 6 7 function multem { 8 echo $[ $1 * $2 ] 9 } 10 11 function divem { 12 if [ $2 -ne 0 ] 13 then 14 echo $[ $1 / $2 ] 15 else 16 echo -1 17 fi 18 } 19 #!/bin/bash 20 21 function testit { 22 local newarray 23 newarray=('echo "$@"') 24 echo "The new array value is: ${newarray[*]}" 25 } 26 27 myarray=(1,2,3,4,5) 28 echo "The original array is ${myarray[*]}" 29 testit ${myarray[*]} 30 #!/bin/bash 31 32 function arraydb1r { 33 local origarray 34 local newarray 35 local elements 36 local i 37 origarray=($(echo "$@")) 38 newarray=($(echo "$@")) 39 elements=$[ $# - 1 ] 40 for (( i = 0; i <= $elements; i++ )) 41 { 42 newarray[$i]=$[ ${origarray[$i]} * 2 ] 43 } 44 echo ${newarray[*]} 45 } 46 47 myarray=(1,2,3,4,5) 48 echo "The origarray array is ${myarray[*]}" 49 arg1=$(echo ${myarray[*]}) 50 result=($(arraydb1r $arg1)) 51 echo "The new array is: ${result[*]}" 52 53 54 #!/bin/bash 55 56 function factorial { 57 if [ $1 -eq 1 ] 58 then 59 echo 1 60 else 61 local temp=$[ $1 -1 ] 62 local result=$(factorial $temp) 63 echo $[ $result * $1 ] 64 fi 65 } 66 67 read -p "Enter value: " value 68 result=$(factorial $value) 69 echo "The factorial of $value is: $result" 70 #!/bin/bash 71 72 . ./ 73 74 value1=10 75 value2=5 76 77 result1=$(addem $value1 $value2) 78 result2=$(multem $value1 $value2) 79 result3=$(divem $value1 $value2) 80 81 echo "The result of adding them is $result1" 82 echo "The result of multiplying them is $result2" 83 echo "The result of dividing them is $result3" 84 #!/bin/bash 85 86 function test1 { 87 echo "This is an example of a function" 88 89 } 90 91 count=1 92 while [ $count -le 5 ] 93 do 94 test1 95 count=$[ $count + 1 ] 96 done 97 98 echo "This is the end of the loop" 99 test1 100 echo "Now this is the end of the script." 101 #!/bin/bash 102 103 count=1 104 echo "This line comes before the function definition" 105 106 function test1 { 107 echo "This is an example of a function" 108 } 109 110 while [ $count -le 5 ] 111 do 112 test1 113 count=$[ $count + 1 ] 114 done 115 echo "This is the end of the script" 116 test2 117 function test2 { 118 echo "This is an exampple of a function...." 119 } 120 121 #!/bin/bash 122 123 func1() { 124 echo "trying to display a non-existent file." 125 ls -l badfile 126 } 127 echo 128 func1 129 echo "$?" 130 #!/bin/bash 131 132 function db1 { 133 read -p "Enter a value:" value 134 echo $[ $value * 2 ] 135 } 136 137 result=$(db1) 138 echo "The new value is $result" 139 #!/bin/bash 140 141 function db1 { 142 read -p 'Enter a value' value 143 echo "doubling the value" 144 return $[ $value * 2 ] 145 } 146 db1 147 echo "The new value is $?" 148 #!/bin/bash 149 150 function addem { 151 if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ $# -gt 2 ] 152 then 153 echo -1 154 elif [ $# -eq 1 ] 155 then 156 echo $[ $1 + $1 ] 157 else 158 echo $[ $1 + $2 ] 159 fi 160 } 161 162 echo -n "Adding 10 and 15:" 163 value=$(addem 10 15) 164 echo $value 165 echo -n "Let's try adding just one numnber:" 166 value=$(addem 10) 167 echo $value 168 echo -n "Now trying adding no numbers:" 169 value=$(addem) 170 echo $value 171 echo -n "Finally,try adding three numbers:" 172 value=$(addem 10 15 20) 173 echo $value 174 175 #!/bin/bash 176 177 function func1 { 178 echo $[ $1 * $2 ] 179 180 } 181 182 if [ $# -eq 2 ] 183 then 184 value=$(func1 $1 $2) 185 echo "This result is $value" 186 else 187 "Usage:badtest1 a b" 188 fi 189 #!/bin/bash 190 191 function db1 { 192 value=$[ $value * 2 ] 193 } 194 read -p "Enter a value:" value 195 db1 196 echo "The new value is $value" 197 198 #!/bin/bash 199 200 function func1 { 201 local temp=$[ $value + 5 ] 202 result=$[ $temp * 2 ] 203 } 204 temp=4 205 value=6 206 207 func1 208 echo "The result is $result" 209 if [ $temp -gt $value ] 210 then 211 echo "temp is larger" 212 else 213 echo "temp is smaller" 214 fi
1 /root/#!/bin/bash 2 3 function diskspace { 4 clear 5 df -h 6 } 7 8 function whoseon { 9 clear 10 who 11 } 12 13 function menusage { 14 clear 15 cat /proc/meminfo 16 } 17 18 function menu { 19 clear 20 echo 21 echo -e "\t\t\tSys Admin Menu\n" 22 echo -e "\t1. Display disk space." 23 echo -e "\t2. Display logged on users" 24 echo -e "\t3. Display memory usage" 25 echo -e "\t4. Exit Program\n\n " 26 echo -en "\t\t Enter option: " 27 read -n 1 option 28 } 29 30 while [ 1 ] 31 do 32 menu 33 case $option in 34 0) 35 break ;; 36 1) 37 diskspace ;; 38 2) 39 whoseon ;; 40 3) 41 menusage ;; 42 *) 43 clear 44 echo "Sorry, wrong selection" ;; 45 esac 46 echo -en "\n\n\t\t\tHit any key to continue:" 47 read -n 1 line 48 done 49 clear 50 51 #!/bin/bash 52 53 temp=$(mktemp -t test.XXXXXX) 54 temp2=$(mktemp -t test2.XXXXXX) 55 56 function diskspace { 57 df -h > $temp 58 dialog --textbox $temp 20 60 59 } 60 61 function whoseon { 62 who > $temp 63 dialog --textbox $temp 20 50 64 } 65 66 function memusage { 67 cat /proc/meminfo > $temp 68 dialog --textbox $temp 20 50 69 } 70 71 while [ 1 ] 72 do 73 dialog --menu "Sys Admin Menu" 20 30 10 1 "Display disk space" 2 "Display users" 3 "Display memory usage" 0 "Exit" 2> $temp2 74 if [ $? -eq 1 ] 75 then break 76 fi 77 78 selection=$(cat $temp2) 79 80 case $selection in 81 1) 82 diskspace ;; 83 2) 84 whoseon ;; 85 3) 86 memusage ;; 87 0) 88 break ;; 89 *) 90 dialog --msgbox "Sorry, invalid selection" 10 30 91 esac 92 done 93 rm -rf $temp 2> /dev/null 94 rm -rf $temp2 2> /dev/null 95 96 #!/bin/bash 97 98 function diskspace { 99 clear 100 df -h 101 } 102 103 function whoseon { 104 clear 105 who 106 } 107 108 function menusage { 109 clear 110 cat /proc/meminfo 111 } 112 113 114 115 PS3="Enter option: " 116 select option in "Display disk space" "Display logged on users" "Display memory usage" "Exit Program" 117 do 118 menu 119 case $option in 120 "Exit Program") 121 break ;; 122 "Display disk space") 123 diskspace ;; 124 "Display logged on users") 125 whoseon ;; 126 "Display memory usage") 127 menusage ;; 128 *) 129 clear 130 echo "Sorry, wrong selection" ;; 131 esac 132 done 133 clear 134 135 #!/bin/bash 136 137 138 function menu { 139 clear 140 echo 141 echo -e "\t\t\tSys Admin Menu\n" 142 echo -e "\t1. Display disk space." 143 echo -e "\t2. Display logged on users" 144 echo -e "\t3. Display memory usage" 145 echo -e "\t4. Exit Program\n\n " 146 echo -en "\t\t Enter option: " 147 read -n 1 option 148 } 149 menu 150 case $option in 151 0) 152 break ;; 153 1) 154 diskspace ;; 155 2) 156 whoseon ;; 157 3) 158 menusage ;; 159 *) 160 clear 161 echo "Sorry, wrong selection" ;; 162 esac