


Apps can consume a lot of space on an iPhone or iPad. In iOS 11, a new feature allows you to remove an app from your device without removing the app’s data. In other words, you can remove the app and free up space without losing anything—when you redownload the app in the future, you can immediately  pick up right where you left off.

應用程序可能會佔用iPhone或iPad上的大量空間。 在iOS 11中,一項新功能允許您從設備中刪除應用程序,而無需刪除應用程序的數據。 換句話說,您可以刪除該應用程序並釋放空間,而不會丟失任何東西-將來當您重新下載該應用程序時,您可以立即從停下來的地方繼續下載。

This feature can be used in two different ways. You can manually offload one or more apps to free up space. Or, if you’d rather not think about it, you can tell your iPhone or iPad to automatically offload apps you don’t use to free up space when you need it.

該功能可以兩種不同的方式使用。 您可以手動卸載一個或多個應用程序以釋放空間。 或者,如果您不想考慮它,則可以告訴iPhone或iPad在需要時自動卸載不需要的應用以釋放空間。

如何卸載應用 (How to Offload an App)

To offload an app, head to Settings > General > iPhone Storage.

要卸載應用程序,請轉到設置>常規> iPhone存儲。

This screen shows you how much space your apps take up on the device, and informs you when you last used them. Scroll down and, in the list of apps, tap the app you want to offload.

此屏幕顯示您的應用程序在設備上佔用了多少空間,並通知您上次使用它們的時間。 向下滾動,然後在應用程序列表中,點擊要卸載的應用程序。

Offloading an app will free up the amount of space shown next to 「App Size」. Only the app will be removed, and its Documents & Data will be kept on your device.

卸載應用程序將釋放「應用程序大小」旁邊顯示的空間量。 只有該應用將被刪除,其文檔和數據將保留在您的設備上。

To offload the app, tap 「Offload App」 option here and then tap 「Offload App」 again to confirm.


The app’s icon will stay on your home screen, but it will have a cloud download icon to the left of its name. This indicates that the app needs to be downloaded before you can use it once again. Tap the app’s icon and your device will immediately begin downloading the app.

該應用程序的圖標將保留在您的主屏幕上,但其名稱左側將帶有一個雲下載圖標。 這表明該應用需要先下載,然後才能再次使用。 點擊應用程序的圖標,您的設備將立即開始下載該應用程序。

如何自動卸載不使用的應用程序 (How to Automatically Offload Apps You Don’t Use)

Rather than manually offloading apps, you can have your iPhone or iPad do it for you. Your device will only do this when it’s low on storage space, and it will only remove apps you haven’t used recently.

您可以讓您的iPhone或iPad代替您手動卸載應用程序。 您的設備只會在存儲空間不足時執行此操作,並且只會刪除您最近未使用過的應用。

To enable this feature, head to Settings > General > iPhone Storage and tap 「Enable」 next to Offload Unused Apps. You can also head to Settings > iTunes & App Store and toggle 「Offload Unused Apps」 on or off from here.

要啓用此功能,請轉到「設置」>「常規」>「 iPhone存儲」,然後點擊「卸載未使用的應用程序」旁邊的「啓用」。 您也可以轉到「設置」>「 iTunes&App Store」,然後從此處打開或關閉「卸載未使用的應用程序」。

When your iPhone or iPad automatically offloads an app, you’ll see the same cloud download icon to the left of its name. Just tap the app if you want to use it again and your device will automatically download it for you.

當您的iPhone或iPad自動卸載應用程序時,您會在其名稱左側看到相同的雲下載圖標。 如果您想再次使用該應用,請點按該應用,設備會自動爲您下載。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/326184/how-to-free-up-space-on-your-iphone-or-ipad-by-offloading-unused-apps/
