Linux/Windows 應用程序開發




1.1 Linux 環境

    1 Linux系統調用


   Linux/Unix 的設計策略將是內核空間與用戶空間隔絕開,使得內核空間對象或資源「不能」被用戶空間直接訪問。用戶能在用戶空間操做用戶本身的對象,若是須要使用內核資源,能夠直接調用系統調用(system call)或者經過「庫(好比C庫),也能夠叫APIs」間接地調系統調用。系統調用像一個屏障,它將內核空間與用戶空間隔開。shell

  由於核心態和用戶態用的是兩個不一樣的棧,切換時須要切換特權級別,而且不一樣的硬件平臺(arm/ibm/intel)有不一樣的硬件棧指針(StackPointer)實現機制,因此係統調用的實現須要用到彙編語言,實現的功能包括切換SP、參數傳遞、上下文切換等。若是提到彙編怎麼經過cpu寄存器傳遞參數,這些細節都有其標準,沒必要深究。若是說起StackPointer,stm32就有兩個獨立的StackPointer(SP),MSP與PSP。須要指出Linux用戶空間、內核空間與中斷是有區別的:用戶空間和內核空間其實看上去就是運行在不一樣處理器特權級別上的普通程序(相對中斷而言),只不過內核空間運行着整個軟件系統的核心LinuxKernel,裏面裝的是正在運行的Linux Objects;中斷程序通常針對硬件,短小而嚴謹,不能睡眠。編程


   2 系統庫/通用庫



   3 系統命令

       Shell 實際上也是一個可執行程序,與其餘普通程序並沒有二致,它是經過命令行方式運行其它程序的程序。wordpress

   4 系統內核、系統調用、通用庫、shell、應用程序之間的關係



1.2 Windows 環境

  Windows和Linux相似都有一套系統內核對象(或者叫組件、模塊,好比進程、內存、文件系統等)。Windows提供了 Windows APIs -> Microsoft Fundation(MFC) -> [todo]

MFC 是利用面向對象思想的C++語言對 WindowsAPIs 進行的一次封裝。MFC提升了編程的效率,可是下降了靈活度。MFC還有一個莫名其妙的別名,叫 Visual C++,是指「用 Visual Studio IDE 、C++ 和 MFC 技術」開發 windows 程序的意思,側重在「MFC」。這句話出自《深刻淺出MFC》第二版侯俊傑。終於知道多年的VC++是什麼意思了。這個世界太亂了,亂起名,讓人厭惡、不負責任。



 1.3 C/C++/Java 標準庫函數

  我認爲不論是基於操做系統仍是基於裸機,你只要編寫出符合標準庫函數規範的函數便可, 即標準對於如何實現無要求,所以不一樣的實現方式,可能性能上有所差別。

  以malloc爲例,malloc invokes either brk or mmap syscall to obtain memory.

關於malloc in linux 的說明:

When a process needs memory, some room is created by moving the upper bound of the heap forward, using the brk() or sbrk() system calls. Because a system call is expensive in terms of CPU usage, a better strategy is to call brk() to grab a large chunk of memory and then split it as needed to get smaller chunks. This is exactly what malloc() does. It aggregates a lot of smaller malloc() requests into fewer large brk() calls. Doing so yields a significant performance improvement. The malloc() call itself is much less expensive than brk(), because it is a library call, not a system call. Symmetric behavior is adopted when memory is freed by the process. Memory blocks are not immediately returned to the system, which would require a new brk() call with a negative argument. Instead, the C library aggregates them until a sufficiently large, contiguous chunk can be freed at once.

For very large requests, malloc() uses the mmap() system call to find addressable memory space. This process helps reduce the negative effects of memory fragmentation when large blocks of memory are freed but locked by smaller, more recently allocated blocks lying between them and the end of the allocated space. In this case, in fact, had the block been allocated with brk(), it would have remained unusable by the system even if the process freed it.
