Linus大嬸在slashdot上回答一些編程愛好者的提問,其中一我的問他什麼樣的代碼是他所喜愛的,大嬸表述了本身一些觀點以後,舉了一個指針的例子,解釋了什麼纔是core low-level coding。node
「At the opposite end of the spectrum, I actually wish more people understood the really core low-level kind of coding. Not big, complex stuff like the lockless name lookup, but simply good use of pointers-to-pointers etc. For example, I’ve seen too many people who delete a singly-linked list entry by keeping track of the 「prev」 entry, and then to delete the entry, doing something like。(在這段話的最後,我實際上但願更多的人瞭解什麼是真正的核心底層代碼。這並不像無鎖文件名查詢(注:多是git源碼裏的設計)那樣龐大、複雜,只是僅僅像諸如使用二級指針那樣簡單的技術。例如,我見過不少人在刪除一個單項鍊表的時候,維護了一個」prev」表項指針,而後刪除當前表項,就像這樣)」git
if(prev) prev->next = entry->next; else list_head = entry->next;
and whenever I see code like that, I just go 「This person doesn’t understand pointers」. And it’s sadly quite common.(當我看到這樣的代碼時,我就會想「這我的不瞭解指針」。使人難過的是這太常見了。)面試
People who understand pointers just use a 「pointer to the entry pointer」, and initialize that with the address of the list_head. And then as they traverse the list, they can remove the entry without using any conditionals, by just doing a 「*pp = entry->next」. (瞭解指針的人會使用鏈表頭的地址來初始化一個「指向節點指針的指針」。當遍歷鏈表的時候,能夠不用任何條件判斷(注:指prev是否爲鏈表頭)就能移除某個節點,只要寫)編程
*pp = entry->next
So there’s lots of pride in doing the small details right. It may not be big and important code, but I do like seeing code where people really thought about the details, and clearly also were thinking about the compiler being able to generate efficient code (rather than hoping that the compiler is so smart that it can make efficient code *despite* the state of the original source code). (糾正細節是使人自豪的事。也許這段代碼並不是龐大和重要,但我喜歡看那些注重代碼細節的人寫的代碼,也就是清楚地瞭解如何才能編譯出有效代碼(而不是寄望於聰明的編譯器來產生有效代碼,即便是那些原始的彙編代碼))。less
若是咱們須要寫一個remove_if(link*, rm_cond_func*)的函數,也就是傳入一個單向鏈表,和一個自定義的是否刪除的函數,而後返回處理後的連接。函數
typedefstructnode { structnode * next; .... } node; typedefbool(* remove_fn)(node const* v); // Remove all nodes from the supplied list for which the // supplied remove function returns true. // Returns the new head of the list. node * remove_if(node * head, remove_fn rm) { for(node * prev = NULL, * curr = head; curr != NULL; ) { node * constnext = curr->next; if(rm(curr)) { if(prev) prev->next = next; else head = next; free(curr); } else prev = curr; curr = next; } returnhead; }
這裏remove_fn由調用查提供的一個是否刪除當前實體結點的函數指針,其會判斷刪除條件是否成立。這段代碼維護了兩個節點指針prev和curr,標準的教科書寫法——刪除當前結點時,須要一個previous的指針,而且還要這裏還須要作一個邊界條件的判斷——curr是否爲鏈表頭。因而,要刪除一個節點(不是表頭),只要將前一個節點的next指向當前節點的next指向的對象,即下一個節點(即:prev->next = curr->next),而後釋放當前節點。
但在Linus看來,這是不懂指針的人的作法。那麼,什麼是core low-level coding呢?那就是有效地利用二級指針,將其做爲管理和操做鏈表的首要選項。代碼以下:
voidremove_if(node ** head, remove_fn rm) { for(node** curr = head; *curr; ) { node * entry = *curr; if(rm(entry)) { *curr = entry->next; free(entry); } else curr = &entry->next; } }
刪除節點是表頭的狀況,輸入參數中傳入head的二級指針,在for循環裏將其初始化curr,而後entry就是*head(*curr),咱們立刻刪除它,那麼第8行就等效於*head = (*head)->next,就是刪除表頭的實現。
1)(第12行)若是不刪除當前結點 —— curr保存的是當前結點next指針的地址。
2)(第5行) entry 保存了 *curr —— 這意味着在下一次循環:entry就是prev->next指針所指向的內存。
3)(第8行)刪除結點:*curr = entry->next; —— 因而:prev->next 指向了 entry -> next;