數據結構與算法 - OC 實現








typedef BOOL (^compareElement)(NSObject * el1, NSObject *el2);

@interface NSMutableArray (SortTools)
 * 經過N-1次對剩餘未排序元素中最大或最小元素的上浮來實現排序。
 * 上浮經過交換相鄰元素實現
- (void) sortByBubble:(compareElement) cmpBlock;
- (void) sortByChoose:(compareElement) cmpBlock;
- (void) sortByInsert:(compareElement) cmpBlock;
 * 內容是否同樣
- (BOOL) isTheSame:(NSArray *)otherArray
 usingCompareBlock:(compareElement) cmpBlock;


@implementation NSMutableArray (SortTools)
- (void) sortByBubble:(compareElement) cmpBlock
    NSObject *temp = nil;
    for(int i = 0; i < self.count - 1; i++){
        for(int j = 0; j < self.count - 1 - i; j++){
            if (cmpBlock([self objectAtIndex:j], [self objectAtIndex:j+1])) {
                temp = [self objectAtIndex:j];
                [self replaceObjectAtIndex:j
                                withObject:[self objectAtIndex:j+1]];
                [self replaceObjectAtIndex:j+1 withObject:temp];
    temp = nil;

- (void) sortByChoose:(compareElement) cmpBlock{
    NSObject *temp = nil;
    NSInteger maxIndex = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < self.count - 1; i++) {
        maxIndex = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < self.count - 1 - i; j++) {
            if (cmpBlock([self objectAtIndex:maxIndex], [self objectAtIndex:j])) {
                maxIndex = j;
        temp = [self objectAtIndex:self.count - 1 - i];
        [self replaceObjectAtIndex:self.count - 1 - i
                        withObject:[self objectAtIndex:maxIndex]];
        [self replaceObjectAtIndex:maxIndex withObject:temp];
    temp = nil;
- (void) sortByInsert:(compareElement) cmpBlock{
    NSObject *temp = nil;
    for (int i = 1; i < self.count; i++) {
        temp = [self objectAtIndex:i];
        int j = 0;
        for (j = i; j > 0 && cmpBlock(temp, [self objectAtIndex:j-1]) ; j--) {
            [self replaceObjectAtIndex:j withObject:[self objectAtIndex:j-1]];
        [self replaceObjectAtIndex:j withObject:temp];

 * 內容是否同樣
- (BOOL) isTheSame:(NSArray *)otherArray
 usingCompareBlock:(compareElement) cmpBlock{
    BOOL isSame = YES;
    if (self.count != otherArray.count) {
        isSame = NO;
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < self.count; i++) {
            if ([self objectAtIndex:i] == nil) {
            if (!cmpBlock([self objectAtIndex:i], [otherArray objectAtIndex:i])) {
                isSame = NO;
    return isSame;



@synthesize testBubbleBefore, testBubbleAfter, testChooseAfter, testChooseBefore;

- (void)setUp
    [super setUp];

    // Set-up code here.
    self.testBubbleBefore = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@45, @2, @63,@11, nil];
    self.testBubbleAfter = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@2, @11, @45,@63, nil];
    self.testChooseBefore = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@45, @2, @63,@11, nil];
    self.testChooseAfter = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@2, @11, @45,@63, nil];
    self.testInsertB = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@45, @2, @63,@11, nil];
    self.testInsertA = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@2, @11, @45,@63, nil];

- (void)tearDown
    // Tear-down code here.
    [self.testBubbleBefore removeAllObjects];
    [self.testBubbleAfter removeAllObjects];
    [self.testChooseBefore removeAllObjects];
    [self.testChooseAfter removeAllObjects];
    [self.testInsertB removeAllObjects];
    [self.testInsertA removeAllObjects];
    [super tearDown];

- (void)testBubble
    [self.testBubbleBefore sortByBubble:^BOOL(NSObject *el1, NSObject *el2) {
        __weak NSNumber *n1 = (NSNumber *)el1;
        __weak NSNumber *n2 = (NSNumber *)el2;
        return n1.intValue > n2.intValue;
    BOOL isSame = [self.testBubbleBefore isTheSame:self.testBubbleAfter usingCompareBlock:^BOOL(NSObject *el1, NSObject *el2) {
        __weak NSNumber *n1 = (NSNumber *)el1;
        __weak NSNumber *n2 = (NSNumber *)el2;
        return n1.intValue == n2.intValue;
    STAssertTrue(isSame, @"testBefore is not the same as testAfter!");

- (void)testChoose
    [self.testChooseBefore sortByChoose:^BOOL(NSObject *el2, NSObject *el1) {
        __weak NSNumber *n2 = (NSNumber *)el2;
        __weak NSNumber *n1 = (NSNumber *)el1;
        return n1.intValue > n2.intValue;
    BOOL isSame = [self.testChooseBefore isTheSame:self.testChooseAfter usingCompareBlock:^BOOL(NSObject *el1, NSObject *el2) {
        __weak NSNumber *n1 = (NSNumber *)el1;
        __weak NSNumber *n2 = (NSNumber *)el2;
        return n1.intValue == n2.intValue;
    STAssertTrue(isSame, @"testBefore is not the same as testAfter!");

- (void)testInsert
    [self.testInsertB sortByInsert:^BOOL(NSObject *el2, NSObject *el1) {
        __weak NSNumber *n1 = (NSNumber *)el1;
        __weak NSNumber *n2 = (NSNumber *)el2;
        return n1.intValue > n2.intValue;
    BOOL isSame = [self.testInsertB isTheSame:self.testInsertA usingCompareBlock:^BOOL(NSObject *el1, NSObject *el2) {
        __weak NSNumber *n1 = (NSNumber *)el1;
        __weak NSNumber *n2 = (NSNumber *)el2;
        return n1.intValue == n2.intValue;
    STAssertTrue(isSame, @"testBefore is not the same as testAfter!");
