Velocity Eclipse 插件 html
在Eclipse的Help->Install New Software... web
點擊「Add加 Veloeclipse,值:, apache
可是沒法finish,後來發現是 Eclipse 的問題,只要在安裝插件的界面中把 Group Items by Catagory 前打鉤去掉就能夠了。網絡
調查下來一共找到四個插件,其中一個叫veloedit,一個叫velocitywebedit,另外兩個都叫veloeclipse,不過確實是兩個不一樣的插件,一個在google code上,一個在sourceforge上。詳細信息能夠看參考資料。eclipse
1. veloedit 1.0.2ui
- Syntax-highlight for Velocity Template Language (VTL)
- Outline view with hierarchy of VTL directives and Velocimacro references
- Content assist for VTL directives and references -> auto-activation after the character '#' or '$' or manually via keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Space
- Automatic template validation while typing (the first syntax error is show in task list and the according line is marked in annotation column)
- Annotation hover with definition of references and template syntax errors
- Go to definition of variable or Velocimacro reference under current cursor position (via context menu or keyboard shortcut F3)
- Comment and uncomment blocks (via Ctrl+/ and Ctrl+/)
- Preference pages for definition of Velocity counter name and user-defined Velocity directives
- Preference pages for color settings of the editor's syntax highlighting
- Preference pages for Velocimacro library
2. veloeclipse(google code) 2.0.8google
- Smart indentation of velocity directives ( on pressing return or when using tabs)
- XML support
- Jtidy integration
- code folding
- code Formatting
- Smart indentation of html tags( on pressing return or when using tabs)
- Syntax highlighting for both html and velocity
- Autocompletion and Content assist for tags,directives and references (Ctrl + space in html attribute values or when opening or closing tags)
- jumping to statring tag/directive when hovering on the closing tag/directive and then pressing Ctrl+Alt+ mouseclick
- opening html definitions on tags when pressing Ctrl+Alt+ mouseclick
- Tested on Eclipse 3.3 and 3.4
- Supports Velocity 1.6
3. veloeclipse(sourceforge) 2.0.6spa
- new XML support
- new JSP(X) und JSTL support
- new Jtidy integration
- new convert your code to XHTML
- new code folding
- new compare dialog before commiting formatting or Jtidy changes
- new code Formatting
- User defined macros
- Smart indentation of velocity directives ( on pressing return or when using tabs)
- Smart indentation of html tags( on pressing return or when using tabs)
- Syntax highlighting for both html and velocity
- Autocompletion and Content assist for tags,directives and references (Ctrl + space in html attribute values or when opening or closing tags)
- Preview html code
- jumping to statring tag/directive when hovering on the closing tag/directive and then pressing Ctrl+Alt+ mouseclick
- opening html definitions on tags when pressing Ctrl+Alt+ mouseclick
- Customizable Syntax Hilighting
- Content Assist
- Velocity Variables Names
- Velocity Variable Methods and Properties (using Reflection)
- Javascript Function Methods
- Velocity Macro Directives
- Style Sheet Class Names
- Velocity Outline
- HTML/XML Outline With XML Node Filtering and Intuitive Images
- Smart Indenting
- Customizable DTD for XML Content Assist
- Velocity Context Object Definitions at any Resorce Level
其實veloeclipse(sourceforge) 是基於veloedit進行二次開發而成的,多了不少功能。 從以上的功能列表對比來看,veloeclipse(sourceforge)無疑是頗有優點的。不過我最近對google code挺有好感的,並且 veloeclipse(google code)也直接宣稱本身支持Velocity 1.6,因此就直接選用這一個了。等之後有更大需求的話,再判斷是否須要使用veloeclipse(sourceforge)。
這幾個插件除velocitywebedit外,都是經過在線的update方式安裝的,對於一些網速不怎麼樣或者沒法訪問網絡的人來講,確實是很痛苦的。我這裏以veloeclipse(google code)爲例給個先下載再安裝的手順。從 頁面上,下載feature的最新版本(如com.googlecode.veloeclipse.ui_2.0.8.jar),從 頁面上,下載plugin的最新版本(如com.googlecode.veloeclipse.ui_2.0.8.jar)。而後把兩個jar分別 解壓縮到同名文件夾com.googlecode.veloeclipse.ui_2.0.8下,再把這兩個jar分別拷貝到eclipse的features和plugins目錄下,從新啓動eclipse就能夠了。
我使用的是eclipse的galileo版本(3.5),而且成功安裝了veloeclipse(google code)。
1. veloedit:
2. veloeclipse(google code):
3. veloeclipse(sourceforge):
4. velocitywebedit:
5. Velocity官網:
6. Velocity官網上的Editors: