一、Access link https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/,download mysql community server;java
二、Decompress the compressed package,copy my-default.ini and rename my.ini,add content :mysql
三、Add environment variable(optional)spa
四、Register Mysql as a Windows system service
in cmdip
install:mysqld install MySQL --defaults-file="D:\java\mysql\my.ini"ci
uninstall:mysql removerem
五、start mysql service:net start mysql
access to cmd
mysql -u root {After setting the password:mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p123456 }
create database sales;
use sales;
create table product_info(
product_id varchar(32) not null,
product_name varchar(64) not null,
product_price decimal(8,2) not null,
product_stock int not null,
product_description varchar(64),
product_icon varchar(512),
category_type int not null,
create_time timestamp not null default current_timestamp ,
update_time timestamp not null default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp,
primary key (product_id)
create table product_category(
category_id int not null auto_increment,
category_name varchar(64) not null,
category_type int not null,
create_time timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
updata_time timestamp not null default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp,
primary key (catagory_id),
unique key equ_catagory_type(catagory_type)
Create table order_master(
order_id varchar(32) not null,
buyer_name varchar(32) not null,
buyer_phone varchar(32) not null,
buyer_address varchar(128) not null,
buyer_openid varchar(64) not null,
order_amount decimal(8,2) not null,
order_status tinyint(3) not null default '0',
pay_status tinyint(3) not null default '0',
create_time timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
update_time timestamp not null default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp,
Primary key (order_id),
Key idx_buyer_openid (buyer_openid)
Create table order_detail(detail_id varchar(32) not null,order_id varchar(32) not null,product_id varchar(32) not null,product_name varchar(64) not null,product_price decimal(8,2) not null,product_quantity int not null,product_icon varchar(512),create_time timestamp not null default current_timestamp,update_time timestamp not null default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp,Primary key(detail_id),Key idx_order_id(order_id));