<?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="helloWorld"> <target name="sayHelloWorld"> <echo message="Hello,xutianhao"/> </target> </project> <!-- ant_helloworld -->
<?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="projectStudy" default="sayBaseDir" basedir="E:\apache-ant-1.8.2-bin\apache-ant-1.8.2"> <!-- default 表明默認要執行的動做 target--> <!-- basedir爲用戶設置的屬性 若是去掉的話再執行,結果是e:即ant構建文件的父目錄 --> <target name="sayBaseDir"> <!-- 命令行中執行的語句 ant SayBasedir 即執行sayBaseDir步驟 --> <!-- 若是未指明執行的target 直接ant 會完成default指定的target--> <echo message="the base dir is:${basedir}"/> </target> <!-- 若是說在一個project裏有兩個name相同的target 運行結果爲 BUILD FAILED E:\build.xml:20: Duplicate target 'sayBaseDir'--> </project>
<?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="targetStudy"> <target name="targetA" if="ant.java.version"> <!-- 若是 if屬性存在 所在 target將被執行 --> <echo message="java.version:${ant.java.version}"/> </target> <target name="targetB" unless="amigo" depends="targetA"> <!-- 若是 unless屬性存在 所在target將不被執行 --> <!-- targetB依賴於targetA --> <!-- 運行ant targetB 先執行targetA(被依賴的)再執行targetB --> <description>a depend example!</description> <echo message="The base dir is:${basedir}"/> </target> </project> <!--運行結果 E:\>ant targetB Buildfile: E:\build.xml targetA: [echo] java.version:1.7 targetB: [echo] The base dir is:E:\ BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 0 seconds -->
<?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="targetStudy"> <target name="targetA"> <echo message="The base dir is:${basedir}"/> <!-- project 基目錄的絕對路徑 表明當前目錄--> <echo message="The ant.file is:${ant.file}"/> <!-- buildfile 的絕對路徑 --> <echo message="The ant.java.version is:${ant.java.version}"/> <!-- ant 檢測到的java版本 --> <echo message="The ant.version is:${ant.version}"/> <!-- ant 的版本 --> <echo message="The ant.project.name is:${ant.project.name}"/> <!-- 當前制定的project的name --> </target> </project> <!-- E:\>ant targetA Buildfile: E:\build.xml targetA: [echo] The base dir is:E:\ [echo] The base dir is:E:\build.xml [echo] The base dir is:1.7 [echo] The base dir is:Apache Ant(TM) version 1.8.2 compiled on December 20 2010 [echo] The base dir is:targetStudy BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 0 seconds -->
<?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="targetStudy"> <property name="name" value="xutianhao"/> <property name="age" value="23"/> <target name="targetA"> <echo message="The base dir is:${name}"/> <!-- 設置的姓名屬性 xutianhao--> <echo message="The base dir is:${age}"/> <!-- 設置的年齡屬性23--> </target> </project>