public void smoothScrollToPosition(int position) { if (mLayoutFrozen) { return; } if (mLayout == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Cannot smooth scroll without a LayoutManager set. " + "Call setLayoutManager with a non-null argument."); return; } mLayout.smoothScrollToPosition(this, mState, position); } 複製代碼
public void smoothScrollToPosition(RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.State state,
int position) {
LinearSmoothScroller scroller = new LinearSmoothScroller(recyclerView.getContext());
public void startSmoothScroll(SmoothScroller smoothScroller) { if (mSmoothScroller != null && smoothScroller != mSmoothScroller && mSmoothScroller.isRunning()) { mSmoothScroller.stop(); } mSmoothScroller = smoothScroller; mSmoothScroller.start(mRecyclerView, this); } 複製代碼
void start(RecyclerView recyclerView, LayoutManager layoutManager) { mRecyclerView = recyclerView; mLayoutManager = layoutManager; if (mTargetPosition == RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid target position"); } mRecyclerView.mState.mTargetPosition = mTargetPosition; mRunning = true;//設置當前scroller已經開始執行 mPendingInitialRun = true; mTargetView = findViewByPosition(getTargetPosition());//根據目標位置查找相應View, onStart(); mRecyclerView.mViewFlinger.postOnAnimation(); } 複製代碼
在start方法中,會標識當前scroller的執行狀態,同時會根據滾動的位置去尋找對應的目標視圖。這裏須要着重提示一下,findViewByPosition()這個方法,該方法會在Recycler的可見範圍內去查詢是否有目標位置對應的視圖,例如,如今RecyclerView的可見範圍爲1-9,目標位置爲10,那麼mTargetView =null,若是可見範圍爲9-20,目標位置爲1,那麼mTargetView =null。
最終調用RecyclerView的內部類 ViewFlinger的postOnAnimation()方法。
class ViewFlinger implements Runnable { ....省略部分代碼 void postOnAnimation() { if (mEatRunOnAnimationRequest) { mReSchedulePostAnimationCallback = true; } else { removeCallbacks(this); ViewCompat.postOnAnimation(RecyclerView.this, this); } } } 複製代碼
@Override public void run() { ...省略部分代碼 final OverScroller scroller = mScroller; //得到layoutManger中的SmoothScroller final SmoothScroller smoothScroller = mLayout.mSmoothScroller; if (scroller.computeScrollOffset()) {//若是是第一次走,會返回false ...省略部分代碼 } if (smoothScroller != null) { if (smoothScroller.isPendingInitialRun()) { smoothScroller.onAnimation(0, 0); } if (!mReSchedulePostAnimationCallback) { smoothScroller.stop(); //stop if it does not trigger any scroll } } ...省略部分代碼 } 複製代碼
ViewFlinger的run()方法內部實現比較複雜, 在該方法第一次執行的時候,會執行,if (scroller.computeScrollOffset()) ,其中scroller是ViewFlinger中的屬性mScroller的引用,其中mScroller會在ViewFlinger建立對象的時候,就默認初始化了。那麼第一次判斷時候,由於尚未開始計算,因此不會進這個if語句塊,那麼接下來就會直接走下面的語句:
if (smoothScroller != null) { if (smoothScroller.isPendingInitialRun()) { smoothScroller.onAnimation(0, 0); } if (!mReSchedulePostAnimationCallback) { smoothScroller.stop(); //stop if it does not trigger any scroll } } 複製代碼
private void onAnimation(int dx, int dy) { final RecyclerView recyclerView = mRecyclerView; if (!mRunning || mTargetPosition == RecyclerView.NO_POSITION || recyclerView == null) { stop(); } mPendingInitialRun = false; if (mTargetView != null) {//判斷目標視圖是否存在,若是存在則計算移動到位置須要移動的距離 if (getChildPosition(mTargetView) == mTargetPosition) { onTargetFound(mTargetView, recyclerView.mState, mRecyclingAction); mRecyclingAction.runIfNecessary(recyclerView); stop(); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Passed over target position while smooth scrolling."); mTargetView = null; } } if (mRunning) {//若是不存在,繼續去找 onSeekTargetStep(dx, dy, recyclerView.mState, mRecyclingAction); boolean hadJumpTarget = mRecyclingAction.hasJumpTarget(); mRecyclingAction.runIfNecessary(recyclerView); if (hadJumpTarget) { // It is not stopped so needs to be restarted if (mRunning) { mPendingInitialRun = true; recyclerView.mViewFlinger.postOnAnimation(); } else { stop(); // done } } } } 複製代碼
在onAnimation方法中,判斷了目標視圖是否爲空,你們應該還記得上文中,咱們對目標視圖的查找。若是當前位置不在可見範圍以內,那麼mTargetView =null,就不回走對應的判斷語句。繼續查看onSeekTargetStep()。
protected void onSeekTargetStep(int dx, int dy, RecyclerView.State state, Action action) { if (getChildCount() == 0) { stop(); return; } //noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression if (DEBUG && mTargetVector != null && ((mTargetVector.x * dx < 0 || mTargetVector.y * dy < 0))) { throw new IllegalStateException("Scroll happened in the opposite direction" + " of the target. Some calculations are wrong"); } mInterimTargetDx = clampApplyScroll(mInterimTargetDx, dx); mInterimTargetDy = clampApplyScroll(mInterimTargetDy, dy); if (mInterimTargetDx == 0 && mInterimTargetDy == 0) { updateActionForInterimTarget(action); } // everything is valid, keep going } 複製代碼
直接經過代碼,發現並不理解改函數要作什麼樣的工做,這裏咱們只知道第一次發生滾動時,mInterimTargetDx=0與mInterimTargetDy =0,那麼會走updateActionForInterimTarget()方法。
protected void updateActionForInterimTarget(Action action) {
// find an interim target position
PointF scrollVector = computeScrollVectorForPosition(getTargetPosition());
mTargetVector = scrollVector;
mInterimTargetDx = (int) (TARGET_SEEK_SCROLL_DISTANCE_PX * scrollVector.x);
mInterimTargetDy = (int) (TARGET_SEEK_SCROLL_DISTANCE_PX * scrollVector.y);
//計算須要滾動的時間, 默認滾動距離,TARGET_SEEK_SCROLL_DISTANCE_PX = 10000;
final int time = calculateTimeForScrolling(TARGET_SEEK_SCROLL_DISTANCE_PX);
action.update((int) (mInterimTargetDx * TARGET_SEEK_EXTRA_SCROLL_RATIO),
(int) (mInterimTargetDy * TARGET_SEEK_EXTRA_SCROLL_RATIO),
(int) (time * TARGET_SEEK_EXTRA_SCROLL_RATIO), mLinearInterpolator);
protected int calculateTimeForScrolling(int dx) { //這裏對時間進行了四捨五入操做。 return (int) Math.ceil(Math.abs(dx) * MILLISECONDS_PER_PX); } 複製代碼
其中MILLISECONDS_PER_PX 會在LinearSmoothScroller初始化的時候建立。
public LinearSmoothScroller(Context context) {
MILLISECONDS_PER_PX = calculateSpeedPerPixel(context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics());
private static final float MILLISECONDS_PER_INCH = 25f;// 默認爲移動一英寸須要花費25ms protected float calculateSpeedPerPixel(DisplayMetrics displayMetrics) { return MILLISECONDS_PER_INCH / displayMetrics.densityDpi; } 複製代碼
也就是說,當前滾動的速度是與屏幕的像素密度相關, 經過獲取當前手機屏幕每英寸的像素密度,與每英寸移動所須要花費的時間,用每英寸移動所須要花費的時間除以像素密度就能計算出移動一個像素密度須要花費的時間。OK,既然咱們已經算出了移動一個像素密度須要花費的時間,那麼直接乘以像素,就能算出移動該像素所須要花費的時間了。
//保存關於SmoothScroller滑動距離信息 public static class Action { ...省略代碼 public void update(int dx, int dy, int duration, Interpolator interpolator) { mDx = dx; mDy = dy; mDuration = duration; mInterpolator = interpolator; mChanged = true; } } 複製代碼
void runIfNecessary(RecyclerView recyclerView) { ....省略代碼 if (mChanged) { validate(); if (mInterpolator == null) { if (mDuration == UNDEFINED_DURATION) { recyclerView.mViewFlinger.smoothScrollBy(mDx, mDy); } else { //這裏傳入的mDx,mDy,mDuration.是Action以前update()方法。保存的信息 recyclerView.mViewFlinger.smoothScrollBy(mDx, mDy, mDuration); } } else { recyclerView.mViewFlinger.smoothScrollBy( mDx, mDy, mDuration, mInterpolator); } mChanged = false; ....省略代碼 } 複製代碼
public void smoothScrollBy(int dx, int dy, int duration, Interpolator interpolator) { //判斷是不是同一插值器,若是不是,從新建立mScroller if (mInterpolator != interpolator) { mInterpolator = interpolator; mScroller = new OverScroller(getContext(), interpolator); } setScrollState(SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING); mLastFlingX = mLastFlingY = 0; mScroller.startScroll(0, 0, dx, dy, duration); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 23) { mScroller.computeScrollOffset(); } postOnAnimation(); } 複製代碼
public void run() { ...省略部分代碼 if (scroller.computeScrollOffset()) { final int[] scrollConsumed = mScrollConsumed; final int x = scroller.getCurrX(); final int y = scroller.getCurrY(); int dx = x - mLastFlingX; int dy = y - mLastFlingY; int hresult = 0; int vresult = 0; mLastFlingX = x; mLastFlingY = y; int overscrollX = 0, overscrollY = 0; ...省略部分代碼 if (mAdapter != null) { startInterceptRequestLayout(); onEnterLayoutOrScroll(); TraceCompat.beginSection(TRACE_SCROLL_TAG); fillRemainingScrollValues(mState); if (dx != 0) {//若是橫向方向大於0,開始讓RecyclerView滾動 hresult = mLayout.scrollHorizontallyBy(dx, mRecycler, mState); overscrollX = dx - hresult; } if (dy != 0) {//若是豎直方向大於0,開始讓RecyclerView滾動,得到當前滾動的距離 vresult = mLayout.scrollVerticallyBy(dy, mRecycler, mState); overscrollY = dy - vresult; } TraceCompat.endSection(); repositionShadowingViews(); onExitLayoutOrScroll(); stopInterceptRequestLayout(false); if (smoothScroller != null && !smoothScroller.isPendingInitialRun() && smoothScroller.isRunning()) { final int adapterSize = mState.getItemCount(); if (adapterSize == 0) { smoothScroller.stop(); } else if (smoothScroller.getTargetPosition() >= adapterSize) { smoothScroller.setTargetPosition(adapterSize - 1); //傳入當前RecylerView滾動的距離 dx dy smoothScroller.onAnimation(dx - overscrollX, dy - overscrollY); } else { //傳入當前RecylerView滾動的距離 dx dy smoothScroller.onAnimation(dx - overscrollX, dy - overscrollY); } } } enableRunOnAnimationRequests(); } 複製代碼
這裏scroller(拿到以前Action傳入的滑動距離信息)已經開始滑動了,故 if (scroller.computeScrollOffset()) 條件爲true, 那麼scroller拿到當前豎直方向的值就開始讓RecyclerView滾動了,也就是代碼 mLayout.scrollVerticallyBy(dy, mRecycler, mState);接着又讓smoothScroller執行onAnimation()方法。其中傳入的參數是RecyclerView已經滾動的距離。那咱們如今繼續看onAnimation方法。
private void onAnimation(int dx, int dy) { final RecyclerView recyclerView = mRecyclerView; if (!mRunning || mTargetPosition == RecyclerView.NO_POSITION || recyclerView == null) { stop(); } mPendingInitialRun = false; if (mTargetView != null) { // verify target position if (getChildPosition(mTargetView) == mTargetPosition) { onTargetFound(mTargetView, recyclerView.mState, mRecyclingAction); mRecyclingAction.runIfNecessary(recyclerView); stop(); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Passed over target position while smooth scrolling."); mTargetView = null; } } if (mRunning) {//得到當前Recycler須要滾動的距離 onSeekTargetStep(dx, dy, recyclerView.mState, mRecyclingAction); boolean hadJumpTarget = mRecyclingAction.hasJumpTarget(); mRecyclingAction.runIfNecessary(recyclerView); if (hadJumpTarget) { // It is not stopped so needs to be restarted if (mRunning) { mPendingInitialRun = true; recyclerView.mViewFlinger.postOnAnimation(); } else { stop(); // done } } } } 複製代碼
那麼如今代碼就明瞭了,RecylerView會判斷在滾動的時候,目標視圖是否已經出現,若是沒有出現,會調用onSeekTargetStep保存當前RecylerView滾動距離,而後判斷RecyclerView是否須要滑動,而後又經過postOnAnimation()將ViewFlinger 發送出去了。那麼直到找到目標視圖纔會中止。
protected void onTargetFound(View targetView, RecyclerView.State state, Action action) { //計算讓目標視圖可見的,須要滾動的橫向距離 final int dx = calculateDxToMakeVisible(targetView, getHorizontalSnapPreference()); //計算讓目標視圖可見的,須要滾動的橫向距離 final int dy = calculateDyToMakeVisible(targetView, getVerticalSnapPreference()); final int distance = (int) Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); final int time = calculateTimeForDeceleration(distance); if (time > 0) { //更新須要滾動的距離。 action.update(-dx, -dy, time, mDecelerateInterpolator); } } 複製代碼
public int calculateDyToMakeVisible(View view, int snapPreference) { final RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager = getLayoutManager(); if (layoutManager == null || !layoutManager.canScrollVertically()) { return 0; } final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams(); //獲取當前view在其父佈局的開始位置 final int top = layoutManager.getDecoratedTop(view) - params.topMargin; //獲取當前View在其父佈局結束位置 final int bottom = layoutManager.getDecoratedBottom(view) + params.bottomMargin; //獲取當前佈局的開始位置 final int start = layoutManager.getPaddingTop(); //獲取當前佈局的結束位置 final int end = layoutManager.getHeight() - layoutManager.getPaddingBottom(); return calculateDtToFit(top, bottom, start, end, snapPreference); } 複製代碼
public int calculateDtToFit(int viewStart, int viewEnd, int boxStart, int boxEnd, int snapPreference) { switch (snapPreference) { case SNAP_TO_START: return boxStart - viewStart; case SNAP_TO_END: return boxEnd - viewEnd; case SNAP_TO_ANY: final int dtStart = boxStart - viewStart; if (dtStart > 0) {//滾動位置在可見範圍以前 return dtStart; } final int dtEnd = boxEnd - viewEnd; if (dtEnd < 0) {//滾動位置在可見範圍以後 return dtEnd; } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("snap preference should be one of the" + " constants defined in SmoothScroller, starting with SNAP_"); } return 0;//在可見範圍以內,直接返回 } 複製代碼
protected int getVerticalSnapPreference() { return mTargetVector == null || mTargetVector.y == 0 ? SNAP_TO_ANY : mTargetVector.y > 0 ? SNAP_TO_END : SNAP_TO_START; } 複製代碼
@Override public PointF computeScrollVectorForPosition(int targetPosition) { if (getChildCount() == 0) { return null; } final int firstChildPos = getPosition(getChildAt(0)); final int direction = targetPosition < firstChildPos != mShouldReverseLayout ? -1 : 1; if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { return new PointF(direction, 0); } else { return new PointF(0, direction); } } 複製代碼